
DiregrafCaptain's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

I'm building a gestalt character for a Wrath of the Righteous campaign, as we're using a modified campaign with gestalt instead of mythic. The character is a Tiefling Wizard/Cleric, and I was looking for feat and spell choice advice, as I'm unsure what to do. I figure I should take Craft Wondrous Item at some point, as I can make basically everything, but I'm unsure of what my best offensive options are, as well as what kind of feats would be good to focus on. The character will start at level 3.

Hello, all.

In my home game, we are experimenting with condensing many feats into one, or just weapon qualities.
We have condensed all of the TWF feats by combining TWF and TWD, ITWF and Double Slice, and GTWF and TW Rend. We have also combined Dodge and Mobility into a single feat.

My real question is, with all of these feats condensed, I'm having a hard time figuring out what to replace some of them on ranger and monk bonus feat lists (TWF Ranger especially, although monk gets dodge/mobility as a possibility)

Any ideas?

A friend and I have decided for fun, we'd play in a game as Maiden Astraea and Garl Vinland. We've managed to make Astraea fairly easily, but Garl is proving a little harder. I know i'll be using something like a warhammer and a heavy steel shield, but I'm unsure of what class to use. Originally, I was going to go with the Vanguard Slayer archetype, but I really would like to have those talents to blow on getting no-dex-required TWF.

We are building them at level 3, 20 pt buy, standard wealth. Any suggestions or tips would be welcome. He doens't have to be optimal, but the basics are some kind of big smashy weapon, a big shield, big armor, and he has to be a "defender".

Eye of the Moon reads "Eye of the Moon (Su): Your connection to the moon makes you supernaturally perceptive. You gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet. At 11th level, as a standard action, you can focus on a specific object or area (the size of which can be no greater than a 10-foot-by-10-foot square) and see it as though with true seeing as long as the moon is shining on it. Moonless nights, cloudy skies, and shadows interfere with this ability."

Do I lose the entire ability without the moon, or just the true seeing?
And if possible, is there any backing to a ruling, since my GM just decided to switch his ruling on me.

Hi there!
I'm making my first PFS character, and I have a question when it comes to "doubling up" on a spell known and retraining.
Draconic bloodline gives me Mage Armor for free at level 3. However, I am concerned I won't make it that far without it. If I took it at level 1, would I at level 3 have two copies of the spell known, the original which I could retrain at 4, keeping the bonus spell? Or would I need to not take it until level 3?

I'm planning on running Kingmaker, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to do the Insane cursed grizzly bear.
I don't know how to apply any of these to it, nor where to find these templates.
Do I use Crazed? it doesn't seem to do much to change the bear from CR 5 to 3.