Gnaeus Gnaru

Davnet Dragos's page

71 posts. Organized Play character for Scott Young (Contributor).


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Grand Lodge

If it's 3-4 I would be interested... 3rd level fetchling arcane caster ready to go.

Davnet Dragos
Arcanist (Occultist) 2/Unchained Summoner 1 (started as summoner but retraining into arcanist whent hat option released)
Grand Lodge loyalist
no day job

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet nods to Junia at their parting. "Best of luck, J. And to you, Grishan. I will include a favorable mention of your enthusiasm in my report to the Venture-Captain." As he turns, he frowns, and turns back. "... but I feel I should caution you against this blue-clad stranger. His insides do not seem to match the purity of his blue-coated exterior. Be wary with your trust."

To the group, Davnet raises both arms high over his head, fists clenched, in his odd-but-characteristic salute. "It was an honor to work with you all. I hope the Open Road brings us together again. I apologize for my... directness, when our opinions differed on the proper means of progress. You have all helped me understand this place, and its people, a little more."

Day job: full-time Pathfinder

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet nods curtly to the man. "The information should be destroyed, so that no one should have to look over their shoulders." Like we would trust him to use the information wisely!

(Colson Maldris is probably going to send other Pathfinders to kill us if he doesn't get his way...)

If no one objects, Davnet will gather the notes and burn them on the spot using a spark spell.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet is impressed with the admissions this stranger has made, in front of other Pathfinders. And yet, he seems to think that because his family is named in the notes, that he should get them.

"With respect, I do not think that anyone should have possession of such information. As you say, what is in the past should be left there. Any scraps of paper found here should be destroyed, so that no one can use them for personal gain."

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet stands silently and watches the exchange, given that his earlier statements were ignored by the blue-coated stranger. At the man's anger, he steps forward and raises his hands in a calming gesture.

"Please, do not anger yourself. This is a complicated situation, apparently, but growing angry will do nothing to clarify it."

GM: Does this blue-coat have a stat block?

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet doesn't recognize the medal-bearing stranger, but doesn't like him on first blush. Recognizing the similarity to J's uniform, he hopes there is no danger.

After the man's soliloquy, Davnet interjects. "Greetings, Unnamed One! I am Davnet Dragos. It is perhaps easier to answer questions about your brother if we knew who you were. I have also heard that one should never be embarrassed by family, unless of course one is so insecure in their own worth as to require coat-tails as a mount." All of this is delivered dead-pan; Davnet is just reacting to what has been said, thinking out loud.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"Davnet agrees, conditionally... if they are looters who stole the Society's possessions, they have paid for their crimes." He pauses. "But there is time for this later - we can retrieve them when we leave. If we are to explore more, let us do so, so that when we leave we do so forever."

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet waits to see the ghost's response to Lilybeth's reply, but in his mind he is already rehearsing the words he will say to invoke arcane might upon the spirit, should it prove disagreeable.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19 Does this look like it's going well?

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"J, are you in danger from this ghost?" Davnet whispers.

Addressing the spirit, Davnet holds both arms up straight in salute. "Greetings, spirit. I am called Davnet. It is an honor to meet you."

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet shakes his head sadly. "I wonder what killed them... some sort of trap?" He casts detect magic to identify the items, and scans the area while he is at it.

Turning to his rocky friend, Davnet awkwardly punches him in the shoulder, in emulation of something he once saw. "Sadrock, you are not alone... we are with you."

Davnet will carry the wand of protection from evil and a potion of cure moderate wounds if no one objects.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Leia: I healed you after the fight, but seem to have forgotten your companion.

"Those bodies look... smell... recently deceased. Pathfinders, perhaps? Or looters?" he muses, to no one in particular.

Davnet follows the group downstairs, alert for danger.

Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (15) + 0 = 15

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"This area has been explored recently... it is alleged to be safe," Davnet says to no one in particular. "We should investigate, but I hesitate to put J in harm's way again."

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet pulls himself out of the rubble slowly. "Ugh... that was not fun." He draws a slender bone wand and uses it on the remaining wounded: J first, then Lilybeth, Leia, and (after being reminded) Lilybeth's familiar. Each heals 10 hp over the course of a minute.

detect evil:
Each person healed takes on an evil aura as their wounds close.

After the group is healed, Davnet uses the wand on himself as well.

"J, I believe one of us must accompany you... please choose someone who can keep you in sight." If she refuses, Davnet will follow her, apologizing profusely but unwilling to break the promise made to her mother.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Sorry, I don't understand the scroll thing - it looks like those are Chronicle boons? Didn't think they were transferable. What am I missing?

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (6) + 0 = 6

Davnet surveys the room, alert for danger.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

We will accompany them as Leia indicated above.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"We will escort you, of course. But at some point, your safety becomes more important than any need for "experience". Just know that we will not allow you to cross that line, and will escort you to safety, against your will if need be. This is what we promised your mother."

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Perhaps we should have bought a [i]raise dead scroll instead of haunt siphons...[/i]

"So, J., you purpose to trigger every haunted effect and hope to survive the effects, so that you can "experience" them? Fine... for now. At some point, our promise to your mother will override your wishes, though. " Sadrock could almost certainly carry her...

