Darius Finch

DivineAspect's page

Organized Play Member. 229 posts. 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Scarab Sages

So just a few options that jumped to mind, please feel free to chime in with your own, to add some of the flexibility which other base classes have to the Cavalier.

Oh, and yes I think the Orders are pretty good for that, but most other base classes have multipule options.

Tactical or Morale Choice: You choose your Int or Chr bonus to use for your various bonuses. This also makes the class potentially more disimilar to the paladin.

Charge as a Combat Style: This increases lateral compatability with the ranger, and expansions for that class. If you add another option such as 'standing ground' fighting style, with new feat and feat equivalencies, you have also made a move to increase flexibility.

Scarab Sages

A Divine Spellcaster based on the idea of learning to perform divine magic though studying, imitating, and Invoking aspects of the Emissaries, Heralds, and Avatars of the deities, as well as dead or lost gods, as individuals.

It emerged from the thought that a Monk was a Half Ki user powered to let it get full BAB through flurry. I wrote it a while ago, and figured I'd post it up for the thoughts of others.

Please take a look at The Disciple.

Any feedback before I post it to the Pathfinder Database would be appreciated.

Scarab Sages

I'm not a huge fan of the 15 minute adventuring day, but I understand that resource management is a huge part of the game. So to try and compensate for it I instituted this recharge rule. Which I use to explain why the badguys are similarly recharged, and in the case of those with class levels, willing to back off and try again later. I'd appreciate any and all feedback.

Resting and Recovery: The Resting Action takes 15 minutes.
During the Resting Action you gain the following options.
• When resting you recover 1 use of ALL abilities which are available at least three times a day. This doesn't include spells. But does include rage, bardic performance, channel energy, bloodlines, school benefits, etc. Abilities which are possessed at least 10 times a day have an additional use recovered durring rest for every 10 times a day it would be available.
• You also recover HP equal to a roll of your largest hit die, or two of them at level 10+. Alternately if you receive a heal check during the rest period, you are raised to a minimum of ½ of the check, and then regain 1 HP per HD.
• Spells can be recovered with a Spellcraft or appropriate knowledge roll for the spellcasting class. Full spellcasters (Those who receive spells at 1st level) have a DC of 5 on this roll. Every 5 beyond that increases the maximum level of spell recovered by one. Partial spellcasters (everyone else) have a DC of 10 on this roll, to recover a 1st level spell. Every 10 beyond that increases the maximum level of spell recovered by one.

Scarab Sages

I'm running a Variant of RotRLs, because my GM ran the first two before submitting to his ADD, and I really liked the idea. I had previously run a few adventures in Darkmoon Vale, and the PCs had formed and adventurer's guild which was succeessful enough to attract lots of low level adventurers, and to send out teams to establish branch offices.

So the assumption (as the title states) is that the PCs failed in Sandpoint and were all murdered by goblins, the town burned down, and the Sihedron killings never stopped in Magnimar, and have moved out of the shadow and are stalking the city as a whole.

I've advanced the progress of the first two stages, and at present the party is struggling to unmask the cult (the head guy has had extra time to create patsies and cover his tracks).

Given that, what else should happen if the various villans are given just a little more time to enact their plans?

Scarab Sages

Apologies if this is a double post, waited 30 mins, but the forum appears to have eaten it.

I'm a believer in channel energy, it's a really interesting class feature, and a good compression. However the problem is that one action does too much. Both healing and potentially controlling or scattering undead are worthwhile, but please let them require different actions.

I'm not suggesting that we go so far as to split it off into a feat, but rather that they be distinct uses of the same pool of uses. Healing/Harming or Repelling/Controlling. I feel that both sets of uses are viable and should be available to a starting cleric, but just not at the same time. If there is going to be a feat, please let it instead allow both to be used at the same time.

Scarab Sages

I'm a believer in channel energy, it's a really interesting class feature, and a good compression. However the problem is that one action does too much. Both healing and potentially controlling or scattering undead are worthwhile, but please let them require different actions.

I'm not suggesting that we go so far as to split it off into a feat, but rather that they be distinct uses of the same pool of uses. Healing/Harming or Repelling/Controlling. I feel that both sets of uses are viable and should be available to a starting cleric, but just not at the same time. If there is going to be a feat, please let it instead allow both to be used at the same time.

Scarab Sages

I'd like to see a Stealth Skill roll dictate Concealment's miss chance. Even something as simple as 20% + Stealth Roll as % would be a nice way of scaling concealment miss chance with skill. Heck have Perception bypass it and you've got a flexible system.

