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![]() Hi, I am planning to start GMing for a new group, and we'll most likely be playing 3.5. I'd like to run Red Hand of Doom, since I've heard such good things about it. I'm not sure what to run to get the characters to 5th or 6th level, though. A player in the group provided me with a flash drive full of pdf's, but a cursory reading has made it difficult to find interesting low-level content. One thought I had would be to run Hollow's Last Hope and Crown of the Kobold King, but that still leaves a gap. Any thoughts or suggestions? ![]()
![]() I was talking to a co-worker today about my experience at a recent PFS gameday and RPGs in general. The result of this was that I was invited to GM for his gaming group. Some background information: The group is pretty well-established and meets once per month for 4-5 hours each time. They have been playing D&D 3.5 for some time now. They are finishing a campaign this December, just before one of the group members moves away. My co-worker has been GMing for some time and would like to play, and I have just enough experience GMing that I feel comfortable in that role. I have never played any version of D&D, but he tells me that the group's main goal is first to play (system is not super-important to them), and 3.5 is not too far off, especially if we start with CRB and APG or similar. My co-worker and I work at a CPA firm and have, at the very least, 2-3 months each year when gaming simply cannot happen. Our plan would be to begin after the 2017 spring tax filing season (late April or early May next year). With a once-per-month schedule we would have at best 9 sessions between tax seasons. I don't necessarily need to try to cram a whole campaign into this time, but this leads into my questions: I own a couple nice adventures, The Dragon's Demand (Level 1-7 module) and the Mummy's Mask AP. I've already GM'ed the former, but not the latter. 1) On average, how many gaming sessions would it take to complete an entire AP? It seems like with the schedule above, it would be a 2-year commitment. I liked Dragon's Demand, but I like running new stuff too. There's another multi-level module, Ire of the Storm, that covers levels 1-6 with the very next module to come out being a great fit for a sequel. 2) Would it be better to start a bit smaller, tackling something we could reasonably play through next year? I'd love to run an AP, but it is a big commitment. 3) Am I maybe better off going out and trying something new for everyone like 5th edition? A major advantage of PF is that the players can access the rules online for free, and I'm experienced with the system. I'm not terribly fond of the power creep, but it seems to bother me less when I'm GMing than playing. But maybe other systems have less of an issue here? Thanks for any and all comments. I appreciate your input! ![]()
![]() As the title says, I am looking to build a character for Pathfinder Society inspired by Celes of Final Fantasy VI fame. I've seen a number of Final Fantasy conversion threads, and the class that often comes back for her is magus. I'm not beholden to the idea if you think another class suits her better given all the recent releases in the game. Anyway, if I did go magus, I wasn't sure if STR or DEX better fit her thematically. She starts out with pretty balanced stats, but I have forgotten how her progression looks. I viewing her character art, she is often depicted with a curved sword, so scimitar would work OK in my mind. (Besides being a nearly optimal weapon for the magus with its wide crit range). Dervish Dance would make the Dex build really come off, but it's also considered cheesy by many people. Another consideration is that I currently do not own UM or the ISWG. Current books include: CRB, APG, UC, Unchained, Advanced Class Origins and Animal Archive. If there's a similar-working thing within there (work towards Eldritch Knight?) then I might like to try that too. Thanks in advance! ![]()
![]() Hi! I am building an Unchained Monk, straight up. I'd like some advice on which Feats to take at 1st level. The character is human,a nd is more STR heavy: 16 STR
The PC is now 2nd level, and since this is PFS I can retrain anything. Should I sacrifice some CON for extra STR? I am not interested in dropping INT. I am not interested in "old monk" archetypes currently, and I am not planning to buy the ACG, so brawler is not a choice either. Right now I have a +5 to hit at level 2. Maybe Weapon Focus? Toughness if I lower CON? Any ways to bump AC outside wands of mage armor? I could take a caster level (magus?) and get access to shield sacrificing some BAB... I want a strong build (not hyper-optimized) that draws on as few books as possible, though I can use CRB, APG, UC and Unchained as my "primary" choices. ![]()
![]() I am looking for thoughts on a melee bard build for the PFS Core campaign. Essentially, it's 20 point buy, CRB, traits web enhancement, PFS Guide. I won't play a half-orc, really leaning half-elf or human. I know about archer bards, but I would rather focus my feats elsewhere. Besides the good archery feats come online very late for PFS when you're not a ranger. Sor really, do I use a longspear or go sword and board with a buckler? If sword and board, rapier or longsword? If rapier do I stay with Strength or go Weapon Finesse knowing Dex to damage won't happen? Thanks in advance for your input! ![]()
![]() This may be too far into rules lawyer territory, but are there any restrictions on legal musical instruments for bards? Particularly in Core Campaign? Not sure what exists flavor-wise in Golarion, and I am hoping to keep things a bit canonical. Trumpets?
