Mute (Ex): The mutant is incurably mute. It can not speak, and thus can not cast spells with verbal component, unless it has Silent Spell.
Poor Ability (Ex)
The mutant takes a –4 penalty to one ability score in addition to the normal ability score penalties applied by the template.
This effects Dixulri's Str.
Mental Armor (Su)
The mutant generates a protective field (as mage armor) while conscious. If its mental armor is removed, the mutant can restore it as a swift action.
Sealed Mind (Ex)
The mutant is immune to mind-affecting effects.
Spell-Like Ability (Sp): At Will-Levitate, Telekinesis
Telepathy (Su, Sp)
The mutant has telepathy with a range of 100 feet as a supernatural ability and detect thoughts as a spell-like ability, usable at will.