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"Very well," Davnet nods to J. Once again he asks the group:"Does anyone wish magical armor? It will protect you even against ghostly attackers." (Mage armor from my wand on anyone that wants it.)

Once the group is prepared, he hefts his haunt siphon in one hand, keeping the other one free for spellcasting.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Does Grishan's statement sound odd? "new beginning" might be ominous, coming from a dead guy... Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Davnet follows Lilybeth into the shed and examines the note and box as well. He then heads back to the group.

Doh! Spent my coin on a haunt siphon, only to find that the V-C actually equips us properly for once in his life! ;)

"J., what now? We have a warning that the structure above ground is haunted... do we need to continue? It may be... risky."

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet awaits the group, unsure of what they have accomplished for Grishan. Would he be better off not remembering his troubled past? Will this allow him peace, or just make his existence more miserable?

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'
Sad Rock wrote:
Such is life of Sad Rock.

How sad.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet observes the interchange thoughtfully. So much drama with human nobility... why they form bonds and make promises they cannot keep is beyond me.

"J., is all well? The hope seemed to be that discovering this information would help ease Grishan's mind, but the opposite seems to have occurred. Perhaps we should reconsider heading into dangerous places with his uncertain reaction?"

Davnet awaits an answer, while trying to recognize any of the information on the notes which might make Grishan so upset.

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Appraise: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

"Grishan... it would seem that this information would be quite damaging to several people. You mention your brother and the Eagle Knights... please tell us more of this issue, so we can decide what to do."

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet nods to the Ghoran. "If you seek an accepting friend in the Pathfinder Society, I suggest you visit Kaleel's Curiosities, in the Coins District. The proprietor, Aram, and his son Majeare will be happy to provide a friendly introduction to the Society."

Davnet bows to the ghoran and follows the group outside.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"If they would accept my kind, a notorious enemy of humanity, I am sure hey would accept you as well, Master Gardener!"

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet watches and waits, content that the group has not decided to leave.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"Fresh water? Like this waterskin full I carry? No need to leave for that. Perhaps discussing these things openly would have prevented the situation."

Davnet removes his waterskin and opens it, letting a small amount dribble out. "Maste Gardener, my colleague tells me you may wish some fresh water. I would be happy to share mine with you, if you desire it." Davnet will approach and hand the water to the ghoran, if it accepts it.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'
Lilybeth Zey wrote:
"The same is said about Fetchlings. There sure is a lot of common ground between it and your race. "

Davnet regards Lilybeth with a cold stare. "Am I correct in understanding you liken me to an unnatural plant, animated by the fell necromantic energies released when hundreds of children drowned?"

... which as a player I LOVE! :)

"So, let us hear your plan, then, human. How will you resolve the contradictions of this situation? Who will you disappoint, J and Grishan, who it is our DUTY to aid, or a plant creature you just met..."

As the creature casts a spell, Davnet stops talking suddenly. Spellcraft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 "Excellent!" he calls after the rapidly-departing Lilybeth."Your leafy new friend has made it more difficult for us to fulfill our promise to J."

Davnet turns to the plant thing. "Master Gardener, we mean you no harm, and only wish to explore your... beautiful?... domain to aid our friends. Please do not act rashly, as we do not wish to cause you pain."

At this point, I'd like to ready an action to summon a fiendish eagle as a standard action if it makes any hostile move towards anyone. I'm fine with it drinking the potion, but any actual threat is what I'm looking for. We probably need initiative, if you don't allow readying outside of it.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'
Leia wrote:
"You're an expert on what's evil then?"

"No, but I am an expert in collating facts, and here they are." Davnet raises his voice unintentionally as he states his case, ticking off the points on his fingers.

"One: We are here to help J. Two: J has asked us to help Grishan. Three: Grishan has stated that his solace is to be found near a red lion - almost certainly that red lion over there." He indicates the statue behind the ghoran.

"Four: the ghoran apparently will not allow us to accomplish this willingly. So, do we waste even more time shopping for presents for the local flora, on the off-chance that it will appease the creature? And perhaps still be stuck here still searching when the darkness comes and brings a pack of ghouls? Or, do we deal with the situation as it is presented?"

Realizing he is losing his calm, he abruptly changes tone. "Sorry, I do not always understand the motivations or feelings of creatures from this plane. I do not think that appeasement will get us very far with this creature, given that it seems to think we are people who we are not."

At Sadrock's words, Davnet nods. "Leaving a creature like this unbound is dangerous to the people of Absalom. Appeasing it to get what we want - which is far from certain anyway - and leaving it to harass others later is *certainly* not the 'greater good'."

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet has had his longspear "out" since you met him - there's nowhere else he can put it, it's 10' long! He uses it like a staff as he walks.

"We need to get past the Gardener, do we not? The "red lion" is here, and it seems unwilling to negotiate. What do you propose, Lilybeth? Do we foresake Grishan's task simply because we come across an obstacle?"

