![]() Any word on if the reprints will be out in stores in time for Christmas? Would really like to get one to help the kids at my school be able to run their own scenarios. We have a large group and I'd like to get a box set to help the club out. Shipping to Canada is a little pricey so I'd like to get it from my local gaming store. ![]()
![]() Rotolutundro wrote: Deadshot: Durriken sounds interesting. Seems like a good candidate, but I'll leave recruiting open for a couple of days; I wouldn't mind up to 6 players. Great! Anything you want me to do to get ready? You are using Yahoogroups, correct? Would it be possible to have access to the site to read what has happened thus far? If you want to communicate off board you can email me at deadshot15 at gmail dot com. ![]()
![]() I would be interested in playing a human cleric of Pharasma. Durriken spent many of his days in the temple in Magnimar but later in life decided he wanted to do more and take a more active role in spreading the teachings of his goddess. Training in the ways of a field cleric, he has taken his first steps to a life of adventuring and had left to attend the festival in Sandpoint. Bad weather and a surprising amount of goblin raiders slowed down the caravan he was travelling with so he missed the festival. He has arrived in town and staying at the local inn. Durriken is a middle-aged human male. He believes in keeping the party running in combat via healing surges but also can provide buffs. If called up he can also wade into combat with his trusty mace and will defend those he fights with to his dying breath. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Hi guys, It looks like I will have to end this game. Real life has just become too busy to post reliably and you deserve someone who can run something consistently. My apologies for cutting things short. I guess I have just become another part of the online game statistic. Again, my apologies and I hope you are able to get into other games or are enjoying the others you are already involved in. All the best! ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Liagorba wrote:
Sorry, Lia. Missed that one. The building that the goblin was on is not high enough to get a view into the alley itself. Scanning the area, you spot an old cart covered with heavy tarp near the edge of the garden just out of the line of sight from the alleyway. Also, you can see the building adjacent to the alleyway is in a bit better shape than the one on the side near where the goblin lookout was. It might be possible for someone to pick their way through the burned and rotted beams to get a higher venue on the goblins in the alleyway. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() You are so close to second level. It's almost as if you would reach it when you got back to home base. So close..... A closer inspection of the barricade reveals it to be about 15 high and made of various pieces of rubble and broken lumber. It's as if someone scavenged pieces from nearby buildings to put this in place. Peering more closely at the structure you can see figures moving behind it and the chattering of goblins trying to be quiet but failing miserably. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Turning your attention to leaving the garden, the group notes that the skies have grown darker and soon a heavy rain begins to fall. The grass becomes slick as water begins to turn the pathways into a murky soup. Slogging your way through, you reach the entrance. Peering out through the thick rain, you notice that the alleyway you entered from appears to have had some sort of barricade pulled across it.. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() The group reconvenes on the other side of the bridge, the still smoldering Thosys looking a little bare in the wind. The mist begins to dissipate allowing Salm to do a quick search of the goblin bodies. He notes that they are covered with ritualistic tattoos but finds that their items are rather plain. The dogslicers are well taken care of which is unusual but otherwise unnoteworthy. Each goblin does however carry a purse containing 15 silver pieces. As Salm conducts his search Lia takes the girl to Tobias and Zumii. Tobias kneels down getting at eye with the girl and smiles warmly, "Well, that was a bit of a fright, wasn't it? No need to worry now, though. My friends and I will keep you safe. My name is Tobias and I am a doctor. I just wanted to check to see if you have any injuries. Do you have any pain anywhere? Would it be okay if I checked you over? Just let me know if you are uncomfortable but I promise it won't hurt a bit and will only take a moment." The girl nods quickly her eyes still wide. Moving slowly Tobias proceeds to check her over careful not to make sudden movements. Before standing up, he says, "There, all done. See, I told you it wouldn't hurt." Turning to the others, he says,"Other than some bruising and rope burn she is fine physically. Mentally, she's had quite a shock today. The sooner we get her out of here and back to her family the better." Hearing that the girl squeezes Lia's hand and looks up at her and says in a quiet voice, "I miss my Mommy. I want to go home." ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Hadrian Smythe wrote:
With a final punch, Hadrian is able to take down the last that crumples at his feet. As he finishes off the goblin he finds Thosys dragging himself on shore, his clothing smoldering away as the slime eats through his robes. Thosys takes 4 more points of damage before he gets the slime cleaned up With all the opposition defeated or having retreated the battle is over. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Thosys wrote:
