Malin the Prophet

Delta-5's page

191 posts. Organized Play character for caps.

Full Name



EAC 20; KAC 20 | Fort +2; Ref +6; Will +4; +2 vs. disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, spells, and other magic effects |


Init: +5 | Perc +0, SM -2, low-light vision, Darkvision 60ft. | Speed 30ft


Male N android ace pilot Technomancer 4 | SP 20 HP 24 | RP 5 |

About Delta-5

SFS # 137974-703
Experience 10

Slotted Faction Acquisitives

Reputation 11 Fame, 20 Global Reputation
Reputation with Acquisitives: 20
Reputation with Dataphiles:
Reputation with Exoguardians:
Reputation with Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo):
Reputation with Wayfinders:

Technomancer 4
N Medium humanoid (Android)
Init +5; Senses Perc +0, SM -2, low-light vision, Darkvision 60ft.

EAC 20, KAC 20, CMD 28 (10 + 5 dex + 5 defrex hide)
SP 20/20 HP 24/24 RP 5/5
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +4; +2 vs. disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, sleep, spells, and other magic effects

Speed 30 ft., Jump jets 30ft.


[dice=Called Azimuth Laser Rifle, vs. EAC]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Flame Damage]1d8+4[/dice]
120ft. range, burn 1d6 critical effect, 20/20 charges, 1 usage

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Special Attacks

Spell-Like Abilities
Str 10
Dex (20) (personal upgrade mk1)
Con 10
Int 16
Wis 11
Cha 8

Skills 28 ranks = 4 level * 7 (4 class + 3 Int)
+5 Acrobatics (+0 ranks +0 class +5 Dex)
+0 Athletics (+0 ranks +0 class)
-1 Bluff (+0 ranks +0 class -1 Cha)
+7 Bluff, professional hireling
+11 Computers (+4 ranks +3 class +3 Int +1 Techlore)
+7 Culture (+4 ranks +0 class +3 Int)
-1 Diplomacy (+0 ranks +0 class -1 Cha)
+7 Diplomacy, professional hireling
-1 Disguise (+0 ranks +0 class -1 Cha)
+10 Engineering (+4 ranks +3 class +3 Int)
-1 Intimidate (+0 ranks +0 class -1 Cha)
+7 Intimidate, professional hireling
+7 Life Science (+1 ranks +3 class +3 Int)
+3 Medicine (+0 ranks +0 class +3 Int)
+5 Mysticism (+1 ranks +3 class +0 Wis +1 Techlore)
+0 Perception (+0 ranks +0 class +0 Wis)
+10 Physical Science (+4 ranks +3 class +3 Int)
+13 Piloting (+4 ranks +3 class +5 Dex +1 theme)
+10 Profession, bounty hunter (+4 ranks +3 class +3 Int)
+14 profession, bounty Hunter (base + 1 clothing + 4 kit)
-2 Sense Motive (+0 ranks +0 class +0 Wis -2 race)
+9 Sleight of Hand (+1 ranks +3 class +5 Dex)
+5 Stealth (+0 ranks +0 class +5 Dex)
+0 Survival (+0 ranks +0 class +0 Wis)

Starship-Combat Version of Skills
+11 Computers
+10 Engineering
+13 Piloting
+8 Gunnery

1: Longarm proficiency
3: Versatile Specialization
Bonus: Spell Focus

Common, Vercite, Castrovelian, Eoxian, Ghibrani, Copaxi, Morlamaw, +2 more

Other Abilities
+2 on some saves

Exceptional vision
Low-light vision and Darkvision 60ft.

Flat Affect
-2 on sense motive cheeks; +2 on opposed Sense Motive DCs

Upgrade Slot
One light armor upgrade can be installed on Delta-5's body

Technomancer Spells
0 - DC14: dancing lights, daze, detect magic, psychokinetic hand, telepathic message, transfer charge
1 - DC15 (4/4): comprehend languages, grease, overheat, supercharge weapon
2 - DC16 (3/3): see, invisibility, spider climb

Spell cache (1/1)
Once per day, cast any known spell, even if all spell slots have been expended

Magic Hack: Spell Countermeasures: You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells and other magical effects.

