About Doctor MeiosaThis marble-skinned woman’s features are concealed behind a heavy cloak, wide-brimmed hat, goggles, and scarf. Surgical scars trace around her eyes and disappear below her clothing. Character Sheet:
Doctor Meiosa Female Beastmorph Alchemist 10 CN Medium Humanoid (Human) Init +2; Perception +19 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 25, touch 14, flat-footed 23 (+7 armor, +4 shield, +2 Dex, +2 deflection) hp 83 (10d8+3) Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +10 Immune: cold, nonlethal -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee masterwork cold iron longspear +14/+9 (1d8+9/x3) or tentacle +8 (1d4+3 plus grab) Ranged Bomb +9 (5d6+3 fire, DC 18) Alchemist extracts prepared(CL 10th; concentration +13) 4th - Freedom of Movement 3rd - Countless Eyes, Heroism, (unprepared slot) 2nd - Alchemical Allocation, Alchemical Allocation, Barkskin, See Invisibility, (unprepared slot) 1st - Enlarge Person, Enlarge Person, Heightened Awareness, Polypurpose Panacea, (unprepared slot) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 23, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 7 Base Atk +7; CMB +13 (+17 grapple); CMD 27 Feats (b)Extra Bombs, Extra Discsovery (x4), Iron Will, Power Attack, (b)Throw Anything. Traits Indomitable Will, Scholar of Ruins (Knowledge Dungeoneering) Skills Craft (Alchemy) +12 (+22 when crafting alchemical items), Disguise +8, Fly +9, Heal +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +16, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +17, Knowledge (Nature) +16, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Linguistics +5, Perception +19, Profession (Midwife) +5, Spellcraft +16, Survival +5 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Gnoll, Protean, Undercommon Combat Gear masterwork cold iron longspear, +3 Chain Shirt, +3 Buckler, +2 Ring of Protection, +3 Cloak of Resistance, Wand of Shield (46 charges), Wand of Cure Light Wounds (25 charges), Fleshwarped Scorpion Tail (currently attached), Potion of Greater Magic Fang, Belt of Giant's Strength +4, +2 Buckler Other Gear Handy Haversack, Skeleton Key, Healer's Kit, Eyes of the Eagle, Wand of Shield (46 charges), Wand if Identify (39 charges), Wand of Endure Elements (20 charges, 000 GP, 000 SP, 000 CP -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Alchemy: +10 to Craft (Alchemy) checks to craft alchemical items. Bombs 15/day, 5d6+3 fire damage, DC 18. Discoveries Meiosa has a multitude of discoveries that functionality to her body. These will be detailed in their own tab. Greater Beastmorph Mutagen Unlike most alchemists, Meiosa’s mutagen grants her additional abilities and mutations. She gains three abilities listed in the beast shape II spell. She may choose new abilities each time she brews her mutagen. Mutagen A personal blend of chemicals, stimulants, and waters of lamashtu, Meiosa’s mutagen grants her a +4 alchemical bonus to one physical ability score, a +2 to a corresponding mental ability score, and a +2 natural armor bonus. Meiosa’s typical prepared mutagen gives a bonus to strength and a penalty to intelligence, a 60 ft. fly speed with good maneuverability, darkvision 60 ft., and the pounce ability. Discoveries:
Tentacle: Originally believed to be a mundane (if painful) deformity, exploratory surgery revealed an extra limb beneath a layer of skin. Feral Mutagen: Some of Meiosa’s earliest work involved grafts of animal parts, activated with a special catalyst mixed in with her mutagen. Wings: Constructed after recycling a failed experiment, these wings are proof that even failure can become fuel for success. Extra Arms: These are a result of an attempt at growing a clone of herself using her own form as an incubator. The process hit a dead end, but was ultimately fruitful. Preserve Organs (25%): Studies in integrating foreign tissue also taught Meiosa to look at human anatomy from a new perspective: as a result, she’s discovered how to reroute her vital organs in a more efficient and defensible configuration. Infusion: Significant breakthroughs in her research have allowed Meiosa to develop short-lived symbiotic creatures that bond with hosts and mimic the functions of bestial transplants that would normally require extensive training and multiple surgeries to implement. Spontaneous Healing: Meiosa was fortunate enough to collect samples of troll flesh. While unable to recreate their near-immortality, she did develop a subdermal implant to give her a limited use of their natural healing. Healing Touch: Continued studies with troll flesh still haven’t yielded the secret to full regeneration, but Meiosa has found a way to double the efficiency of her current model. As an interesting side effect, she has gained the ability to secrete a concentrated dose of a restorative gel that can heal others. Parasitic Twin: Further attempts at cloning from within her own body have shown more progress than the doctor originally assumed. A creature seems to have grown within her along with the second set of arms. While still completely dependant upon Meoisa for survival, it has shown some interest in quietly ‘looking over her shoulder’ while she performs her experiments. Mummification: After achieving a mastery of grafting, Meiosa sought to find new ways to modify her own body. Extreme measures have allowed her to replace many of her vital fluids with a sort of alchemical false blood, rendering her immune to disruptive conditions such as sudden drops in temperature, muscle paralysis, and artificially induced sleep. The long term side effects have yet to be fully explored. Condition/Resource Tracker:
Alchemist extracts prepared
Mutagen: 1/1
Bombs: 13/15 per day Discoveries
Character Sheet (Longterm Buffs Active):
Active buffs: Mutagen, Heroism, Barkskin, See Invisibility, Greater Magic Fang via Alchemical Allocation, Freedom of Movement, Power Attack, Heightened Awareness, Countless Eyes.
Doctor Meiosa