Thosys takes a running jump but slips the dewy edge of the moat. He manages to get halfway across the expanse before splashing into the slimy moat. Immediately, he feels the flesh on his face begin to burn as the green slime begins to devour his flesh. Thosys is now in halfway across a moat of green slime. You have one round before it eats through your clothing and starts to deal constitution damage. Currently the damage is 5hp but once it gets through his robes the damage will become more severe. You need to make a swim check DC15 to get across the moat in time to get the rest of your robes off before it makes contact with the rest of the body. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Zumii wrote: Zumii heads over area in which she saw Whitechin disappear. She draws her weapon & steps carefully unsure of what could happen next. As Zumii gets to the spot where Whitechin entered the underbrush she sees it is as thick as the rest of the area. Even accounting for his small size, the goblin should not have been able to pass through this so easily. Zumii estimates it would take some time to hack her way through it. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Liagorba wrote:
The girl listens dutifully and stops her struggle, her eyes still wide with fear but now with a glimmer of hope. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() As the misty cloud spreads out over the island and surrounding area, the party continues to move about the battlefield. Salm manages to get free of the entanglement but the last nagging vestiges of the vines throw off his attack sending his arrow well wide of the obscured target. Hadrian is also thrown off by the mist and the goblin is able to avoid both of his attacks. The goblin retaliates but is equally hampered missing wildly. At the same time the goblin who feel asleep awakens and gets to its feet as it grabs its dogslicer. As Hadrian prepares to deal with two goblins, he notices Lia landing right behind him. Had he not been right next to her he would not have noticed her at all. Her leap across the moat was silent as was her landing. Moving towards the altar she notes that Whitechin is nowhere to be seen. The girl, covered in strange painted runes all over her body, strains at her bonds as Lia approaches. Meanwhile back on the other side of the moat, both Zumii and Tobias note the movement of someone racing across the bridge and towards the wall of undergrowth at the edge of the clearing. Looking closer they see Whitechin clutching a gnarled staff which he points at the pair cackling as he speaks, "You'll suffer my wrath, oh yes. I will find you and yours and make you pay!" With that he somehow passes right through the undergrowth like it is not even there.
Male Human Assassin
![]() Slight change to the status summary as some of you are not entangled. Here's the corrected version. Whitechin (M9) -25hp
Male Human Assassin
![]() The entangling spell erupts in the middle of the battlefield grabbing Salm who is stuck on the spot. Thosys is able to move off out of the effect and fire another shot at the goblin battling Hadrian but his shot goes wide. Attempting to get into a better position both Tobias and Zumii move closer to the island staying clear of the writhing vines and leaves while they do so. Finally, Lia escapes from the vines and fires a shot which sails between Hadrian and the goblin he is fighting to slam into Whitechin's chest. The goblin howls in pain but begins to cast almost immediately. As soon as he finishes a thick white mist comes out of nowhere to envelope the island and surrounding land. For those on the mainland, nothing can be seen on this island as the obscuring mist slowly spreads out towards the mainland...
Male Human Assassin
![]() Thosys wrote:
Just a reminder that Thosys should move because if he stays where he is he'll have to make another save or become entangled. He's on the edge of the effect so he can still move and fire. I just need his new grid position. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Liagorba wrote:
Can you give me a grid location where you want to end up? The green circle on the map is the area of effect for the entangle spell. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Hadrian Smythe wrote:
This is what it says in the PFSRD If You Are Grappled: If you are grappled, you can attempt to break the grapple as a standard action by making a combat maneuver check (DC equal to your opponent's CMD; this does not provoke an attack of opportunity) or Escape Artist check (with a DC equal to your opponent's CMD). If you succeed, you break the grapple and can act normally. Alternatively, if you succeed, you can become the grappler, grappling the other creature (meaning that the other creature cannot freely release the grapple without making a combat maneuver check, while you can). Instead of attempting to break or reverse the grapple, you can take any action that requires only one hand to perform, such as cast a spell or make an attack with a light or one-handed weapon against any creature within your reach, including the creature that is grappling you.![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Zumii wrote:
Given that Zumii knows its a spell effect, she would know that she can't really attack it. In fact as soon as she moves into the area of effect, she will have to roll a DC14 Reflex save or become entangled her. So, if you would like to change her action, feel free. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Sorry for the delay. First full week of classes has been crazy busy. Hopefully things are levelling out. Now to continue the round.. As Lia and Salm contend with being entangled by Whitechin's spell, Thosys released his bolt which sinks deep into the leg on the goblin on the other side of the moat. At the same time Hadrian begins his up close and personal battle with the goblin bodyguards. At this close range, Hadrian notes that these goblins seem to covered in rigid thorns that look very sharp. Hadrian is able to avoid the thorns as he attacks and his blows dispatch one of the goblins. As he deals with one goblin the other one flanking him slams into his side digging deep with one of his thorny protrusions Hadrian takes 3hp damage. The goblin also manages to grab hold of Hadrian in a grapple. Roll to break grapple CMD 15 The other goblin pulls out his short bow and fires an arrow at Thosys but the shot goes well wide. Back near the entrance, Tobias prepares a sleep hex drawing the symbol in the air and targetting the shortbow wielding goblin. The shimmering symbol glows with power and then flashes towards the goblin shattering into dust as it strikes him. The goblin shakes his head trying to clear away the effects but is overcome and collapses on ground snoring loudly. Waiting on action from Zumii to finish out round 1.