Spell Focus

Techlore +1

Combat Gear
(900) jump jets 
425 azimuth laser rifle  1bulk
250 second skin  L
132 called fusion seal  --

Other Gear
180 battery (36/60) --
025 titanium alloy cable, 50ft.  5L
020 engineering kit, L
020 hacking kit, L
020 navigator's kit, L
020 professional's kit, L (bounty hunter)
020 trapsmith's tools, L
007 personal comm unit  L
005 professional clothing  L

2bulk + 3L

904 credits spent on gear

96 credits left

+753 credits The Commencement
+50 credits Day Job

-64 credits Commencement purchases

+720 credits Into the Unknown
+48 credits Day Job

1603 credits

+720 credits Acts of Association
+050 credits day job

2373 credits

-1400 personal upgrade, mk1
-020 professional's kit

+720 Skitter shot
+46 day job

+1144 The Protectorate Petition
+46 day job

2909 credits

-0900 jump jets (10% discount from Distinguished Ambassador)

+1116 Ashes of Discovery
+46 day job

+1473 Sanctuary of Drowned Delight
+48 day job

4692 credits

-0735 ring of resistance, mk1
-0120 2x battery
-0020 engineering kit, L
-0020 hacking kit, L
-0020 navigator's kit, L
-0020 professional's kit, L (bounty hunter)
-0020 trapsmith's tools, L

+1072 The Blackmoon Survey
+48 day job

4857 credits

-2025 Defrex Hide (10% discount from distinguished ambassador)
+1460 Skitter Crash

3292 credits

+1447 A Night in Nightarch
+0028 day job

4767 credits

Special Abilities

Boons Slotted this Adventure
Ally: Professional Hireling Access (+8: bluff, diplomacy, intimidate)
Faction: Acquisitives Champion, Improved
Social: Faction's Friend
Starship: Skittermander
Slotless: Marked Field Agent, Star Sugar Heartlove! Starfinder Insignia, Abysshead Download

All My Boons:

Basic Hireling Access (Ally Boon) Set 2
You can requisition basic assistance from the Starfinder Society.
Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 0
Cost: 1 Fame
Benefit: You bring on a non-combat ally that can assist with a certain set of skill checks. This ally can perform the listed skills with a total bonus equal to your level. You must expend any necessary actions and be in range to perform the action yourself. The ally’s result cannot be modified by class abilities or spells, but can be improved by a successful aid another action. The ally does not participate in combat, cannot be killed outside of combat, and has no effect other than providing the ability to attempt skill checks. The ally can attempt a given skill check only once, cannot retry a check, and cannot take 10 or 20 on a check. When you select this boon, you must select one of the following sets of skills.
Set 1: Computers, Engineering, Physical Science
Set 2: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate
Set 3: Culture, Medicine, Survival
Set 4: Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science

Amateur Hireling Access (Ally Boon)
You can requisition amateur assistance from the Starfinder Society.
Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 1, Basic Hireling Access
Cost: 2 Fame
Benefit: This boon acts as Basic Hireling Access, except the total bonus to your ally’s skill check bonus is now equal to 2 + your level.
Special: This boon supersedes the skill bonus used by Basic Hireling Access. When slotting this boon, you select any skill set from Basic Hireling Access that you already purchased but use the improved skill check bonus instead.

Professional Hireling Access (Ally Boon)
You can request the assistance of a professional agent from the Starfinder Society.
Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 2, Amateur Hireling Access
Cost: 2 Fame
Benefit: This boon acts as Basic Hireling Access, except the total bonus to your ally’s skill check is now equal to 4 + your level.
Special: This boon supersedes the skill bonus used by Basic Hireling Access. When slotting this boon, you can select one skill set from Basic Hireling Access that you already purchased but use the improved skill check bonus instead.

Gun Runner (Ally Boon; Limited Use) - Night in Nightarch

Suulhu-Huues Debt (Ally Boon): During your mission to the abandoned Arniselle lodge, you saved the life of the kalo Suulhu-Huur. Now the sole survivor of the once infamous Manta Corps group, she recognizes that she has a debt to you and vows to one day repay it. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons.

Acquisitives Champion, Improved (Faction Boon)
Your allegiance with the Acquisitives means you gain personal bonuses for completing related mission objectives as well as championing the faction.
Prerequisites: Acquisitives Tier 2, Acquisitives Champion
Cost: 4 Fame
Benefit: This Faction boon allows the character to gain Reputation with the Acquisitives faction. A character with this boon slotted at the end of a successfully completed scenario gains Reputation as detailed in the primary and secondary success conditions of the scenario. In addition, once per adventure, when you succeed at a Culture or Intimidate skill check that is written into the adventure, you recover 1 Resolve Point, up to your Resolve Point total.

Half-Orc Admittance (Personal Boon)

Sarcesian Admittance (Personal Boon)

Morlamaw Admittance (Personal Boon; Limited Use)

Copaxi Admittance (Personal Boon)


Faction's Friend (Social)

▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ (2/4 boxes checked) Distinguished Ambassador (Social Boon; Limited-Use): You aided Chiskisk, a prominent member of the Starfinder Forum, in concluding negotiations with a foreign power by touring the visiting diplomat around Absalom Station. The visiting dignitary remembers your actions and can be called upon for support. You can slot this boon at the beginning of an adventure, when you do so, you can call upon your dignitary to secure you a single item with an item level equal to your current character level. Once you complete your adventure, the dignitary has finished using their contacts to secure you the desired item, which you can purchase at a 10% discount. When you do so, cross off a box on this boon. Once all boxes have been checked off this boon, you’ve expended your political clout with your dignitary and this boon can no longer be used.

