Delewobmesid's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Phasics wrote:
even if it worked its not that good anyway your still -3 caster levels which is the main problem with trickster

Unless you take the trait Magical Knack which bumps your caster level 2 as long as that doesn't put your caster level above your hit dice.

I guess I'm just looking for the ruling which separates use spell-like abilities from cast spells.

Would an Elf with a Cha of 15 and the Dreamspeaker racial option, meet the 'able to case at least one arcane spell of 2nd level of higher' class requirement of the arcane trickster? Does the ability to use Dream as a spell like ability meet that prestidge class requirement?

The Idea is to have 3 levels of rogue and 1 level of sorcerer and then go into arcane trickster from there.

Other than needing GM approval as it is cheesy as all get out, would this be a 'legal' way to get into the class a few levels early?

•Dreamspeaker: A few elves have the ability to tap into the power of sleep, dreams, and prescient reverie. Elves with this racial trait add +1 to the saving throw DCs of spells of the divination school and sleep effects they cast. In addition, elves with Charisma scores of 15 or higher may use dream once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level is equal to the elf's character level). This racial trait replaces elven immunities.

12th lvl fighter (sword and board) previously took weapon focus with scimitar and weapon focus light shield (improved shield bash kind of thing).

Would Penetrating Strike apply to both weapon attacks or just one weapon?

I'm playing with builds for the Ruby Phoenix Tournament (RPT) for PFS and came up with the following Human Barbarian 8/Horizon Walker 3 ; this abuses the start/stop rage + fatigue/exhaustion immunity.

str 20 : 17+2+1 4th,
dex 14,
con 16 : 15+1 8th,
int 7,
wis 13,
cha 7

Invulnerable Barbarian 1 : Power Attack, Toughness
Barbarian 2 : Reckless Abandon
Barbarian 3 : Heavy Armor Prof (for mithral full plate, yes your ac is going to be bad, no reason to make it worse)
Barbarian 4 : Auspicious Mark
Barbarian 5 : Endurance
Barbarian 6 : Powerful Blow
Horizon Walker 1 : Desert Mastery, open feat
Horizon Walker 1 : Desert Mastery Exhaustion Immunity
Horizon Walker 1 : Desert Mastery Fatigue Immunity, Imp Crit Falchion
Barbarian 7
Barbarian 8 : Crippling Blow, Dazing Assault

with everything up and running
+3 Reckless Abandon -3 AC
+2/+3 rage
+5/+7 str
+11 bab
-3/+9 power attack
-5 dazing strike
+13 att/+19 damage +for save 21 or dazed +2 str or dex damage (fort save 19 for half). Assuming you can close with the arcane caster, the Dazing Assault may just shut them down, and the str damage might take them to zero while they stand there dazed.

Before str boost belt and weapon enchantments, +13 to hit with a fort save of 21 or dazed plus lose 2 str or dex with a fort save of 19 for half. which you can do every round as you stop/start your rage at the start of each turn. Any any time you feel they will pass the dazing strike fort save, turn it off for a +18 + str damage every turn.

Not a pounce master, but an interesting idea to me any way for RPT

I have a problem with the inturpritation that the Elf racial option Dreamspeaker adds to the DC of the witch's Slumber ability.

Dreamspeaker: Elves with this racial trait add +1 to saving throw DCs for "spells of the divination school" and "sleep effects" they _cast_.

Hexes are not spells; When I read Dreamspeaker I only see that it affects divination and sleep spells as hexes are activated, not cast. As written a witch can Hex while silenced and paralyzed.

The read as intended would mean it does not affect slumber; read as written, I'm trying to understand how "sleep effects they cast" is interpreted as affecting anything but spells.

Is a supernatural ability treated in all ways as a spell?

(I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to make a human or elf witch)

I saw someone show up at a pathfinder society game with a summoner with the following starting build.

half elf 7,7,7,16,18+2,14 : biped, ability increase str, reach longspear

when joined he has 18,12,13,16,20,14 with a 15' reach (before he enlarged).

His plan is to take one level of monk, the rest in summoner (which makes sense to me as evolutions are just fun to stack, and you get evasion from the eildon).

How does flurry of blows work with natural attacks? I understand that natural attacks are all secondary when attacking with a weapon; do the same rules apply when preforming a flurry of blows?

He was considering the monk master of many styles archtype, but I'm not seeing the benefit as most of the style feats seem weak (am I looking at them wrong?).

What feats make the most sense for this type of build? Can the summoner qualify for feats using their fused stats and then have them go dormant when the eildon isn't summoned? power attack on a caster with a base str of 7 seems like fun...