Male Human Assassin
![]() As Hadrian lands on the island, Whitechin recovers from the arrow attack enough to almost avoid Salm's bow attack; the arrow slicing across his arm. Standing his ground, Whitechin begins to chant once again this time with a different intonation, his fingers point at the ground on the other side of the moat. Suddenly the plant life begins to move as if it had a mind of its own, snaking around Lia, Salm and Thosys attempting to pull them down to the ground. Salm, Lia and Thosys please make a Reflex save DC 14 or become entangled Feel free to alter your actions should you become entangled. The order below is the initative order. Lia's up next. Whitechin Encounter Round 1 Map
Male Human Assassin
![]() Dammit, first more detailed post got eaten by the board. Grrrr... The shaman and the goblins seem to be oblivious to the group as they move into position. Lia begins the barrage as she fires her arrow which she buries to the fletchings in the shaman's chest. The other goblins turn to look for the attacker to find Hadrian launching himself through the air to land on the island next to the goblins. The goblin is in K11 so Hadrian will have to go to K10 or L11. Let me know Need grid positions/initiative and attack rolls for those who haven't provided them as of yet.
Male Human Assassin
![]() No problems, folks. Everyone is busy and it was a long weekend here in most of North America. It's back to classes tomorrow for me so marking and lesson plans will come to the forefront once again. However, I am trying my best here to keep things moving forward. Below is the link to the map for the encounter. Please give me your locations and any initial actions in case you manage to get surprise and your initiative rolls as well. As the group arrives at the edge of the forest they see what Lia saw. However, some of the more observant members of the group notice that the pond/moat surrounding the island seems to be filled more with a green slimy substance rather than water..... ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Lia moves towards the direction that the goblins came from and almost immediately notices that the light dims as the canopy gets even thicker. She notices that the trees and vines almost seem to be gnarled and twisted together making walls along the pathway. This makes it difficult for Lia to get much cover. She moves along the pathway which twists and turns for about 100 feet before it opens up into a small clearing about 200 feet in diameter. At the centre of the clearing is a small island separated from the rest of the clearing by a moat about 20 feet wide. A single bridge crosses the water on the southern side of the island. Standing at the eastern most part of the clearing, Lia can see 3 larger goblins dressed in hide armour standing next to a large stone slab adorned with skulls and candles. Lying on the altar is a small human girl, dressed in dirty linens and tied to all four corners of the slab. At the centre of the slab facing Lia's direction is a rake-thin goblin dressed in furs and wearing a wolf head skull. He holds a gnarled stick in one hand and a gleaming curved dagger in the other that glints in the candlelight. He seems to be lost in a chant as his eyes roll back in his head and he convulses as his chanting gets louder. Lia also notes that he spots a bushy white beard on his chin. At this point, all of the goblins seem to be intent on the ceremony and no one makes notice of Lia. Lia, please make a perception check. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Tobias feels much better after imbibing the two potions and the group is able to turn its attention once again to the task at hand. Two paths lead deeper into the garden: One winding to the left past a fountain and one leading into an area of larger trees. The goblins came from the rightmost path leading in the larger tree area. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Zumii wrote:
I look at the Healing skill as something that takes some time to administer and is usually done outside of combat situations. While this is technically outside of combat you are still in hostile territory and have made a fair amount of noise. If you would like to take time to do this, that's cool with me but it does impact what is happening around you. If you choose to go with the potion we'll keep the same effect but scratch one of those off. The only other person I have injured is Salm who is down 4 hit points. The goblins were surprisingly inept at making contact with anyone. Sorry to have assumed your action, Zumii. I should have been more clear on the healing skill before. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() I'm going to assume that Zumii wants to do a cure light spell. With the healing magics passing through his body, Tobias' eyes flutter and he slowly regains consciousness. "What happened?, he croaks as he sits up, coughing and rubbing his throat. Then he sees the remains of the vine on the ground and he gives and involuntary shiver. "I apologize for my hindering the party. Perhaps this sort of thing is not for me. Turning his attention to the pathways, he says "Enough of that talk for now. We have a girl to save. Which way shall we go?" ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() While Lia dabs Tobias' forehead Zumii observes his condition. After a few moments it becomes apparent that he is not going to awaken. Based on her experience, Zumii can tell that his wounds were very serious and while Salm's healing was substantial, Tobias still will require more magical healing or days of rest to return to consciousness. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() You forgot the Strength check so I rolled it for you, Hadrian.
