Bellona wrote:
DmVamps wrote:
Hi i was wondering what adventure path/book a certain rhyme was in, the players hear people singing it about a i think a haunted tower? sorry i can't remember much more info than that any help would be appreciated.
It have might have been the rhyme about the Scarecrow (a golem) which is an adversary in "The Skinsaw Murders" in Book II of Rise of the Runelords. The rhyme itself is not actually in the AP, but it can be found in the appropriate section of the Magnimar sourcebook (CS series).
Mumble Mumble Scarecrow,
Alone in the maize.
Sleeping in the daytime,
A stitched man he stays.
But when the moon she rises,
Up Mumble gets.
He shakes his hands at first
And moves his feet the next.
And when the dog is snoring,
And when you’re fast asleep,
Mumble Mumble Scarecrow
Will find you good to eat.
(Weirdly, while the rhyme is about the Magnimar menace, it's also appropriate for an earlier section of "The Skinsaw Murders".)
i believe thats the one thank you very much, i seem to have misplaced my RoTRL book thats why i could not find it.
Much appreciated