
Alorath's page

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I have a 7th level Theologian of Sarenrae with the Fire Domain. I have chosen Fireball as the spell for my Domain Secret ability but when adding it I only have the option of 1 meta magic feat to enhance the Spell with.

The description in the d20PFSRD says

"the theologian chooses one domain spell. That spell becomes permanently modified with one of the following metamagic feats: Bouncing Spell, Disruptive Spell, Ectoplasmic Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Focused Spell, Intensified Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell."

So my question is why am I only allowed to use "intensified" meta magic feat on Fireball?

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I'm definitely stoked about this edition! After playing through numerous editions of the other fantasy RPG, over 28 years, I have not problem with PFRPG coming out with an "Update".
Go Paizo Go!