DetroVerzen's page

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I agree with Temp. It needs more battle suit flavor.

They said that during the APG panel.

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Ive actually been wondering, from a design perspective, whats the difference?

Access entry is a requirement to get it. For example - only spellcasters can take it.

Prereq means you can somehow work toward those requirements to get it eventually. Example - Mastery in stealth to take it.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
I have there a chance to bring Spell Focus back as a feat?

They won't be bringing back spell focus like they wont be bringing back Weapon focus.

Both were considered "feat tax."

PF 2 is ALL about having CUSTOMIZATION. Lots and lots of customization.

As such, rather than have "feat tax" where you must take this feat or you won't be considered optimal, treating it as if you didn't have a feat in the first place, they just removed that concept and balanced feats out into class and skill feats to make it more balancing.

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Mark Seifter wrote:
The planar scions (aasimar, duskwalker, tiefling), changelings, and dhampirs are heritages you can take with any ancestry, giving you far more options overall for your character than if they were a separate ancestry. So 5 of each is 10!

It was suggested on Discord that the heritages and ancestry's be grouped in their respective groups in the description. Otherwise it gets a little confusing.