Stell Zee-Linn wrote:
"When someone's body is taken for organ harvesting, do you keep a record of that transaction? Seems like people might not want it known who ended up with their kidneys. What kind of expenses does such an arrangement incur for you? What kind of reward to people generally get for donating their bodies in this way."
"Oh, sure," the pale man says. "It's all quite legit. But we don't have a record of who the... recipient would be. A service collects the body, and gives us a receipt. They use everything they can, so there's no need for the bereaved ones to worry about disposing of any remains. We still sometimes arrange for a monument of some kind, though we don't actually make those here."
"As to expenses, there's hardly any for us at all. If we're not required to do an autopsy, once we've verified the identity of the deceased the service just picks them up. Just some paperwork on our part. We would only embalm someone if they weren't donating their body, because the embalming process ruins the body for any medical purposes. If someone wants to have an open casket ceremony then that would cost significantly more, though how much would depend on the condition of the body. We can also arrange solar burials - that one is very popular for people who don't want to donate their remains."
He shrugs.
"As to rewards, someone your age with decades of life ahead of you would typically get a 100 credit honorarium for signing such a card. You need to have a fixed address somewhere though; if you were an asteroid miner or something they might never find you to collect your body. They don't get a body for every agreement, but they do like to keep the average up. If you were in good physical condition but also very close to death, the reward would be much higher."
"If you think someone wanted to have their body donated, but forgot to make such an agreement, if you are family or the executor of their estate you have the right to make such an agreement on their behalf."
He smiles again.
"Somehow, though I don't think you are really here to discuss donating your organs."