▫ ▫ ▫ Contractor's Respect, Skyfire Centurions (Social Boon; Limited Use): By successfully completing a mission to investigate an abandoned outpost in Near Space, you also earned the esteem of a prominent organization within the Pact Worlds. You can call upon the resources of this organization by slotting this boon. The organization loans you a set of armor or a nonconsumable weapon (but fully loaded with conventional ammunition) for the duration of the adventure. The loaned equipment must have an item level equal to or less than your character level + 1, up to a maximum item level of 8. The item must be returned to the organization at the end of the adventure. Whenever you slot this boon, you must check one of the boxes. This boon might have additional uses based on the organization you have influenced. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons. When all the boxes are checked, you can no longer earn loaned equipment while slotting this boon, as your preferred standing with this organization is expended.

Hero of the Stars (Starship)

Star Monster Slayer (Starship Boon): You defeated a spacefaring monster known as a Besmaran whelp. Since this battle, you've mastered the art of battling against living starship-sized enemies when operating a starship of your own. While this boon is slotted, you gain a +2 bonus to all skill checks made in a starship combat against an enemy living starship. Any of your fellow crewmates who don't have this boon slotted instead gain a +1 bonus to their skill checks against enemy living starships—the direct result of your guidance during the battle.

▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Skitterfriend (Starship Boon; Limited-Use): By taking part in the skittermander escape from Varkulon 4, you’ve ensured that these adorable creatures continue to help people throughout the galaxy—yourself included! When you slot this boon, it has two different effects, which you can choose to use during the course of the adventure.
Skittermander Stepping In!—If your party numbers fewer than 6 PCs, one of the skittermanders temporarily joins your crew during a starship combat. You can choose which of the four skittermanders joins your crew and what starship role they take over during the ensuing starship combat. You can control the skittermander during the starship combat, and appropriate statistics are provided below.
Dakoyo—Diplomacy +7 (3 ranks), Gunnery +3 (3rd level), Mysticism +13 (3 ranks)
Gazigaz—Bluff +10 (3 ranks), Diplomacy +10 (3 ranks), Gunnery +5 (3rd level), Piloting +8 (3 ranks)
Nako—Athletics +7 (3 ranks), Gunnery +4 (3rd level), Intimidate +6 (3 ranks)
Quonx—Athletics +6 (3 ranks), Computers +10 (3 ranks), Engineering +12 (3 ranks), Gunnery +4 (3rd level)
At most, two such skittermanders can assist the PCs, assuming two PCs slot this boon and that there are only 4 PCs present. In this circumstance, the PCs who’ve slotted this boon must select different skittermanders to take over starship roles. For every 2 Tiers the PCs’ starship is higher than Tier 4, increase the skill bonuses, ranks, and level of the skittermanders by 2 and the gunnery bonus by 1.
Let Me Help!—Rather than having a skittermander take over a starship role, you can instead choose to have a skittermander assist during a starship combat. You must decide whom the skittermander assists at the start of the starship combat round, prior to the engineering phase. An assisting skittermander grants a single PC a +1 bonus on any one skill check made during the starship combat round, but this bonus does not stack with encouragement or demands from a Captain. A PC can only benefit from an assisting skittermander once per round (multiple assisting skittermanders do not stack). Once per adventure, a PC who is currently being assisted by a skittermander can check one of the boxes that precedes this boon to provide dramatic assistance to one PC. That PC can reroll the skill check the skittermander assisted them with. However, dramatic assistance also tires out the skittermander and prevents the skittermander from assisting for the remainder of the adventure.

Marked Field Agent (Slotless)

Star Sugar Heartlove! (Slotless)

Starfinder Insignia (Slotless)

Abysshead Download (Slotless) - Night in Nightarch

Morlamaw Linguist (Slotless Boon): So long as you have this boon, all of your Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild characters have access to the Morlamaw language and can select it at any time they would learn a new language.

Copaxi Linguist (Slotless Boon)

Bot Me!:

Delta-5 is a cold-hearted, deliberate combatant. He focuses his fire on the biggest target, saving Overheat as a last resort or for a particularly strong opponent or a cluster of other opponents. Similarly he saves Supercharge Weapon for "boss" fights but will try to use it ASAP in such a fight.

In ship combat, Delta-5 likes to fly the ship. He generally stick to the Evade manevuer while doing the best he can to stay behind the enemy ship. He automatically succeeds at most piloting checks in tier 1-2.