Pathfinder Adventure Path #116: Fangs of War (Ironfang Invasion 2 of 6) (PFRPG)

Derision's page

4 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists.


Are both of these feats valid, or is the newer one supposed to replace the older one?

Character Operations Manual page 34:

Terrifying Presence:

Intimidating racial trait.

When you succeed at an Intimidate check to demoralize, the duration is 1d4 rounds longer than normal.


Interstellar Species page 67:

Terrifying Presence:

Prerequisites: breath weapon species trait

Benefit: Whenever you deal damage with your breath weapon, all enemies that can perceive you must succeed at a Will save with a DC equal to 15 + your Charisma modifier or gain the frightened condition for 1 round.

Thanks for the replies.

Overall it doesn't look like it's a product meant for me, hopefully others will get a lot out of it.

TRDG wrote:

Still on the fence with this one



I'm in the same boat. We need more reviews from people who've purchased the book!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello Paizo forums,

I'm trying to hear opinions on Interstellar Species before I decide to buy it or not, but there aren't really enough reviews for me to parse —so please go leave a review.

I've already heard everything I need to about the Evolutionist, but how's the rest of the book?

Is there enough mechanical content to make the PDF worth it for a GM who doesn't really use the lore, and is already comfortable homebrewing species and NPCs?
Is it full of enough unique, varied, full-body pictures to make tokens?