So what obvious, or subtle, thing am I missing?

Scarab Sages

This was triggered by one of the various Shuirken Threads. Can all Ammunition including darts and javelins, please be enchanted as ammunition?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please add a line to the Sling stating that you can use a sling to deliver Alchemists Fire or other equivalent items, such as oil, holy water, tanglefoot bags, etc.

Scarab Sages

My idea is creating racial weapon templates, to allow most any weapon to be modified to fit in with the race's style/vibe. This means that you get an infinite amount of weapons with only a few additional lines of text. If in a given setting your elves are desert dwellers stick it on a scimitar, a falchion, and a katar and call it a day. This could smooth out a lot of world-building, provide a lot of options, help encourage consistency.

These should be considered exotic weapons for anyone who doesn't have the appropriate race, and martial weapons for them.

Dwarven: Resists Sundering, +1 for Size for Damage
Elven: Can be Finessed, +1 Crit Range
Halfling: Can be Concealed or Masked with +5 to Slight of Hand
Orc: +2 Damage, +1 Crit Multiplier

Problems? Other Racial Weapon Ideas? Other Solutions?

Scarab Sages

So Monk weapons are co-opted farm tools. The only thing different between them and the simple weapons is the funny names? Oh, and they get their own long entries and information. Please recombine them with the normal equivalents, and make any special abilities they have in the hands of a monk something which is a monk class feature.

Are there reasons not to do this?

Scarab Sages

Right now Diverse Training reads like this....


Diverse Training: An eldritch knight adds his level to any levels of fighter he might have for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites for feats. He also adds his level to any levels in an arcane spellcasting class for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites for feats.

I'd like it if it should also stack with Ranger levels for purposes of Ranger combat styles, Rogue for taking Rogue Talents as Feats, Barbarian for taking Rage Powers as feats, etc.

You could probably also stick a rider on it so that it only applies to one of them. Just as you only get a single arcane spellcasting class.

This was a Thought triggered by Majuba's suggested Prerequisite changes and how many new combinations that would allow.

Scarab Sages

Arcane Accuracy
Benefit: Arcane Strike's Magic Bonus applies to Hit.

Arcane Enhancement
Benefit: You can expend the Bonuses from Arcane Strike to purchase Magic weapon bonuses which cost a +x benefit.

Benefit: You can use Arcane Strike to deliver a touch attack.

Fast Strike
Benefit: You can use an Immediate Action to Activate Arcane Strike.

Improved Arcane Strike
Benefit: Double the Magic bonus, it still caps at +5 but you can get it sooner, and spend the points past it on arcane enhancement.

Scarab Sages

I hate Magic item creation rules as they presently stand. So when I got roped into GMing Pathfinder (the only D&D Version I'll play, because you don't suck at level 1) I set about to test that.

I'm a huge fan of Master craftsman, mostly because it blends into something I'd been playing with for a while. Combining Skill Focus with Item Creation Feats so that they are valuable in and of themselves. I cut out the bit from my house rules where I duplicate Normal functioning and Skill Focus text for them.

Scribe Scroll (Item Creation)
You can create magic scrolls, and generally handle Mystical Writing.
Prerequisite: The Ability to Cast Spells
Benefits: Normal + Skill Focus: Linguistics
If you have Read Magic as an availible Spell you can do so at will as an Extraordinary Ability.
This is required to create Wondrous Items which are Tomes or Manuals.

Brew Potion (Item Creation)
You can create magic potions, and generally handle Alchemical Creation.
Prerequisite: The Ability to Cast Spells
Benefit: Normal + Skill Focus: Alchemy
If you have Detect Magic as an availible Spell you can do so to potions or other fluid magical items at will as an Extraordinary Ability.
This is required to create Wondrous Items which are Oils, Elixirs or Fluids.

Craft Staff and Wand (Item Creation)
You can create magic staves and wands.
Prerequisite: The Ability to Cast Spells
Benefit: Normal Craft Wand & Staff
You can also detect the number of charges remaining in a Staff or Wand with a touch as an Extraordinary Ability.
I combined these because players primarily use wands at low levels and primarily make staves at high levels, it just seemed simple enough. I just couldn't also think of am appropriate skill to boost.