Davnet shakes his head and whispers into the message. "These plants were animated and corrupted by the evil energies of the lost souls here. They have no right to exist in the first place. In fact, there may be other souls of the children of the school entrapped within it, unable to find rest."

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (8) + 0 = 8

Sad Rock wrote:
Lilybeth wrote:
"Let's get out of here!"
Egmund wrote:
"We do not wish to fight you but we will defend ourselves."
Leia wrote:
"We don't wish you or your plants any harm (...)"

Such restraint... always looking for the silver lining, these ones. But I think Sadrock has the right of it... this plant has gone bad. It must leave, or we must.

Davnet addresses his comrades: "We were warned that the plants here have been corrupted by the evil energies of this place - I do not think that reason will get us far."

Turning to the plant man, he speaks in dull accents. "While I am not from Quantium, and I wish you no harm, we purpose to enter this place. If you object, you do so at your peril. Please remove yourself from our path and all will be well." Davnet's hand tightens on his longspear, as he mentally rehearses the ritual required to call down a shadow from the air.

(I assume we aren't in initiative yet, so I can't ready an action.)

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet watches Leia pay for the evil plant's wares, wary for any sort of trickery. After this, he will head back into the room the group came from, and examine the doorway that the little shrub indicated led to the Master Gardener.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"Thank you, Majordomo Pip. It was... enlightening... to make your acquaintance." Davnet will head back and examine the doorway indicated by the evil plant thing.

Take 10 on Perception for a 10.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"Yes, Majordomo Pip, please take us to the Master Gardener." Davnet keeps his yes on the evil plant as soon as he picks up a knife, not trusting what it plans to "prune".

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet watches with mild interest, glad that the creature seems relatively friendly. "Your work is fascinating, Majordomo Pip. Have you been at it for long?" Davnet asks, as he pulls out his journal and sketches a quick map of the area and takes notes.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet didn't draw anything... he's got a 10' spear, so he's been walking around with it in one hand like a walking stick. Sorry that wasn't clearer from the beginning.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet grips his longspear tightly and follows the group, alert for any danger.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

To J: "Sometimes, adventure requires menial labor first. We have no quarrel with this guardian, and no reason to destroy him. If we treat him well, he may provide us with information. In either case, violence may be averted."

As we return, Davnet asks Egmund quietly: "Are there other evils near? Need we fear a trap?"

To the Majordomo: "What will you do with the blood? Will the animal survive?" He hands the crow over directly to the plant-thing, not following instructions.

-1 gp. I just wish I could play one game with Painlord that didn't involve chicken-choking. Just *one*.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"... and what will an evil creature do with a blood sacrifice?" Davnet muses aloud.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Upon hearing that the mandragora was evil, Davnet appears confused. "But it was so polite!" Now why would it want blood?

"What is an appropriate animal sacrifice for a plant creature?" he muses out loud. "Perhaps a canine or equine?"

Davnet will purchase a small animal of some kind, following suggestions by the others if they make them.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Message: "It is... interesting, certainly. Although I am also concerned about what leafy agenda our new friend may have."

Davnet responds to the plant, mustering all the courtesy he can. "Majordomo Pip, we would be very interested to meet the Master Gardener. Thank you."

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"Majordomo... Pip?" Davnet has never seen a talking plant before. Perhaps he is some sort of "not monster" like Sadrock, but a creature of wood instead of earth? There are those who believe that there are not four elements, but five, with wood being the fifth... Davnet watches the creature carefully with great interest.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

"I remember tales of Beldrin's arboretum... a magical dome to grow plants. The earthquake damaged it, and twisted the magic... now it grows evil and sentient plant life. Even the ghouls avoid this place."

Davnet examines the scene before him carefully. (Cast detect magic and scan the doorway and room beyond.)

"We must be cautious. Perhaps I should send in... a friend... to determine if it is safe?"

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"Is your sole desire to take Grishan to the Arboretum, then?" Davnet inquires. "Or must we visit other sites in the yard?"

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

A spy... no wonder he was denied a passage to the afterlife.

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

"As long as your request does not conflict with our tasks, I am sure we can help you."

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Now this complicates matters... there is a dead person present, which changes all human customs. But the dead person has not stopped moving or speaking... I have no idea how to behave.

Davnet raises both arms above his head in salute when Grishan introduces himself. "Greetings, Grishan. I am glad you are a friend of J's, and not ... otherwise."

"Thank you for trusting us with this information, Juni... J. I will keep your secret close."

Grand Lodge

Fetchling Arcane Caster 3 | AC 17 t13 ff14 | HP 21/22 | F+2 R+3 W+5|AR: 4/5 | darkvision 60'

Davnet pulls himself away from the fleeing not-so-toughs and looks thoughtfully at J, trying to think of what might explain the green "ghost" we saw.

Knowledge (arcane): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Knowledge (Cthulhu Mythos): 1d20 + 98 ⇒ (13) + 98 = 111 - whoops, never mind.

"Miss Ju... J," Danvet begins, gently. "Do you know a thin young man, greenish complexion?"

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