Domingos Santin's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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Hello All,

I'm trying to build an Wizard conjurer (summon-focused)for Carrion Crown, but I've been away from the system for far too long, so:

1st) What's the point with Spell Focus (Conjuration) in this case?

2nd) Sacred Summons requires "Aura" feature. Where's that?

3rd) Kind having problems with feats. So far: Augument Summoning; Combat Casting; Defensive Combat Training; Spell Penetration... back in the days of 3.5 I had problems fitting all the options into those few feat slots... what else is of use?

4th) So far Enchantment and Necromancy are my prohibited schools. Any thoughts?

5th)Any other advice?
