Dhaenon's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


I had always seen a Paladin as sort of a PARAGON of honor and honesty... but I am not that way, nor would I want to role play it.

I am curious, can a Paladin joke? Can he tell stories? Can he trick his friends, play pranks on them? Can he be a smartass? Can he be sarcastic? Is he able to be all these things while maintaining his code of conduct?

Just some questions I had, please feel free to answer them.

"Spontaneous Domain Casting

A storm druid can channel stored spell energy into domain spells that she has not prepared ahead of time. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any domain spell of the same level or lower.

This replaces spontaneous casting."

I may be over thinking this but can anyone explain this to me? It sounds like if I want I can use a domain spell in place of a regular druid spell of the same level or lower. Is this correct?

So I can burn a Goodberry spell to use the domain spell Obscuring Mist?

Allia Thren wrote:

In one of the 3.5 books, I believe Complete Scoundrel, they have a weapon modification called Wand Chamber, which allows you to store a wand inside a weapon and it counts as readied as long as you hold the weapon. Not sure about the price right now.

Do you have the stats for the Wand Chamber? That sounds like pretty much what I want.

I had the idea of a stylish noble wizard that had an Unseen Servant carry around a pack that held his numerous canes. With each cane functioning as a wand.

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Hello all,

I am curious, does a wand have to be a wand? Can you make a wand but have it be a staff, or a cane? If not could you place the wand IN the cane and still activate it?

Also how would you go about making a magical item that allowed you to cast Unseen Servant? Perhaps a backpack that the servant would then carry.

Would anyone mind explaining to me how I would go about crafting the following...

I envisioned some sort of device that would be strapped on my arm, a bracer of sorts, with crystals that would cast different spells. In theory each crystal would work like a wand, a simple discharge of the spell. However I would prefer to limit the amount of charges in a day so that I wouldn't have to recreate the item. Sort of a per day cast limit.

Now the second question is, when crafting a magical item, must you know the spell you want on the device? Say you are a bard and you want the above mentioned device to cast magic missile. To craft it yourself, would you have to know Magic Missile? Could you have a scroll of magic missile and use it to craft it? What is the rules when it comes to that?

If the bard did want to use the above mentioned device would he have to use a Use Magic Device check every time?

Also I wish the failure at Use Magic Device had a list of random effects, instead of just the item breaking. It could add some flavor and comedy to a character based on being a inventor / mad scientist.

True if you power-game. But in theory... you could have a gauntlet that let you cast a cure spell, a gun that shot a lightning bolt and burning hands, a arm band that shot magic missile and a shield that protected you. It would be a cool character idea, as long as the person didn't meta game so hard.

It says that you can pull from the arcane and divine lists. Personally I would limit it to Wizard/Sorcerer and Cleric minus the domains of course. I think it seems balanced enough if you look at it in the right light. Yes you could use the mega gun and drop 4 things in one day, insta-kill them, but then you would be relying upon a Use Magic Device check with a decent chance at breaking your gun.

Chris Manos wrote:

Hey Dhaenon,

where are you finding the Artificer class?

The Artificer in "The Tome of Secrets" a 3rd party Pathfinder book.

LazarX wrote:
Depends on which Artificer you're talking about. There's a couple of different variations out there, none of which are actually published by Paizo.

The Artificer in "The Tome of Secrets" a 3rd party Pathfinder book.

Hello everyone

I was checking out the Artificer class and I had a question about the Weird Science Inventions. It sort of has this level progression that goes up to 4th level spells. Here is my question, say you are a 5th level Artificer, how many inventions can you have? For inventions it has it listed as 3|1|1. I was thinking that maybe that meant you could have 5 total inventions, 3 inventions with a level one spell on it, 1 with a 2nd level spell and 1 with a 3rd level spell. Then of course you could add them up and instead have 1 inventions with all 5 spells on it.

"Combining multiple magical effects into a single device means that both effects function simultaneously upon activation (effectively casting two or more spells at once)."

Could you load up all 5 spells onto one device, hit the button... and kaboom? Say you load up a gun that has three 1st level spells, (Burning Hands, Magic Missle, Ear piercing Scream) a single 2nd level spell, (Scorching Ray) and a single 3rd level spell, (Lightning bolt).

Would you really be able to do 2d6 + 1d4+1(x3) + 5d4 + 4d6 + 5d6 all in one click of the button... 4 times a day?

Hello again everyone,

I was checking out the Artificer class and I had a question about the Weird Science Inventions. It sort of has this level progression that goes up to 4th level spells. Here is my question, say you are a 5th level Artificer, how many inventions can you have? For inventions it has it listed as 3|1|1. I was thinking that maybe that meant you could have 5 total inventions, 3 inventions with a level one spell on it, 1 with a 2nd level spell and 1 with a 3rd level spell. Then of course you could add them up and instead have 1 inventions with all 5 spells on it.

"Combining multiple magical effects into a single device means that both effects function simultaneously upon activation (effectively casting two or more spells at once)."

Could you load up all 5 spells onto one device, hit the button... and kaboom? Say you load up a gun that has three 1st level spells, (Burning Hands, Magic Missle, Ear piercing Scream) a single 2nd level spell, (Scorching Ray) and a single 3rd level spell, (Lightning bolt).

Would you really be able to do 2d6 + 1d4+1(x3) + 5d4 + 4d6 + 5d6 all in one click of the button... 4 times a day?


I never understood why they would cast spells EXACTLY like wizards. They go on and on about the innate nature of sorcerers, however when they want to cast a spell they have to do the chant and waggle their fingers just like the wizard does. I always felt that sorcerers should be like Psions, where there is no verbal or somatic components to their spells. I also pictured it like this...

The wizard steps forward and he waggles his fingers and intones the Draconic words to trigger the spell he has memorized, it releases the magic from him and the magic missiles fire out unerringly.

The sorcerer steps up and says, "Hey that worked pretty well" and looks to the orc and wills the innate magic in him to mimic the effect he just witnessed. The magic missiles fire out unerringly.

Is there no way to have character based around not EVER using verbal components?

Hello everyone,

I am new to Pathfinder but I have been unable to find my favorite archetypes. Is there a Psionics handbook?

Also on an unrelated topic, is there any way to cast wizard/sorcerer spells without the verbal component?

Thanks for any info.