Artemis Entreri

Dayan Nar's page

15 posts. Organized Play character for ArricLightstep.


Scarab Sages

drkfathr1 wrote:
Whew, I was afraid someone was going to say Half-Orc Naked Barbarian!

What would be wrong with that? My half-orc character has a charisma of 16!

Scarab Sages

Dark_Mistress wrote:
No but you can as mentioned subscribe and get the PDF for free and then if you really wanted to you could cancel afterwards if you didn't want the Advance Players guide which is the next book.

...except of course that you DO want the Advanced Player's Guide.

Scarab Sages

dm4hire wrote:
If only I could have afforded to keep all the books I've ever owned throughout my gaming life, an 1k collection would most likely be small compared to what has passed through my fingers.

If you published RPG books for a living you'd probably have held onto them. =)

Me, I don't have an excuse for my shelves of books...

Scarab Sages

Anyone who really wants to cheat can just buy the scenario. I'd suggest you just find better people to play with.

Scarab Sages

I hope you didn't take my previous post as a complaint, Josh...was just pointing out that DragonCon folks shouldn't feel singled out. (At least they got to go to DragonCon.)

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
PFS is a one man show right now.

Seriously? That's got to be a ton of work. Thanks for all you're doing, it IS appreciated.

Scarab Sages

Alizor wrote:
So, not sure if any of the Judges will see this... but it's been over a month and the scenarios haven't been reported yet.

It's been TWO months since Gen Con and none of those have been reported, either.

Scarab Sages

Did you guys ever find them?

I'm eager to see my session reports because one of our GM's didn't write his number on our chronicles. Said he was going to e-mail the number to us, but so far he hasn't.

Scarab Sages

Cactus-Jack wrote:
I am planning on setting up monthly or bi-monthly Pathfinder Society adventures at a game shop in West Lafayette, IN

I live in Indy and might be interested in coming up to play sometimes. What time slot and what day of the week are you thinking of?

Scarab Sages

Is there a way to assign PFS numbers to people, without them having to come to the website and register?

I ask because what if I am planning a game, and someone shows up with a character but hasn't registered yet?

Scarab Sages

concerro wrote:
You get sneak attack for the first attack if you are stealthed, but the rest of the attacks do not get sneak attack.

Nice avatar.

If they were flat-footed, you'd get sneak attack for the first attack whether or not they were stealthed...

Unless you mean, your first attack while stealthed? And after that, your stealth is broken. Because that makes sense.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

Okay. I have tried to find this but the search function mainly spits out user profiles, which I can't seem to filter out.

When I was playing PFS at GenCon, we were told several times that rogues could not sneak attack by attacking when they win a Stealth vs Perception contest.

Is this correct?

The rules do not seem to explicitly say that a character loses his Dex bonus to AC when he is unaware of the attacker. They say that he loses it when the attacker is invisible, however.

In principle, this doesn't seem to be any different to me.

Can someone please clarify?

Scarab Sages

I participated in four PFS adventures at Gen Con 2009. This Friday, I am going to run one of the adventures (#24 Decline of Glory) that I participated in for my local group. This will be my first time GMing for PFS, and I have a couple of questions.

1. What is the "Scenario Chronicle #" box for on the chronicle sheet? None of mine got filled out at Gen Con, and I can't find a reference on the site of the forums. We asked a couple of GMs at Gen Con and they weren't sure, then we just stopped asking...

2. Since my sessions from Gen Con haven't been reported yet, is there going to be a problem with me reporting results for my session on Friday? I'm not eating the scenario, since I've already played it...but then again, according to the site I don't have credit for having done it.

3. Am I correct in thinking that I just go and report the results, and that there is nothing I need to do first?

4. The Guide says that new characters can't buy magic items. But they can buy magic items if they're in a town with 5,000+ people. Assuming that they start in one, can they buy magic items at the beginning of the adventure? (It's a moot point for #24 because they don't start in a town, but the question is bugging me and might matter for new players down the road.)


Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Krome wrote:

Found this and thought it would be a great prop for a Wayfinder.

You can buy it here

They make mini versions as well...

Can I get it for half price if I'm in the PFS?

Scarab Sages

Are you talking about the 4E D&D book?