With as much speed as he can, Hadrian lowers Tobias down to the others where Zumii is able to check him over. Her quick examination determines that he is in quite bad shape but he has stablized. She is unsure if a healing spell will bring him around. I'll let you decide if and how you administer healing to Tobias. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() The combination of Thosys' knife and Lia's bow shot prove to be too much for the vine. With a splash of ichor and a lashing spasm, the vine releases Tobias as it thrashes in its death throes, shaking all of the trees nearby violently
As the vine slackens, Tobias' unconscious body falls through the canopy snaping branches as he hurtles towards the ground. Anyone who has not acted this round can attempt something to stop/break his fall otherwise Tobias will take 2d6 falling damage ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() All the goblins defeated the party is able to fully focus on the vine. As the others attempt to sever the vine with ranged weapons, Hadrian begins to climb quite rapidly up a nearby tree. As he gets nearer the top he see long decomposed bodies lying on thicker parts of the canopy near the vines trunk. This thing has feed for quite some time. As he gets near the top, the vine slams towards him, sensing the movement disturbing the area. However, the additional weight of Tobias slows the creature enough that Hadrian is able to move away to another branch. At this distance, Hadrian can see the Tobias is unconscious. If the party is going to rescue him, it has to be soon... ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Lia's shot causes more of the vine to spew out ichor but it maintains its hold on the now limp figure of Tobias as it pulls him almost to the top of the canopy. Looking around, Hadrian sees a rather large tree trunk with many branches that might make it ideal for climbing. Make a climb check DC 10 to navigate it at difficult terrain movement pace ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() Trying to end this fight quickly, Salm, Hadrian and Thosys focus on the remaining goblins while Lia and Zumii attempt to save Tobias from the thick consticting vine. Salm's Judgement of Justice has the desired effect, allowing to crush the skull of the goblin in front of him. Quickly moving into the space, he provides a slight distraction for Hadrian who is able to move into flanking position prior to striking out. Unfortunately, the distraction is not enough and once again the pesky goblin avoids the monk's attack. Trying to get a bead on the goblin and trying to conserve his spells, Thosys fires another bolt from his crossbow but his shot goes very wide and is lost in the thick underbrush. The goblin fares no better against the party. Faced with flanking opponents the creature slashes out at Salm having seen the damage he delivered to his comrade but his dogslicer comes nowhere near the Inquisitor. Meanwhile, Lia and Zumii attempt to free Tobias who is almost 20 feet in the air at this point. With a clatter on the ground below the doctor's dagger falls to the earth as his hands are tightly strapped to his sides. Zumii can see that his face is turning quite blue as he struggles to stay conscious. Throwing oil at the vine, Zumii manages to get a good amount of it on but Tobias is unable to squirm free. Lia has better luck as her arrowshot cuts into the vine, releasing a splash of greenish ichor from its trunk. The vine thrashes a bit but continues to haul its prey higher into the canopy. One goblin left at k9. I have Salm at L9 and Hadrian is at J9 to provide flanking. Everyone else is in the same position as last round. Please post actions for round 4. If possible could I have a list of standard combat actions that your characters would take in the event that you are unable to post. This can be a couple of general combat actions like will use bow whenever possible. I hate to use a spellcasters spells unless necessary. ![]()
Male Human Assassin
![]() With the goblins now in close the party begins to change tactics. Salm switches to his morning star but fails to land a crushing blow and the goblin in front of him dances away. Lia also fails to connect as she steps back and fires another arrow but it bounces of the fountain next to her and flies harmlessly into the scrub brush. The party's woes continues as Hadrian attempts a double kick the goblin next to him but is unable to connect. Finally, Thosys manages to score a killing blow as his magic missile darts between Lia and Salm to slay the goblin previously struck by Lia's earlier arrow shot. The goblins attempt to injure the party further but do not have any more luck than the party. The first goblin's dogslicer sparks across Salm's chain shirt but fails to penetrate. The other goblin clumsily slashes as Hadrian who is able to deftly dodge past the transparent attacks. As the rest of the party deals with the goblins, Zumii attempts to assist Tobias. As she gets closer she sees the vine is pulling him higher into the canopy as it continues to tighten its grip around his throat. Zumii takes a swing but she is unable to reach either the doctor or the vine... Post round 3 actions and see map below for current positions. Sorry the scan isn't that great but hopefully it will give you some ideas of positioning. The shaded areas are the scrub brush and trees. Treat as difficult terrain for movement purposes. |