Red Raven

DigDug2112's page

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Judges, thanks for sending along the critique. And thanks for your hard work!

I invite feedback from anyone else on my Manacles of Capitulation.

Since this was my first submission, I would greatly appreciate feedback on strengths and areas for improvement. Thanks a bunch!


Aura: Moderate (abjuration and compulsion)
CL: 12
Slot: Wrists or ankles
Price: 40,000gp
Weight: 2 lb.

These hinged cuffs may bind Large or smaller creatures and appear to be a perplexing assemblage of fused metal chunks and strips.

The captor binds a creature’s limbs within two locking cuffs and may mentally choose both a type of alarm (audible, mental or audible & mental) and a password. Any creature who speaks the password or unlocks the bonds with the accompanying key disarms the manacles’ magical countermeasures until they are locked again.

Once bound, the luckless captive makes a will save to prevent feeling dissuaded from escaping, thus losing 4 dexterity points (similar to binding: chaining).

A captive who ventures to damage or escape from the manacles makes a will save (reduced by 2 points) to avoid overwhelming sleep as if affected by bound slumber. A failed save results in up to 1 month’s slumber per point the save failed by. A successful save negates bound slumber, though future attempts require a new will save.

Successful or not, attempts to damage or escape from Manacles of Capitulation are further frustrated by the captor’s chosen alarm (if any):

Audible Alarm: the sound of rattling chains may be heard by creatures within 200 feet of the captive for one minute.

Mental Alarm: if within 5 miles, the captor hears three chimes above any ambient noise and gets a bearing on the captive’s location.

Mental & Audible: audible and mental alarms activated.

Manacles of Capitulation are not affected by dispel magic, though antimagic field and mage’s disjunction affect them normally, in which case the bindings act as mastercraft manacles with a superior lock.

Create Wondrous Item, Alarm, Binding, Permanency

COST: 20,000gp