Dingleberry's page

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My very reasonable DM ruled that it should be based off the primary casting stat, not Wisdom exclusively.

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The Golux wrote:
Also, for my haunted oracle, though I didn't get to use her much, I flavored the spells granted by the curse as literally being exerting will over the haunting spirits and making them do the effect of the spell rather than just doing it with her own inherent abilities.

I do the same thing; it's great for spell thematics and flavor. In my group, my DM is good at randomly pointing out the poltergeistish effects and then a lot of the fun of the curse comes from the oracle dealing with the other party members' reactions to those effects. We just finished the Foxglove Manor section of the Skinsaw Murders (from the RotR AP) and we (as players) are having much fun with the rest of the party being a LOT more freaked out by my oracle's haunting spirits than they were before they entered the Misgivings.

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I think I clerked there during law school.

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I know an alchemist can add formulae to his book as a wizard adds spells to his spellbook, but what about formulae that are essentially divine spells and would never be found in an arcane scroll or wizard's spellbook? Is the "one new formula per level" mechanic the only way for an alchemist to add, e.g., lesser restoration?