Kikkling the Slight

Dinkster the Dinkmeister's page

Organized Play Member. 148 posts (160 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Grand Lodge

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I am currently a GMPC. I casually cast a spell or help heal the party. Nothing spectacular. I am playing a druid for Kingmaker. No worries.

Grand Lodge

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17. The twenty sided dice giveth... The twenty sided dice taketh away....

Grand Lodge

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Has taken my speech
taken my hearing
taken my arm
taken my leg
taken my soul

left me with a life in HELL!!!!

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Listen all you Paizites.
Come gather round.
Bring all your gamin' dice.
And roll them on the ground!!

Just give me.
That map of a mine.
Core rules and AP's
Just give me a sign!

Ain't much I'm askin'
You heard me say
I play Pathfinder.
Move out of my way!!!!

"I want it all, I want it all, I want it all,
And I want it NOW!!!"

Wah hahahahahahaha

How is that for "Paizocon Theme Song"

Grand Lodge

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Present and accounted for!!! <Salutes paizo staff as wallet begins to wimper.. again...>

Grand Lodge

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75. Barbarian:"We need a new war chant to inspire or fellow comrades!!!"

Necromancer "I am smelling like a rose that sombody gave me on my birthday death bed. I am smelling like a rose cause I'm dead and bloated!!!"

Grand Lodge

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I'm Mr. Freeze Meizer, I'm Mr Snow. Bwahh hahahaha

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I believe... I'm Mr. Freeze Mizer. I'm Mr. Snow. I'm Mr. White Christmas. I'm Mr. 10 below. They call me Snow Mizer. Whatever I touch. Turns to snow in my clutch. Hah! I'm to much....