Not looking to go the 80's hair metal route, but probably closer to that than a madrigal singer. ![]()
![]() I am trying to decide if I should use a GM star to apply a chronicle to this character. It would grant him access to the second of two very particular items that would be fun to have on the same character. I am wondering if a partial rebuild or replan for future levels would allow him to be somewhat effective. The items are: Spoiler:
Gamin and Glorymane Any thoughts? Maybe I'm best building a PC from scratch and trying to GM for those chronicles again. But that would take 2 stars not 1. ![]()
Technic Siege/Full Map
![]() Discussion here! Please report in character so we can determine subtier, housekeeping, etc. ![]()
Technic Siege/Full Map
![]() Drandle Dreng’s entrance is as understated as always at the meeting with him this morning. He carries stacks of papers and tomes, and shedding stray pages as he makes his way toward a large, cushioned chair; once seated, he greets you warmly. "Welcome, welcome, glad to see you’ve made yourself at home. No point in beating around the bush, since I’m sure you’re all very curious why I called you here today, hm?" "As you may or may not know, the Society has been bolstering its influence with the esteemed Blakros family for some time now, and have assisted them and their famous museum with various incidents over the past few years—discovering several new levels of catacombs in the process." "Just recently, the Blakros Museum’s curator, Nigel Aldain, informed us that he’d discovered a mysterious portal within the building’s vast catacombs, and sought information regarding how to open it. We sent one of our agents, a man by the name of Anumet Akrostera, to help research the matter further, which involved delving into the various attics and crawlspaces of the Blakros Museum in search of clues that might lead to the whereabouts of the portal’s key." "Earlier today, Nigel showed up here, claiming that something was wrong with Anumet. It seems that the Pathfinder set off some sort of curse or trap while poking around in the place’s attics and was acting strangely, and now he can’t be found at all. I need you to head to Blakros Museum and get to the bottom of this. Find Anumet, and if he has gotten himself into irreparable trouble, you’ll also need to take up where he left off and find that key." ![]()
Technic Siege/Full Map
![]() Let's discuss scenarios choices and OOC stuff here! Xavian has a very limited selection of 3-7 scenarios that he can play for credit, and none at the 1-5 tier. Paizo is releasing a new 1-5 and a 3-7 next week. Also, December's releases also include a 3-7. So we could work with those. But first, let's see if any unplayed games help him out. Can any or all of you play the following? 4-5 : The Sanos Abduction (3-7)
I would be happy to GM any of these. He also hasn't played Assault on the Wound, but that's a beast to run via PBP from all accounts, and I just can't tackle it. The new ones are called: 6-08: The Segang Expedition
I already have run 5-06, and still have the maps up on Google, so that would be an easy one for me to jump into. I will run any of them though. As for getting Xavian to 5th where we have some flexibility game-wise, have you played all the sanctioned modules as well? Fangwood Keep and Midnight Mirror both are for 3-5, for instance. ![]()
Technic Siege/Full Map
![]() This is to hold a place for now. You can dot in here for tracking in "My Campaigns". ![]()
![]() I have a character that just hit 6th level due to a pile of GM credits. He started as a cavalier, and I am taking the path to Battle Herald. Now, there has been some debate about the Flagbearer feat from ISWG. First, is it still PFS legal. I cant download Addl Resources presently. If so, must my character actually hold the cloth of the flag in their hand, or can it be mounted on a polearm and still count. If so, which polearms are legal to use in this way? I know about Banner of the Ancient Kings. Not able to afford it yet, plus I don't own the book to make it legal. I know the Flagbearer bonus does not stack with the cavalier banner ability. Still, having a standing bonus to all attacks is powerful. If you do mount your banner to a longspear or lance, how do you justify swinging it around at enemies? What if you stabbed too hard and the flag itself entered the wound? Just thinking about flavor on that last item. I don't want to take an option that isn't at least somewhat logically consistent. ![]()
![]() Ok, I am wondering what you all think of this: I was playing in a PBP. It was a sanctioned module that died after two encounters. GM disappeared, last posted Oct. 17. I completed an in person campaign mode of Dragon's Demand as a GM on Oct 16. Can I apply those sheets to my above PC? If a PBP dies, is it treated as though it never happened? ![]()
Technic Siege/Full Map
