Don Price 470's page

Organized Play Member. 63 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Grand Lodge

I've always been a bit bothered by 5ft steps in the middle of melee.

Casters stepping back to cast a spell, archers doing the same; sure makes total sense.

My issue comes in when melee characters make a 5' step from directly in front of an enemy to directly to the NPC's left/right side. I know it's so the players can get into flanking faster, but it seems strange to me.

Am I reading the rules correctly and this is legal, with no repercussions to the person taking the step?

Grand Lodge 2/5

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I've had some of the most odd actions come from players recently, I warn the players that what they are proposing isn't a "good" action and get looks of confusion from across the table.

Now we all know the player doesn't have an alignment, or a clearly defined moral code for that matter, but trying to kill a subdued, unarmed, bound person is not "good"; no matter how you spin it.
Characters have an alignment listed on the sheet, and I'm even willing to give some leeway in situations. (The CG dwarf who wants to kill the tied up goblins. OK, chaotic nature and dwarven racism toward goblins.. sure kill em, but you'll feel bad later.)

Asking a beaten, shackled, mistreated person "What will you give me for freeing you?", is not a "neutral" thing to do. (How someone defines neutral is a discussion in and of itself)

Playing an evil character in Society isn't allowed, but having an occasional character who walks the line is fun. An entire table of self-centered, thieving, blackmailing, murdering thugs week after week gets ridiculous.

I have a character who follows the law and this has gotten me called a paladin multiple times, and that makes me laugh (but I would rather cry). Every character around my tables seem to be lightly medicated psychopaths desperately in need of some therapy and a nice fluffy teddy bear.

Grand Lodge

Or, how to make the game run smoothly.

1. If you're new to the system, don't make the most complicated monk/magus/oracle winter witch you possibly can.
1a. Don't make complicated characters for first time players. Heck, just don't make characters for other pepeople.

2. If you're rolling dice know where to look on your character to find your bonus (attack, skills, damage, etc)
2a. If everyone has to stop and watch you shake your're doing things wrong.

3. Don't play someone else's character. Ever!

4. Talking among players is great. The GM is not here to pass messages from you to the rogue on your left; talk to them.

Do your part to help make things smooth and fun, cause no scenario goes as planned. GMs have all the players, NPCs, and story to take care of.


Grand Lodge 2/5

Will the Reign of Winter AP be a selectable option for Society Events?

I have a session starting this weekend, and like a crazy person I like to have my paperwork done in advance.

Thank you for your time and effort.