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Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.


I'm not sure if this is the best forum, but I'm trying to figure out how to deal with this.

Kingmaker Spoilers:
Particularly in the case of Ovinrbaane from the 4th Kingmaker module. The group barbarian has the sword and failed the ego save, so the sword is dominant. He's eventually going to fail the will save for the modified memory, at which point he'll likely end up killing the party.

Remove Curse specifically does NOT work in this situation. So how should I handle it? With the sword dominant, it's not going to let him discard it (I assume). What can the party do?

I did look at Evangelist, but it's too late for that one. And the Arcane Healer still gives me the issue of losing level progression in channeling.

Imbicatus wrote:
The closest thing I can think of is Channeling Scourge for Inquisitors. I don't think there is anything in pathfinder for cleic/bards.

Yeah, I saw that and was hoping there were similar options.

I just may have to deal with the sacrifice. Thanks all.

I'm hoping something out there can help me out. My 8th lvl Cleric is going to take a level of Bard. I know, it's a waste…but there's a roleplaying reason to do it, and it's going to be fun. I don't mind the hit to the spell casting progression, but I am bugged about the channel progression. Is there a feat that will combine levels of the two classes toward channeling? 3.5 had similar feats, but I'm wondering if there's anything in Pathfinder that can keep me from losing the channeling progression. Anyone have a thought?

Interesting. I never thought of using the Cape on another player's turn. Good to know. Thanks Hawk.

When you decide to start a new character, do you run the three scenarios in the base set, or do you jump straight to the first AP deck? I've run the base set, but I want to try new characters. Not sure if I want to run those scenarios again or just jump straight to the AP.

Is there a preferred (or required) way to go?

I'm going to pile on this thread, since the Cape of Escape was mentioned. If you use that to escape an encounter and move to another location, is your turn over, or can you explore again?

I have a question for GMs who have run Kingmaker. I see how players get into the fable. Four places/items in the House are keyed to one of four 'rooms' of the Fable. But once there, can they travel directly to the other Fable rooms? If so, how? Or do they need to use the specific trigger that is keyed to the specific are where the end fight is found?