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Great Addition, Kobold nailed it.


I have been meaning to review this for a while.

The first thing about this book that jumped out at me was the quality of the physical product. The paper is a nice heavy weight, the artwork is quality and reflects the classes and abilities well, and the binding has held up well to use at the gaming table.

Most of the classes have been reviewed by others, but a few deserve special mention.

The Theurge is, in my opinion, a long needed addition to the game. The use of a "Prayer Book" elegantly handles the balance issues of giving a single class access to effectively every spell in the game.

The Battle Scion lives up to it's billing as an Arcane paladin. More importantly, it fills a character roll untouched by core classes (Full BAB, 4 level arcane caster). The Battle Scion can also serve as a "Rules Light" version of the Magus, for players who don't have a high degree of system mastery, but are still attracted to the "Fighter/mage" concept.

The White Necromancer is an interesting solution to a sticky situation. As a GM, a player who wish's to play a Necromancer with undead "Pets" can quickly derail a campaign. The White Necromancer easily handles those issues.

Add to this new equipment, feats and a load of Archtypes, and you have a book that is worth much more then the sum of its parts. Honestly, It seems like every time I flip through the pages I find some new little bit that I can find a use for.

This is a Great, Quality Product.