![]() The light from the rising sun performs a splendid dance upon the windows of Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch’s Magnimarian manor house as she pours the coffee. Her young servant brings in a platter of pastries and fruits before the Venture-Captain begins to speak about the mission at hand in her distinctively low, breathy voice. "As I’m sure you’re well aware, much of the reason Riddleport was founded where it was is because of its easily defensible position as well as the enigmatic Cyphergate, which has baffled scholars since its discovery. The Pathfinder Society has a keen interest in the Thassilonian monument as well, since solving its mysteries would undoubtedly unlock a number of other secrets regarding that lost empire. The Order of the Cyphers has been amassing support from outside sources for some years now, and scholars from all over the Inner Sea have come to aid Elias Tammerhawk and the cyphermages." Heidmarch takes a bite out of a chocolate-filled biscuit before continuing. "Just recently, however, we received word from Elias himself that several of the visiting scholars haven’t arrived in Riddleport Bay as expected. It seems as though a band of raiders, led by the Vudran pirate Alejia Netrav, has been intercepting the ships at sea, killing the crews, and destroying the ships. While Riddleport is hardly a stranger to the likes of pirates, Overlord Cromarcky has declared it illegal for any ships that wish to return to Riddleport Harbor to attack ships bearing the Riddleport flag. Alejia’s ship is clearly coming from Riddleport — the attacks all took place just outside Riddleport Harbor — but attempts to identify her ship have been
"I needn’t explain to you that the Pathfinder Society is also very much interested in the secrets of the Cyphergate, and that the deaths of these knowledgeable scholars have severely hindered progress in unraveling the artifact’s mysteries. The unexplained attacks are beginning to wear on the other sailors of Riddleport as well, and if something isn’t done about the matter soon, there will be no shortage of civil unrest, if not anarchy." "In a few days, a ship called the Topaz Titan is scheduled to arrive in Riddleport Harbor from Minkai, bearing the acclaimed Tian scholar Hirako Gurukaza — who is also a former member of our Society. We fear that he may be Alejia’s next target, and your task is to prevent her assault at all costs, both ensuring Hirako’s safety and shoring up our relationship with Tammerhawk. I have heard rumors that some of Alejia’s cronies have been storing their stolen goods somewhere in the Wharf District, so that might be a good place to start your investigation. While in Riddleport, keep a low profile and try to avoid pulling any of the crimelords into the situation. Tammerhawk would appreciate discretion and subtlety if possible. Regardless, there is little time to waste, as there is no knowing exactly when the pirates will choose to strike the Topaz Titan." You may ask Venture-Captian Heidmarch questions if you like. Also, once you've started you can take some time to gather information, either via Diplomacy or Knowledge Local checks. ![]()
![]() OK, so I have seen a great many posts that refer to PFS gamemasters as "judges". I personally have never seen this term for a GM used in any official Paizo document. I am still new, with only about one year in Society play. Is the term a holdover from earlier seasons? Or common jargon because of its use in other organized play campaigns that-will-not-be-named. See, I applaud the official discontinuation of the term "judge". I am not a judge. As a PFS GM I may do things that a real-life judge does, such as facilitate and adjudicate. But to me the term engenders an adversarial relationship between players and the person running the game. It does not, for me, foster an atmosphere of cooperation that is essential to a good gaming experience. But maybe the term "gamemaster" or "GM" is just as bad. Can anyone provide insight on how the term judge came to be used? I am just as curious about the history of the company and the PFS campaign itself as the in-game story, so I will read your replies! ![]()
![]() My ranger and his wolf are both 9th level, since I took the Boon Companion feat. The wolf has proven powerful so far (hadn't been used much, and only took BC at 9th level). But I'd like to give him an option against incorporeal foes, and maybe even to beat DR. Since an amulet of mighty fists can be enchanted with a special weapon property without the +1 enhancement bonus, can it still count as magic? I.e. A holy amulet of mighty fist (16,000 GP) would bypass DR/evil. But could it also strike ghosts/wraiths/etc. Or does it need to be +1 holy for that? If the latter is true, I'm a long way off on a +3 enchanted AoMF. Would it be better to grab a ghost touch amulet or a straight +1 in that case? ![]()
