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Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Alright. I've printed out the tracking sheets and hopefully everything I need to put into the survey will be in there. Good luck everyone!

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The documentation says that we should read through the survey before running the game. My first game is this afternoon. On the primary page it has links for each of the 3 surveys for The Lost Star, but they all go straight back to that page. Does anyone know the actual location of the surveys?

Background from Kinetic Blast: "She must have at least one hand free to aim the blast (or one prehensile appendage, if she doesn't have hands)."

Background from Pinned Condition: "A pinned creature is tightly bound and can take few actions. A pinned creature cannot move and is denied its Dexterity bonus. A pinned creature is limited in the actions that it can take. [...] A pinned creature can take verbal and mental actions, but cannot cast any spells that require a somatic or material component. A pinned character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level) or lose the spell. "

Casting Spells while Pinned: "The only spells which can be cast while grappling or pinned are those without somatic components and whose material components (if any) you have in hand. Even so, you must make a concentration check (DC 10 + the grappler's CMB + the level of the spell you're casting) or lose the spell."

The clarification under casting spells while pinned seems to point out an obvious but necessary mechanic for casting with materials if they are in hand, thus pinned doesn't prevent your hands from being involved, it just prevents you from moving your hands.

The description of Kinetic Blast says that the free hand or appendage is used to "aim" the blast, not that it is used for gathering and focusing the elements in the palm of your hand which would be more akin to Goku from Dragon Ball Z. (Please note that I have never watched the Airbender series and have no intention to do so, so references to that won't be very helpful to me)

So let's say you are being swallowed whole by a very large python and you are an aerokineticist that uses electric blast (or really any blast but this is the example I'm using). If the python is basically constricting on you and completely surrounding you, if you are willing to take the damage as well, why can't you just release the power straight out of your hand in whatever direction it is pointed which would include you and the snake as long as you make the concentration check? This is a mechanic as intended type of question, much in the way the casting spells while pinned clarification was.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
I feel like RAI, yes. Snake can only ordinarily give you a path at most 120 feet in length because 120 feet is the furthest your blast can travel ordinarily (with extended rage, which is a prereq here). Ordinarily it travels in a straight line, so you can hit things 120 feet away, but snake lets you take that 120 foot imaginary string and curve it around things. Since Air's Reach serves to make the length of your imaginary string longer, it should let you snake further.

This is what I thought the intent was, but the "no more than" threw me for a loop. I know that in Hero Lab it only shows 60', which I knew was wrong. I asked my GM and he read through all the responses here and he agreed that it would make sense as it is just an upgraded extended range.

Thank you, Cabbage and Chad.

As for Harry's response, the issue is it says "path" and "no more than", which may have some extra implications in the rules that I'm not at all familiar with. Pathfinder rules are varied, complex and have really strange interdependencies that are non-obvious, at least to someone who isn't as familiar with the various rules and rulings as some people here. The last system I knew the entire ins and outs of was 2nd edition, and that was a far less complicated system.

I tried searching the forum, but these specific words seem too common for me to be able to search effectively, so I'm not sure if this question has already been answered.


Air's Reach says: "This effect applies after altering the range due to effects such as the extended range infusion."

Extended range says: "Your kinetic blast can strike any target within 120 feet."

Snake says: "Prerequisite(s) extended range" and "You can trace out any path no more than 120 feet long for your blast"


Does Air's Reach get applied after Snake since it is obviously a more advanced form of Extended Range? Does this mean that with Air's Reach that you get a path of 240 ft with Snake when using electricity or air?

Frogsplosion wrote:
so just to clarify, I'm a player in this campaign, my DM is just running it right out of the book. To update, we've been TPK'd a 3rd time by the giant skeleton in the cave at the end of book 1, lol.

My GM implemented a rule to reduce the near TPKs even with cautious players like me and his wife being his primary casters. Crits are on dice rather than full total. It doesn't matter early on as much, but when you think about the word "Giant" you have to understand reach (10-15ft+), large movement and insane pluses to damage.

rkotitan wrote:

I ran Giantslayer for a group and I'll be honest the part you guys are currently on is a bit insane.

The best suggestion I can give without spoilers is to draw individual groups into ambush situations. Also remain mobile. Once they drop into ferocity they only get a standard or move action.

Doing so will cause them to make partial charges and lower their AC every turn.

Spells that require will saves and crowd control (sleep, entangle, etc) are also really effective.

Things get a lot less intense later in the path.

Not that you asked for suggestions. I feel your pain though.

Well... my players did.

Glitterdust is my favorite thing to throw at them.