Prankster Illusionist

Delben Petch's page

122 posts. Alias of Spacefighters.

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Yo! I have been enjoying myself for a while on these forums and I've decided to start up my own game.
Far back in the mists of the early 2000's I ran my first D&D game in highschool, and the completely spontaneous campaign began in the town of Grundy (I couldn't think of a better name for a town). Since then a town named Grundy has appeared in everyone of my campaigns, and I have had the idea to run a town centric game such as this for a while, so why not set it in my first town. While I am now an old hand at DMing, I am new to the Golarion setting, though I enjoy it quite a bit. If any of my setting information is incorrect, just let me know! This game will be a great mix of action and roleplay. I love character development, and with a lot more invested in the setting than your normal campaign, I think there will be a lot of room for it. I'm aiming for a good mix of horror, comedy, and drama, and I think this will be a lot of fun!

Welcome to the sleepy, unusual town of Grundy.
Nestled right on the border of Numeria and the River Kingdoms, Grundy was once held firmly under the thumb of the Black Marquis. Then about thirty years ago an unusual half-elf named Albert Grundy arrived and took on the responsibility for running the town. Somehow, Albert was able to remove all influence of the Black Marquis from the town and it's surrounding area, and since then the little town that was then named after it's savior has grown by leaps and bounds. Existing in a tenuous state between it's former master and the even more dangerous Black Sovereign, Grundy has nevertheless managed to carve it's own face into Golarion, becoming a popular trading hub for the rare valuable materials of Numeria and as a travel stop for warriors traveling north to the crusades.

And then it all changed in one night.

The skys alight, a meteor fell once more into the face of Golarion, just outside of this now not so little town. The cloud of dust rose miles into the air, pointing the way towards it's falling point only two miles from Grundy, in the forested hills to the east, the footsteps of Echo Wood. When the curious townsfolk of Grundy finally found the landing site, the large crater revealed a gaping wound in a large hill, underneath which were twisted metal tunnels and ancient alien chambers. An enormous structure much like the infamous Silver Mount was buried here, long forgotten but now unearthed. This immense structure collapsed around the fallen star, creating a foreboding alien labyrinth leading to what is inevitably a priceless treasure.

Within a short time this shocking event has changed the face of Grundy, with dozens of fool-hardy adventurers arriving by the hour to explore the buried hallways. Arriving within hours of the landing, agents of the Black Marquis and representatives of Numeria's Technic league began squaring off over who has the rights to so marvelous a find. As no agreement could be reached, both parties began marshaling forces, and the region may be weeks or months from open war, with forces from nearby Ustalav reportedly on the way. Of course these are only a few of the problems poor Grundy now faces, as with the unearthing of this ancient complex unusual things have been happening with no explanation. Mysterious disappearances, grisly murders, and more. While most blame it on the new influx of strangers to the town, many are beginning to doubt, and even hardened adventurers are keen to avoid wandering the town at night.

And that's where you come in.

See, the players for this adventure won't be your typical adventurers, instead you will be playing residents of this town. You won't be someone looking to brave dangers for the promise of reward, you'll be people fighting to defend your home, your loved ones, and your lively hood. Like much of the best fiction, your characters will just be people caught up in a problem, and who end up becoming heroes along the way. So while I am looking for the typical extraordinary folks of power and skill that make up your ordinary adventuring party, your characters will instead be tied to this town, trying desperately to defend what they hold dear against a myriad of challenges and foes.

So, in addition to a normal character submission, with a sheet, a background, and a description, I'll be looking for what ties you to this weird town. On this I am prepared to be very flexible, this town should be as much yours as it is mine.
Are you a sorcerous school marm?
A cantankerous cleric with small chapel and a faithful congregation?
A retired warrior seeking to teach those young pups on their way to the crusades a thing or two in your swordsmanship school?
All of the above?

I thoroughly encourage you to go crazy, come up with a family, friends, and relatives, hated neighbors and town drunks. Most of this will be ironed out before-hand with my selected players, but having a solid base to pull from will be a very good thing. I have a host of characters already posted in the campaign info section, but almost all of them are mutable, if you want your character to own the best tavern in the town, it's yours. More detailed information on Grundy is available in the campaign info section as well.

Character Creation:

Characters will be built at third level.

No evil alignments please, I'm looking for some heroes here.

Stats will be rolled in the recruitment thread, 4d6 drop the lowest with 1's being rerolled. Roll six times, and if you're unhappy with your first set you may roll again.

Standard races are preferred, but any race of 15rp or under will be considered if there's a good reason for them being in town.

Anything Paizo is acceptable, but no playtest materials please, and no third party materials.

I like to do hit-points a little wonky. Max hit die at first level, and then roll the following. D6 HD = 1d6, D8 HD = 1d6+2, D10 HD = 1d6+4, D12 HD = 1d6+6. So if you're a Rogue with a D8 hit die, you would roll 1d6+2 at each level past first, if you're a Fighter it's 1d6+4, easy.

Two traits from anything Paizo, and one drawback is allowed.

Characters will each start with 1,500 worth of gear and equipment, and will receive several hundred gold worth of “background” items (i.e. if you own a forge, a house, or a business those will be included). We'll work out the specifics if your character is selected.

I will be looking for a party of 5 people who can post at least once a day. I'm running recruitment until Friday 3/7.

I really hope this is an idea people can get behind, and I just bet it'll be a lot of fun!

If anyone has any questions just ask!

The Tannery House

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The Tannery House

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