![]() So I want to build a character that uses his fists. Not primarily a grappler. The guys who gets angry and hits things. I am not terribly concerned that this may not be considered an optimal build. But how can I maximize the mechanical results given the following constraints? 1) PFS-legal - so it's a 20 point stat buy 2) Must use CRB and APG only. Exception for builds that take brawler levels. But I don't own Ultimate Combat and I'm extremely unlikely to buy it - so I can't use it for PFS. 3) I don't have all year to wait to be effective. Build needs to be viable at all levels of play, with the understanding that it will likely be better as it progresses. I had envisioned some sort of brawler/barbarian combo. I don't see any fighter or barbarian archetypes that offer unarmed strike damage progression like a monk's or anything like flurry. So monk or brawler seems like a given as part of this build. Thanks in advance for the input! ![]()
![]() One year ago I visited a local game store that was starting its first PFS games. This was after I discovered the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game about one month earlier. My attendance marked the end of a 15-year hiatus from tabletop roleplaying games. And what a year it's been! Some figures: I have played 50 PFS games in that time: 47 scenarios, 2 modules, and 1 sanctioned Adventure Path segment I have exactly 30 table credits as a GM: 28 scenarios and 1 module. I'm more active as a play-by-post than a "live" player: 28 PBP games and 19 GM credits earned from PBP's, the balance were earned at local game days and conventions. I have 10 characters in PFS right now: Ranger 9
Noteworthy events: In January I attended my first roleplaying convention of any kind. I had a mixed experience, but I'm glad that I went. I was one of 20 players and 5 GM's to experience the first, and so far only, PFS special event to be played as a PBP game. It was a tremendous experience! I'm looking forward to kicking off my second year in style as I head to PathCon in West Valley City, UT for a Saturday of high-level play! ![]()
![]() I just bought a copy of Animal Archive so that I could "unlock" some things for Society play. I'm going to have my ranger take Boon Companion as his next feat, which jumps his wolf from 5th level to 9th. Now the wolf gets some huge natural armor bonuses due to his regular leveling and the 7th level wolf advancement (+10 in all). But even an AC of 22 (+3 Dex, +10 Natural, -1 size) is a low for a 9th level front-liner. Now my question(s): Wolves can use neck slot items. Can I give the wolf my ranger's amulet of natural armor, or must I buy one that's shaped like a collar? In either case, does its bonus (an enhancement bonus) stack with his existing natural armor bonus? It appears that it does. I'll be buying some new barding in the proper size as well, trying to keep the beastie on his feet. Any other suggestions for AC gear? Can magic fang be made permanent, etc.? ![]()
![]() and no, please don't list Eyes. Kind of a sore subject right now, because I might miss THREE different chances to play it locally. But what 7-11 scenarios are "must-plays"? I understand that table variation, group composition, and such can dramatically change this, but are there a few that I should be bribing others to run for me before I hit 33 XP? ![]()
![]() I am planning to run this game very soon at my local store. I have read a little bit, but I am particularly concerned about running the last encounter. The party will likely include a heavily optimized grappler character. I am specifically concerned to know: 1) if there is a size limit to creature that can be grappled, and 2) what happens if he successfully grapples a flying elemental. I don't want to cheat, but with a 7-11 game I don't want to sell the bad guys short either. ![]()
![]() Let me preface this post by saying that after a LONG hiatus I finally got back into RPG's just last year thanks to Pathfinder. Pretty crazy because about this time one year ago is when I "discovered" that Paizo and Pathfinder even existed. I had a homebrew setting collecting dust. I brushed it off and fleshed it out, now running an adventure set there. But I see how it could be so much more. I'm not sure there's a big market for the type of game I'm running, but I'd be proud to give it a try some day in the near future. So I have a few questions just to get my mind going. Believe me, I realize that the amount of work this would take to pull off is probably more than I can imagine right now. 1) Are there 3 PP's out there whom I could pitch my idea to? I don't know that I'd be in the same league as their regular authors, so please don't bite. 2) If I were to attempt to set up my own company to publish my setting and "AP" it seems like Kickstarter can be a great way to raise the initial capital necessary. Can anyone share anecdotes of their own success, perhaps with links to useful information for the uninitiated (I've sadly never done Kickstarter, either as a contributor or otherwise). There are dozens of more questions in my mind, but getting these straight firs would be a tremendous help. Thanks! ![]()
