
Dire Bare's page

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On another note, visit eBay right now and search under "Free RPG Day". It looks like at least one store decided they'd rather sell the "Free" materials for insane prices rather than use them as intended. Greedy, shortsighted, and highly unethical. Oh well.

All the stores in my area participated LAST year, but they all just simply dropped the free stuff on the counter and let people have it. They did not use the opportunity wisely for marketing. While I got all the free stuff I wanted, I remember thinking, "These morons probably won't do this next year."

And I was right. NONE of the stores in my area bothered with Free RPG Day this year. The one store I bothered to visit anyway on Saturday, told me that they "didn't even know" about Free RPG Day. Which can only mean they simply didn't pay attention to the materials they get from their distributor (Alliance).

So not only did I not get the cool free stuff I wanted this year, I didn't spend any money in the store either, as I was pretty miffed. And I'm highly encouraged to not bother with the stores in my area and save money by purchasing through Amazon.

It's sad that this business is so riddled with store owners who don't have a clue when it comes to marketing.

Cosmo wrote:

I double checked your profile and it appears that everything is set up correctly. You will be getting the first three volumes of Pathfinder using the nine remaining issues from your Dungeon subscription. Your Dragon subscription actually ends when the magazine does, so you will have no remaining issues from that subscription. It is still telling you that you will have those remaining issues because you have the option to change your mind about what you would like to do with those issues at any time before the first Pathfinder ships.


Ah, okay! Thanks for checking into it!

Hey Paizo guys,

I don't think my transition from Dragon and Dungeon Mags to Pathfinder is set up right.

It seems all my "extra" issue of Dragon are transitioned over, but my account shows I still have 9 issues of Dungeon after the final issue.

Can you fix this for me?


Wyvern wrote:

From Gary Gygax himself at EN World

Gary Gygax wrote:
...Troll Lord Games [...] they are reprinting the other seven gord books in hardbound editions--we should have it done by the end of this year.

Seven? Wow, I thought there were only five . . . or does this count the two published by TSR back in the day?

Has TLG announced whether mass-market paperbacks will eventually hit the shelves?

If you aren't already doing this, you should consider taking on the Gord the Rogue series by Gary Gygax!

And while you're at it, the Quag Keep novels from Andre Norton (although I think these are still on the shelves . . .)

This would round out my D&D novel collection quite nicely!

jokamachi wrote:

So be it. So do any of you apologists know when the last official publication of Dungeon will take place? Will the finale of Savage Tide appear in hard copy, or should I just burn what issues I have?

F***ing lame, this is.

I'm upset because WotC effectively cancelled one of my favorite products of all time, regardless of what happens on their website.

But your reaction is a tad extreme. Did somebody from Paizo shoot your dog right after today's announcement?


Oh, and follow the easy links all over the website to the FAQ and all of your . . . practical . . . questions will be answered.