Imron Gauthfallow

Deridis's page

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I draw a buncha maps, toss out most, then write a very loose story. My players are only consistant on one thing: they kill the good guys and spare the bad guys. On accident. Heh. I do set up a general background plot though. Things that happen even if the players decide to go dancing in the wheat fields, or starting fights with kindly old clerics.

That was weird blank post. Anyway my current player wouldn't play non "classic" if you paid her. I think all the new races awesome though.

Not very unique but I would call it Cube or Blocky. ^_^

In my home world dwarves are expert riders of most beasts and masters of divine magic. They also have a pact with the dragons of the world which involves sacrafices in exchange for sorcererous powers.

If no one dies because of your charms I would say you aren't evil. Heck I think charming someone in combat is a lot worse. Oh and that is the single coolest thing ever. Baker spy master wizard that has his finger in every pie. Quite literally in some cases, eh?

I love setting up the world the most. Even if the players never really notice al the little things I just find it fun to make them. Oh and I really enjoy putting together potentional interactions and plots.

I very much prefer prepared casters. My all time favorite class is the wizard specialized in either enchantment or necromancy.

I used two recently named Oxy and Hydro. They were owned by a crazy cultist kobold named Jeff. They were laughing til they saw the things looking at their loots. :3 edit they my players that is

I liked the way attacks are done. Makes it simpler to have all ways of attack done the same way in my opinion.