![]() A while back, one of my online players generously bought me a copy of The Dragon's Demand to run for our online group. We're playing in Campaign Mode using playtest classes not built exactly using PFS rules. We're about to embark on the second dungeon, which is the first part of the PFS sanctioned content. So when do I issue chronicles? Do I only issue them all 4 sheets at the very end? Do I issue them and report the games as each segment is finished? I ask this, because as I looked over the first sheet, it included boons that could only be used later on within the module. Spoiler:
Like having Hak and Nighttail aid you in combat, provide bonuses to skill checks, etc. It would seem to unfairly punish campaign mode players if they couldn't access those boons at all. So I just wanted to know what was right. Thanks! ![]()
![]() I always understood hardness to be a single thing. Then someone quoted the rule on adamantine, which specifically states it ignores hardness of less than 20 on sunder attempts and attacks against objects. Nothing is said about attacks against creatures. A very narrow reading of the rule seems to indicate there is OBJECT hardness and CREATURE hardness. I have personally never seen a GM rule this way, but I'm sure some could/do. Is my adamantine longsword now less valuable against constructs? ![]()
![]() I've got a homebrew campaign running right now on the boards. The PC's are coming to the end of the first segment. Sometime in the not-too-distant future the group will be tasked with aiding an army in a (hopefully) decently complex series of military operations. Don't read if you're my player:
The kingdom will be overrun. At some point, the PC's will be tasked with aiding the re-conquest. They'll do things like secure supply lines, capture advanced forts, etc. I have the Fangwood Keep module, which includes a handy fort map that I may use. Any other AP volumes or modules you'd recommend for inspiration based on the above? Thanks! ![]()
Technic Siege/Full Map
![]() Go ahead and dot here and in gameplay for tracking if you like. You can all introduce yourselves in character too, if you like. ![]()
![]() This game is part of the Official Pathfinder Society PbP Game Day. For more information please visit: PbP Game Day I am going to give Port Godless a try. It has gotten very positive reviews, but it's also known as being tough to run and play. So my players will need to bear with me. I'm hoping the PbP format will allow me to get the most out of the RP sections and the apparently complex encounters. The gameday starts on April 5, but I will not begin play until April 16th. I do taxes for a living, and the first two weeks of April are usually the two busiest of my year. We should still have plenty of time to finish. I like to post at least once every other day, but I shoot for 1-2 posts/day when I can. I'd appreciate the same level of commitment from the players, and we should be able to complete the game in about a month. ![]()
![]() This is not intended to start a flame war, though that outcome is potential. It is simply a plea for sanity. I have heard some people talk about PFS scenarios being "easy" or "hard". I think that very few games deserve to be described in such a way. Or, perhaps all games are "easy" except a few (I think chess would count as hard). Baling hay is hard (assuming it's done by hand). Shucking corn or picking cotton or fruit all day is hard (basically any form of all-day manual labor). Designing a reverse triangular merger (an actual thing) is hard. Preparing a tax return for a composite filing S-corporation in 28 states is hard (as is anything mentally taxing, like trying to conduct astrophysical research, etc.) PFS is not hard. The rules are all there and require basic math skills and reading comprehension. But encounters themselves? They rely on dice. And that means luck. So "easy" and "hard" are meaningless descriptors. To whit: Let's say the party faces a series of high-CR encounters. That might seem "hard", but is it really? Your party of level 7's faces an 18th level wizard? Not hard, just unwinnable. Facing an enemy impervious to every ability and weapon your group possesses isn't hard. It's unfair, but not "hard". There's no difficulty when there's nothing you can do. It's just not an appropriate way to even frame the discussion. And calling encounters "easy" is no better. They don't require tactical acumen? HORSE POO. Show me one that does. It takes NO acumen to roll a 15 with a +12 to hit. That's not a skill, it's just a thing. Maybe you feel differently. Please explain to me how exactly, then, an encounter is easy or hard, when there really isn't much "acumen" in any of them. It's a simple choice of moving or attacking. And the dice are with you, or they're not.