Nickold Starweather

Dithad Seroe's page

3 posts. Alias of Almonihah.


Okay, this ended up being a bit of a novel so I'd better stop here. XD

Dithad hails from the northwestern part of Mistledale, from a sleepy little hamlet not too far from the forest of Cormanthor. Born to a simple farming family, he proved far too clever to be satisfied with the simple life. Dithad quickly displayed a sense of innocent mischief that tended to make him popular with the other youths and much less popular with the working adults. When not making trouble, he tended to explore the edges of the forest of Cormanthor whenever he could. It was on one of these exploratory trips that he encountered an odd fox whose tail had silvery-colored fur at the end that walked right up to him. When he hesitantly touched the fox (who seemed to be staring expectantly at him), he was very surprised to find a mystic bond forming between him and the fox.

Dithad of course couldn’t wait to try out his new magical powers, much to the frustration of his new familiar and the shocked surprise of everyone that knew him. What was, perhaps, less surprising to his family and friends was that he took it as a sign to leave and travel the world. This was much more to the liking of his familiar, who he named Silvertail for obvious reasons. Indeed, as soon as they left the nameless hamlet Dithad had lived in his whole life she led him… to another sleepy little hamlet. Where they healed a cow.

This confused both of them.

Since then Dithad and Silvertail have traveled the world and explored their powers, Dithad getting the adventure he'd craved while Silvertail got intelligence and power she'd never known. Silvertail is still very much of the opinion that humans (and humanoids in general) are destructive, evil brutes, while Dithad does his best to show her the better side of humanity. They sometimes deal with odd 'requests' they figure are from their patron, where Silvertail will suddenly *know* they have to go somewhere, they go and do something seemingly small, and then they're done and have no idea why it was so important for them to do it.

Dithad looks very average at first glace… middling height, tanned skin, brown hair, brown eyes, and a generally youthful appearance. But somehow his gregarious, cheerful personality makes him seem larger and more memorable than his generic appearance would suggest.

Personality & Motivation:
Dithad wants to explore and see the world, help people out, learn about magic, and see cool sights. In terms of personality, he’s cheerful, friendly, quick with a joke, not very serious about things, a bit mischievous… in fact, he resembles the stereotypes about foxes more than his familiar does.

Dithad has made various acquaintances across the Dalelands since leaving home. He’s worked with a few different adventurers, including an unusual pair: Tomacca Labini, a halfling rogue, and Torcall Lathar, a human paladin. In spite of seeming like total opposites, the pair get along well, and Dithad enjoyed working with them on a couple different occasions to put down some undead and solve some mysterious disappearances.

Silvertail’s viewpoint:
Silvertail was a fox who was driven from her den and her kits by human hunters. Injured and frightened, she fled far, through places strange to her. Rendered feverish by an infected wound she did whatever she could to survive, eating and drinking things she normally would have turned away from as her strength faltered. Something she encountered must have had some magic to it, for she suddenly found her thoughts changing, questioning the world around her more. In pain and despair she turned to the skies, saw some stars that momentarily reminded her of another fox, and wished for something to improve her fortunes. An odd sense led her through the forest to, of all things, a human. While at first she was inclined to flee, the sense told her it was safe, so she approached the human... and was shocked when he touched her and a mystic bond formed between them.
Silvertail was not particularly fond of being beholden to a human, and she was especially unhappy when she found out that, for all that she got some abilities she couldn’t otherwise have, she didn’t have the ability to use the ‘magic’ that her ‘master’ did. Not to mention she couldn’t inform said human of just how terrible his species was. So she did everything she could think of to direct some of the magic towards herself. She succeeded in at least getting the capability to make Dithad (what sort of a name was that?) understand her… and in growing a second tail.
Since the rather odd demand that strange sense that led her gave to them right after they first met, Silvertail has had to deal with other strange feelings of needing to be somewhere, which is annoying but at least she seems to be making some kind of progress. Perhaps someday she might be able to have a litter of kits that won’t get murdered. Wouldn’t that be nice. There doesn’t seem to be much chance of changing the world from its annoyingly humanoid-dominated state, so she’ll just have to settle for that.

Silvertail’s Appearance:
Silvertail is a sleek, fit red fox, with the typical red-orange fur with white on her belly and extremities. The fact that she has two tails is more unusual, as is the way one of the two tails ends in silver-colored rather than white fur. She wears a magical ring threaded halfway up one of her tails.

Silvertail’s Personality:
Silvertail is sharp-tongued, imperious, and quick to point out the flaws of the big humanoids around her (Dithad usually… moderates exactly what she’s saying when translating for her). All of this hides the deep insecurities and anger she harbors after seeing how easily her life and her kits were destroyed.

For Dithad, I was thinking his flaw is how he tends to not take things seriously enough, both in terms of being flippant about everything and a tendency to underestimate danger. Silvertail, of course, has the flaw of being unreasonably critical about civilization and humanoids in general, not to mention a fair bit of paranoia. The fact that Dithad and Silvertail don’t see eye to eye (Dithad doesn’t take Silvertail’s criticisms seriously, Silvertail hates being forced to work with a human) is also something of a flaw… but I was also thinking that the strange ‘requests’ from their patron (who they’re not sure of the identity of… perhaps one of the neutral or good animal-related deities, who thought the pair would make effective ambassadors for better treatment of animals…) could be another ‘flaw’ of sorts.

I think this should be plenty to get across the idea. I might edit a bit if selected to fit in with the party, of course, but I think this is now a complete submission!

Well... I ended up helping my wife with something most of the day, so more writing did not happen. It'll be done Monday for sure!

All right, I have a build put together in HeroLab for Dithad & Silvertail in this profile. I'll give it a look-over and expand on background & personality stuff later today.