
Dimwold A.'s page

Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Silver Crusade

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I am recovering my thoughts from 5 Pathfinder Society events at GenCon 2016.

Net result? AWESOME!

-5 events with 5 excellent gamemasters.
-Met new friends on Faithless & Forgotten. Carried through to parts 2 and 3 with those folks. Memories were made and enemies were slain.
-The Cosmic Captive. Outstanding! If The Joker were a gamemaster, he was at our table. He did a fantastic job. The atmosphere in the room was incredible.
-Sun Orchid Scheme on Sunday. We finished it in about 2.5 hours..and that was a good thing after the intense week.

What else can I say? The entire Pathfinder Society crew did an amazing job. The gamemasters were on top of their game, knew the rules, knew the scenarios, and knew how to keep us entertained.

Wow. Just wow. Torag shined down upon us over the weekend and all was just and good in the universe.

-Dimwold Axereaver

Silver Crusade

As a lover of rules, I hated not having an answer to "If a character has a BAB of +6/+1 because she is a 6th level ranger, how many attacks per round does she get with a Longbow?"

Nothing states explicitely that a bow is as fast as a sword in our ranger's hands. HOWEVER, a few other items state how they are slower.

1. Crossbow descriptions list loading the weapons as move actions (light) or full round actions (heavy).
2. Rapid Reload feat (For crossbows) states "If you have selected this feat for a hand crossbow or light crossbow, you may fire that weapon as many times in a full-attack action as you could attack if you were using a bow." This implies you can fire a bow multiple times with a high BAB.
3. The Quickdraw feat states "A character who has selected this feat may throw weapons at his full normal rate of attacks (much like a character with a bow)."
4. Of final note: "Drawing ammunition for use with a ranged weapon (such as arrows, bolts, sling bullets, or shuriken) is a free action."

By what I see so far, it looks like a high level ranger (6 is high enough!) can make multiple attacks in a round with a longbow / shortbow. One with the right feats can make multiple attacks with a light crossbow.

So, what is the final answer? How many attacks can a level 6 ranger (BAB +6/+1) with no other applicable feats make in a round with a longbow?