Erdrinneir Vonnarc

Delvarian's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.



I would love to get involved in playing one of these games, are any currently available? I have a lvl 3 Female Elvin Barbarian named Asha, who dual weilds punching daggers. Also have a lvl 1 Half-orc Paladin named Nailo, if starting at first lvl. If someone could send me a message with info I would appreciate it, thanks.


Also take into account that a lvl 1 fighter didnt just pick up a sword yesterday, they have been trained with that sword for some time. The same goes for a mage, they have spent years in study before being classified as a lvl 1 character. This is why their stats are what they are, they have changed due to training (at least as I see it). So a mage has been taught to use his mind (int) and a fighter has been taught to use his sword arm (Str). Just as going to school helps people become smarter and joining the army helps one become more fit.
As far as people knowing their own stats, this is very doubtful, though they should know what they are good at, and their skillset. (Though not exact numbers)