
Dinobot386's page

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I would love to see a collective hivemind race, similar to the hunters from Halo. Something like a Worm that Walks as a race rather than a template.

Also playable AI PCs that lack true bodies would be really interesting if they could pull it off.

Michael Monn wrote:
A magic/technology hybrid mechanic or somenting like that.

It would be nice to see a full progression (IE. levels 1-20) version of the technomancer prestige class.

I've always loved the idea of a magic/technology hybrid ever since I played a technowizard in the old RIFTS rpg.

One thing that I'm hoping for is that Starfinder won't just feature re-skins of the PF classes. Given that backwards compatibility will be a thing, I'm hoping for some brand new classes with their own mechanics.

Classes that I'd like to see:

- A power armor class that focuses on using and modifying a suit of power armor and allows piloting of constructs, similar to the mechanics of the synthesist archetype for summoners.

- A scientist class that creates non-magical "magic effects" and has a lot of crafting options. Would like to see a scientific discipline choice between physics, chemistry and biology.

- An ace pilot class that functions like a mix between rogue and cavalier, instead of a mount you get a "vehicle companion" that functions as ether an air/space or ground vehicle.

Anyone have any other ideas for new classes they'd like to see in Starfinder?