Cale the Calistrian

Deluvian's page

5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Odraude wrote:
Yes. it affects everyone, including allies.

Thanks for the response. Seems like this makes the spell more than worth being a 4th level now. I also, cant think of a time I would use it in combat with my party now....which is made of the following

14 Melee Cleric
2 Monk/5 Sorc/7 DD
14 Trap Monkey Rogue
14 Gunslinger
and myself, the 14 Conj Wiz

Pretty much everyone, except for the GS and myself needs to be in Melee range

Hey all,

I'm just wondering. Does black tentacles affect party members, I know the wording states that it affects all creatures within its radius but I cant help but wonder what its use is if it does affect party members. I mean why would you cast it unless you were alone and trying to stop something getting close to you? You dont want to kill the entire party. If this is the case no melee would be able to get close to the enemy without themselves being ganked by the spell.


Gorbacz wrote:
Free PDFs are only for subscribers. Many folks got their subs shipment sent out and so have access to the PDF.

Damn, I think I've missed the boat then. Despite the fact it says I've already brought the book, it's asking for for more money to subscribe sigh... Oh well

Hey guys,
Just a question. Everyone seems to be discussing the cOntent of Ultimate Magic and yet I cannot find it anywhere. I got myself the pre-order in April and it's shipping now finally all the way to Australia but I'm wondering where I get my free PDF? Where did you guys get yours??

hida_jiremi wrote:

Got my subscriber pdf tonight, and I'm up for answering questions! Let me just say that alchemists got simultaneously sexier and far grosser. Vestigial limbs, anyone? Conjoined twin? Freaking tumor familiar? Blech!

Hit me with your questions! Or alternately, if you've got your copy too, post about stuff you like from it!

So I'm just wondering, I brought the hardcopy of Ultimate Magic and it is shipping to me in Australia as we speak. But do I also get access to the PDF or any updates? People keep saying they have copies but it doesn't appear to have been released.... Where do I get my copy?