
Des2338's page

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Hey I'm a new player never played a table top rpg and have a few questions about somethings.

1 When the players eat does it give hit points back and if so how do you know how much they gain based on what they eat?

2 How do you keep up with the time that passes in your world?

3. What are good ideas for envioroment decor to bring more life to the maps instead of buying the box?

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Hey, I am a new player. As in I just got the beginner box today and opened it new. Haven't even started my first game or the solo mission included to let you get a feel for how the game plays. I have never played a tabletop RPG. So I don't know what to really expect from this game but I am anxious to play. So I would like to know one thing that I have tried to find an answer to. Where do I start after the beginner box? What is the next step?