Cayden Cailean

Delazar's page

Organized Play Member. 90 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Last adventure approaches, and I wanted to make use of the maps included in the magazine, and use some minis.

I don't have a "mini" for Kyuss, so I was planning of making one myself out of paper, nothing fancy, just a colored picture of gargantuan size on a stand.

All the pictures of Kyuss I found online have a very heavily colored background, and I don't really have the skills to "cut him out" of the picture.

Anyone has a picture of Kyuss I could use? I just need him against a white background, or something similar.

Thanks in advance!

I've decided to "test" 13th age by playing the Age of Worms campaign (from Dungeon magazines)

Here is my conversion of the monsters / traps. It is still a work in progress, but I'd like to receive some comments/suggestions by all of you.

Please take note I have still NOT played 13th age, so there may be a few (many?) mistakes.

Here goes!

Paizo and Pathfinder have all my respect and admiration for how they handle the game, the bussiness, the client support, etc.

Yet, I feel that Pathfinder as a game is still too "heavy" for my taste/time/memory, and I'd love to see the great talent of Paizo crew create something of a "old-school" Pathfinder. Something like no feats, not so many spells, streamlined skills, and such.

I saw there's a Beginner Box, but if I understand correctly, it only covers a few levels?

Do you think there will ever be an "easier" version of Pathfinder? Would you want to?

well, I just wanted to say that it's done... let the die roll!

I'm sure I once saw in a Dungeon mag a drawing of Demogorgon made by Stan!, but I can't remember which one.

Could someone point me to it?

thx in advance

I'm running Savage Tide using the old DnD rules ( go retro-gaming, go!), and I want to use my old gazetteers.

Where do you think I should set Sasserine? I was thinking Minrothad Guilds, but maybe your DnD-fu is better than mine.


My 4E campaign has almost reached lvl 30, and I'm starting to plan for the future. I'm a bit burned out with 4E, so I wanted to DM something else.

My players would like to get ivolved into ruling a kingdom and commanding armies in battles, so I almost thought about going to the basement, and get my old Birthright stuff out, or even my DnD Rules Cyclopedia.

Then I noticed that here at Paizo there's a new Adventure path called "Kingmaker", and I downloaded the player's guide. It seems the idea is for the PCs to become rulers of a kingdom? Am I correct?

Will there be rules for army battles? Will these rules be only for the lands in Kingmaker, or will I be able to use them also, for example, in Andoran, or any other nation?

Is it correct that all I need to play is the Core rulebook, and the Bestiary (and the 6 adventure books, of course)?

I guess that's all for now... thx in advance!

Godd day,

I have two pending orders:

1140601 and 1121624

can you pls "merge" them?

I'd like to receive everything togheter (possibly saving on Shipping and Handling)


PS: any idead when this is coming out?
"Pathfinder Dice Set: Curse of the Crimson Throne
Preorder, expected January 2009 "

it's "blocking" all the rest of the stuff I ordered...-_-

can you pls tell me when this order will be shipped?

all the other orders were always shipped one-two days after placing the order, this one was placed a week ago and it's still "pending".

thx a lot.

i liked that the other AP where up to lvl 20... how come this one will only be until lvl 15?

just wondering...

((based on a post from Jeremy mc Donald))

Apparently, posts can only be edited for 1 hour.

Whats really most annoying regarding this is that so many of the posts are informative ones meant to be used by other members.

It'd sure be nice if we could fix the mistakes we made in our posts after the fact.

That way when the stat block is posted it can be fixed when another sharp eyed reader notices an error.

After a one year absence from pen-and-paper RPG, due mostly to the devilish addiction called "World-of-Warcraft", i'm about to DM in a new campaign.

Having been a fan of Dungeon for many years now, i fell in love with the amazing Savage Tide AP.

Now, my players are all trying to re-abilitate from the a/m addiction, and i want to give them a special treat.

I remember one of the reasons we quitted DnD 3.5 was that we felt like our characters where too dependable on their magic items... this somewhat took away our "heroism" (how did we end up playing WoW it's still unexplainable to me...).

I've been looking for something DnD-compatible, so i can use "Savage Tide", and i think i found what i was looking for... IRON HEROES.

I had the book somewhere in my library, from the times i wanted to make a Lord of the Rings Campaign, and recently i found it back... and i think it ROCKS!

I don't want to start a long discussion about the advantages/disadvantages of the system, thus my question is aimed mostly at people that already know Iron Heroes:

(ok, finally we're there...)

"Do you think Savage Tide could work with the Iron Heroes system?"

i'm about to convert the first adventure (we play tomorrow!), thus i may also post my conversion notes in this thread...

i apologize for the length of this post, and look forward to read your comments

let the die roll!

I've just finished reading dungeon nr 143, especially the Savage Tide Adventure, and i must say i'm EXTREMELY happy with how the things are going on!

"Tides of Dread" is not just an adventure...combined with the backdrop is a complete campaign of its own!

And all the adventures so far have been just as good.

I admit that, after "Age of Worms" i had lost a bit of my trust in these AP... i loved "Shackled City", but AoW was a great disappointment (except for "Prince of Redhand").

I remember my players "loved to hate" Adimarchus and the Cagewrights, but in AoW we never got past the second adventure, if i remember correctly... too much fighting, too many dungeons... it looked like playing World of Warcraft!

But this last AP, oh-my-god!

Small dungeons, travelling, exploration, pirates, city-management, cool villains (have i mentioned how much i hated those worm-tentacled-pear-shaped-things from AoW?), there's everything a good campaign is supposed to have!

So, i hope this trend keeps on in the future installements, and wish all of you the best of luck...

Drink up, me hearties, yo oh!

Fausto Passarelli

hi there!

need some help with my Eberron Campaign.

i'm the DM of a group of four (+1 NPC)

Izerda, H-elf Artificer 16
Eldoras, Elf Ranger 16
Zhoot, Changeling Cleric 5, Rogue 8, Extreme Explorer 3
Hrudnar, Human Sorcerer 10, Dragon Prophet 6
"Cap", Human Fighter 11, Citadel Elite 5 (NPC)

i've mostly used published adventures, and Dungeon magazine has been the greatest tool for me to conduct my campaign.

what i love is to adapt the adventures to my needs, so i don't have to do A LOT of work to have a ready adventure who fits my campaign.

kudos to Dungeon... we are not worthy...

btw, the campaign is about to end (well, i'd like to reach lvl 20), and the group is about to complete one of the main plots(fighting against the Daelkyrs)...

there are still two plots to conclude, for which i need the right adventures to adapt.

- an adventure where the group assaults a Sarlonan enclave (in Sharn) and then travel to the Dream World (Dal quor) to free the spirit of Izerda's father.
basically, the Sarlonan are blackmailing one of the main characters, and it's payback time.

- an adventure where the group travels to the Mournlands, to assault a secret lab of Merrix d'Cannith, where he's building his ultimate weapon (the Godforged, which is supposed to be a warforged/dragon thing).
this is the main plot... for the ones who played the published Eberron adventures, there was a plot about Xulo, a sentient schema who can animate magical items. So, in my campaign Merrix will use Xulo to animate his godforged, and try to conquer the world.

i'd like to use only the Dungeons of the last 5 years, the more recent, the better.

what i need is mostly some good locations and maps, then i guess i'll fill them with the right monsters all the NPC's who still need to meet justice at the PC's hands...

of course, if you can recall some adventures whose plot actually resemble those above, even better!

for example, i remember an adventure where there was a Nimblewright Noble or something... i wanted to use his stronghold to make Merrix's lab...

any ideas about which adventure i should use?

thx in advance!