Craft Wondrous Items (Item Creation)
You can create wondrous items, a type of magic item.
Prerequisite: The Ability to Cast Spells
Benefit: Normal +
Special: Wonderous Items which are Elixirs or Fluids also require Brew Potion. Wonderous Items which are Tomes or Manuals, or any other form of writing, also require Scribe Scroll. Wonderous Items which are Amulets or Gemstones, also require Forge Magic Rings and Gems.
wonderous items just seemed to be the most common and interesting type of items, and it seemed a bit silly that someone who couldn't scribe scroll could make tomes. I feel that requisites to some wonderous items round out the usefullness of some other feats.

Craft Magic Arms and Armor (Item Creation)
You can create magic armor, shields, and weapons.
Prerequisite: 1 Item Creation Feat
Benefit: Normal + Skill Focus: Crafts Armory (If you have Materials based Craft Skills this bonus applies when making armor and weapons)
If you have Detect Magic as an availible Spell you can do so to magical arms and armors at will as an Extraordinary Ability.

Craft Rod (Item Creation)
You can create magic rods capable of bestowing Metamagic feats, or create other items which bestow other feats.
Prerequisite: 2 Item Creation Feats
Benefit: Normal +
If you have Detect Magic as an availible Spell you can do so to magic rods at will as an Extraordinary Ability.
Special: This is required to add bonus feats to magical weapons or other equipment, each Granted Combat feat costs a +1 Bonus on a weapon, and 1/2 bonus for each additional feat in the chain. Additional Feats in the chain may only be used if the wielder has the normally granted feat.
Rods always seemed an odd one out for a magic item, so I figured that metamagic rods made an interesting starting point if you extended the logic to other feats

Forge Magic Rings and Gems (Item Creation)
You can create magic rings.
Prerequisite: 2 Item Creation Feats
Benefit: Normal + All Magic Jewelery + Skill Focus: Appraise
If you have Detect Magic as an availible Spell you can do so to magical Rings and Gems at will as an Extraordinary Ability.

Scarab Sages

I'd like to start this out with a thought that I've always thought that divination spells either underpowered at low levels or plotbreaking at high levels.

The book stuff is in normal next, comments in italics, and some alternate suggestions are in bold. I'd really like to see other ideas or viewpoints on this, esp if I'm (at least possibly) wrong.

Specialist Bonus: You can always act in the surprise round, but
you are still considered flat-footed until you take an action.

Personal Area Divination (Su): You can automatically scry upon yourself and your belongings gaining awareness of the contents of all books, texts, and scrolls within 5 feet, +5 feet for each 5 levels. Furthermore you can Read them, allowing you to cast scrolls from your bag or spellbook, or even from a close enough enemy.

1st Diviner’s Fortune (Su): You can touch a creature as a standard action, giving it an enhancement bonus to a single attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw equal to your caster level. This bonus lasts 3 rounds or until used. Once a creature has benefitted from diviner’s fortune, it can gain no further benefit from this ability for 1 day.

This is actually worse then the Guidance Orison, which I used as the basis for the following.
Diviner's Guidance (Su) This spell imbues the subject, which the Diviner can communicate with, with a touch of divined guidance. The creature gets a +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. It must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies. As a diviner increases in level the bonus increases by +1 every three levels (to a maximum of +5 at level 15).

8th Scrying Adept (Su): You are always aware when you are being observed via magic, as if you had a permanent detect scrying. In addition, whenever you scry on a subject, treat the subject as one step more familiar to you. Very familiar subjects get a –10 penalty on
their save to avoid your scrying attempts.

I got nothing

20th Near Omniscience (Su): You are never surprised and cannot be caught flat-footed. You can cast scrying at will and subjects get a –10 penalty on their save, regardless of how familiar they are to you. You can even use this ability to scry on areas protected from
scrying, although the subjects get a +5 bonus on their save to resist.

Scarab Sages

I'm a huge fan of optional rules, and class variations to extend the range of what a class does well, so that more character concepts don't need a custom class of their very own.

I personally would like to see each class get it's own sidebar of options, I just have the most to say on wizards and sorcerers.

Non-Vancian Wizardry: Instead cast spells from a book or scroll automatically expending a spell for that day of that level or higher, you can still memorize it, but you don't have to. Scribe Scroll, also allows you to inscribe spells on other items, such as a staff, so you don't have to access those spells out of a book.

True Prohibition: Instead of normal Prohibited school penalties, you cannot cast them at all. However you gain the ability to take an additional full round action to replenish a speciality school spell casting for the day.

I'm sure that people have variations that they've been thinking about to customize their Wizards in more intesting ways, and I'd like to hear them.