Diabolical stone golem wrote: Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote: Johann is cast aside, but he is not deterred. Any bit of him I can grab will stop him from hurting the others!
[dice=Claw Attack 1 & damage]d20+10+2+1; d6+6+d6 now acid flavored! also Boga's blessing and haste on top of the normal bonuses
[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+17+2 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful
[dice= Claw Attack 2 & damage]d20+10+2+1; d6+6+d6
[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+17+2 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful
[dice= Claw Attack haste & damage]d20+10+2+1; d6+6+d6
[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+17+2 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful
[dice=Bite Attack & damage]d20+10+2+1; d8+6+d6 str 5 bab 5 size-1 amulet 1; str 5 amulet 1
The Bear rends great scars in the stone devil’s back as he reestablishes his steely grip on the animated devil statue! Chunks of stone fall from its body as Bear slams it back to the stone floor!
I guess I’d better tally up this golem’s total damage! Bear and Fox are kicking it’s ass now! EDIT:Its body crumbles to rubble as Bear piledrives it into the stone floor with a mighty roar!
Victory for the Crusaders! Boo yah!!

Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote: Johann is cast aside, but he is not deterred. Any bit of him I can grab will stop him from hurting the others!
[dice=Claw Attack 1 & damage]d20+10+2+1; d6+6+d6 now acid flavored! also Boga's blessing and haste on top of the normal bonuses
[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+17+2 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful
[dice= Claw Attack 2 & damage]d20+10+2+1; d6+6+d6
[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+17+2 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful
[dice= Claw Attack haste & damage]d20+10+2+1; d6+6+d6
[dice= Free Grab attempt]d20+17+2 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful
[dice=Bite Attack & damage]d20+10+2+1; d8+6+d6 str 5 bab 5 size-1 amulet 1; str 5 amulet 1
The Bear rends great scars in the stone devil’s back as he reestablishes his steely grip on the animated devil statue! Chunks of stone fall from its body as Bear slams it back to the stone floor!
I guess I’d better tally up this golem’s total damage! Bear and Fox are kicking it’s ass now!
The Ogon Fox wrote: The golem has broken Johann's strength, at last! I must persist, and make this devil fall quickly...
Grim-faced, the Fox continues to attack the stone devil with his lightning fists.
[dice=mystic bolt vs touch AC]1d20+5+1+2
[dice=electric damage w/ sneak attack]1d6+1+2d6
[dice=mystic bolt vs touch AC, haste]1d20+5+1+2
[dice=electric damage w/ sneak attack]1d6+1+2d6
Ohhh buddy, this thing could probably turn around and squash me like a bug if it wanted to...
Fox’s mystic bolts leave black scars shaped like intricate branches forming away from a tree on the stone devil’s surfaces!
Round 4:
The stone devil struggles mightily to break free of the Bear’s powerful grip...
Break free attempt 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (12) + 24 = 36 succeeds!
...and does so, tossing Bear aside!
The Ogon Fox wrote: "Well done, Johann!" the Fox cries out. The Bear's strength is certainly being proved today. Ogon continues his assault on the golem.
[dice=mystic bolt vs touch AC]1d20+5+1+2
[dice=electric damage w/ sneak attack]1d6+1+2d6
[dice=mystic bolt vs touch AC, haste]1d20+5+1+2
[dice=electric damage w/ sneak attack]1d6+1+2d6
Fox’s mystic bolts seem to be doing the most damage to the golem, seconded by Bear’s crushing embrace...
Cardinal Lucius d'Borja wrote: The Cardinal, with difficulty, draws his greatsword as he runs and arrives next to the rolling forms of bear and golem. He slaps the amulet onto the bear, praying that its magic will take effect before swinging his mighty sword!
I'm assuming haste will give me the extra action required to do all of that :)
[dice=Attack]d20+5+1 [dice=Damage]2d6+3
Lucius’ blade rebounds with a metallic clang from the impenetrable stone hide of the devil golem!
Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote: round 4
Johann is struggling against the stone devil's strength! Must...not... let...go...
Continuing to maintain the pin
[dice= maintain!]d20+17+5+2+2 maintain, kraken, Boga's bless
4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful
While maintaining the pin, Johann twists and digs his claws in. auto-hit with the maintain grapple. I think I can do power attack damage here? If not subtract 4.
[dice=power attack damage]d6+10
Johann hears a satisfying cracking sound from the stone devil’s shoulder joint as he squeezes with monstrous strength!
Zagathoth wrote: The statue goes last, right? I think I can go again since it tried and failed to escape? If I'm wrong just have this post go off when the right time comes...
Zagathoth howls in frustration at the ineffectiveness of the sword the priest gave him. The veins in his neck and forehead begin to bulge as he succumbs to his anger and continues hacking at the pinned statue.
[dice=rage 1]1d20+10+1, [dice=for]2d4+16 [dice=plus (fire)]1d6
[dice=rage 2 (haste)]1d20+10+1, [dice=for]2d4+16 [dice=plus (fire)]1d6
Again and again, the stone devil’s stoney armor deflects Zagathoth’s blows!
Escape attempt 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (1) + 24 = 25 fails! The Bear ain’t havin’ It! Lol...
The stone devil vainly struggles to break free from Johann’s dire bear hug!
Zagathoth wrote: Zagathoth frowns at the prospect of using the new sword again, but it seems to be what the priest had wanted so he swings flamefang at the pinned statue.
[dice=attack 1]1d20+8+1
[dice=plus (fire)]1d6
[dice=attack 2 (haste)]1d20+8+1
[dice=plus (fire)]1d6
Flamefang hammers away at the pinned stone devil, but seems to inflict little harm...
Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote: Johann tries to increase his grip on the stone devil. This thing isn't even going to be able to move a bear's whisker.
[dice= maintain grapple]d20+17+5+2 +5 for maintaining and +2 for kraken style
4 damage Kraken style if successful
Johann flips the stone devil over, giving it the "Pinned" condition.
*CRACK!!* The stone devil struggles in the Bear’s steely grip!
Quinlan Ifrean wrote: Quinlan sees the golem trying to drag Johann into the light and pauses from retrieving magic items. The Longsword drops into his outstretched hand. 'He doesn't look particularly nimble."
Quinlan swipes a hand at the golem and the floor beneath its feet becomes slick with magical grease. move action finish retrieving sword, standard cast grease burn AP for increased dc. DC 19 reflex
Reflex vs grease 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 succeeds!
The stone devil retains its footing despite the magic grease...
The stone devil tries to drag the Bear into the deadly magical light!
Bull rush 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (6) + 24 = 30
The devilish statue slides the Bear’s great mass five feet closer to peril...
Zagathoth wrote: Zagathoth dutifully drops doomcresent (free action) at the priest’s call and catches the sword thrown to him (a move action, I believe?). Grabbing the blade in both hands as he steps forward, he hacks away at the statue while the bear holds on to it.
[dice=new sword]1d20+8+2 plus any enhancement bonus
[dice=for]2d4+12 plus whatever bonuses from enchantments
this sword seems like crap... the priest wanted me to use it though... better try again...
Zagathoth’s first swing with Flamefang is off balance and bounces harmlessly off the great basalt devil! *CCLLAAANNKK!!!*
For Zagathoth’s future calculations, Flamefang is a +1 flaming falchion, and Zag feels compelled to speak its name aloud as he first grasps it, which causes it to burst into magical flames!
Johann Kaltgeboren- Dire Bear! wrote: With a roar, Johann swings and bites, attempting to hold the devil still and reduce his options!
[dice=Claw Attack 1 & damage]d20+10; d6+6
[dice= Claw Attack 2 & damage]d20+10; d6+6
[dice= Free Grab attempt 1]d20+17 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful
[dice= Free Grab attempt 2]d20+17 4 damage Kraken style when grab is successful
[dice=Bite Attack & damage]d20+10; d8+6
Assuming hits and success here! The devil is grappled, reducing his AC, preventing AoO, lowering his to-hit, he can't move, etc etc.!
The Bear scratches a deep scratch and locks on with his first claw, but the rest of his clawing and snapping is to no avail!
Down 45 damage and grappled...
The Ogon Fox wrote: Assuming successful grapple by Johann. If the golem is still moving freely, I would not move closer like this.
The Fox seizes the opportunity created by Johann and dashes around to reach a flanking position with Zagathoth. He then strikes with a melee mystic bolt to sneak in another nasty hit!
[dice=vs touch AC]1d20+5+2
[dice=electric damage (w/ sneak attack)]1d6+1+2d6
Fox’s lightning lances at the golem, searing it!
Down 42 damage...
The stone devil lunges at Zagathoth with its stone horns...1d20 + 22 ⇒ (17) + 22 = 39 goring the orc for 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (7, 2) + 9 = 18 piercing damage!
It then lashes out at Johann with its stony barbed tail 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (9) + 22 = 31 dealing 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (7, 1) + 9 = 17 slashing damage!
Quinlan Ifrean wrote: [dice=Knowledge Arcana]1d20+14
"I may not be much help with this one, golems like this have a nasty habit of ignoring magic."
Quinlan casts the same spell as before, filling his companions with the same feeling of vigor as before. Haste
Quinlan knows the golem is immune to spells subject to spell resistance, and that adamantine weapons will be required to do full damage...
Zagathoth wrote: Zagathoth looks quizzically at the devil statue. When it assumes a battle position he moves through his companions and hacks at it with doomcresent.
I'm assuming that all our buffs have worn off (except shield other, I suppose)?
[dice=attack]1d20+8, [dice=for]2d4+13
[dice=confirm?]1d20+8, [dice=for another]2d4+13 :(
I still have trouble making out who's whom on the map, but I think I'm moving between Fox and the statue, adjacent to the wall.
I will update the battle mat later when I’m not supposed to be bouncing at Munchies Cafe lol... my part time gig...
The stone devils rocks under Zagathoth’s heavy blow!
The stone devil shifts into a beastly battle stance facing the Bear, the chamber echoing with the grating rumble of stone on stone! Its opal eyes blaze with rainbow fires!
Free action menacing out of initiative order lol...
The Ogon Fox wrote: The Fox steps past Johann to the northeasternmost square just this side of the colored light and tests the creature's defenses with ranged mystic bolt.
[dice=vs touch & flat-footed AC]1d20+5
[dice=electric damage with sneak attack]1d6+1+2d6
Mystic bolt is not subject to SR, correct? It appears that for all a golem’s immunity to magic and construct traits, it is not immune to mystic bolt...
The stone devil jerks as the Fox’s mystic bolt strikes it!
As Zagathoth and Johann enter this long chamber, they can see that the rainbow lights come from a series of colored lights to the east. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo...
In the unlit western end of this long hall stands a ten-foot-high basalt idol of a horned, winged, clawed devil with barbed tail, its eye sockets filled with sparkling opals that reflect the rainbow glow from the east...
Johann’s keen nose detects a strange, unplaceable scent—reminiscent of alchemical substances that remind him of his old rival, Rumplestilskin, mixed with a smell like damp limestone... There is something not-quite-alive-but-not-quite-inanimate ahead to the left inside the chamber with the rainbow glow...