Full Name |
David Schwartz |
Location |
Aotearoa New Zealand |
Homepage URL |
https://bsky.app/profile/davidschwartznz.bsky.social ; https://www.facebook.com/davidschwartznz |
About David Schwartz
Selected writing credits:
Coauthor, Pathfinder Adventure Path #208: Hoof, Cinder, and Storm (Triumph of the Tusk 2 of 3), Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, The Traveler's Guide to the Eye of Abendego, MERP
Contributing author, Transformers Roleplaying Game The Enigma of Combination Sourcebook, Renegade Game Studios
Contributing author, The Traveler's Guide to the Darklands, MERP
20+ Mini-Dungeons, AAW Games
Contributing author, Pathfinder Bestiary 2, Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Lost Omens Gods & Magic, Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Wilderness, Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Adventurer's Guide, Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 6, Paizo Inc.
Master Adventures: Black Magic, 0one Games
Master Adventures: The Invisible Hand, 0one Games
Contributing author, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Horror Adventures, Paizo Inc.
Master Adventures: One Night at the Red Vampire, 0one Games
Contributing author, Pathfinder Player Companion: Armor Master's Handbook, Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Intrigue, Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 5, Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Pathfinder Player Companion: Black Markets, Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Pathfinder Player Companion: Melee Tactics Toolbox, Paizo Inc.
"Missions in the Mindspins", Pathfinder #92―Giantslayer Chapter 2: "The Hill Giant's Pledge", Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Belkzen, Hold of the Orcs Hordes, Paizo Inc.
"Giant Primer", Pathfinder #91―Giantslayer Chapter 1: "Battle of Bloodmarch Hill", Paizo Inc.
"Alien Technology", Pathfinder #88―Iron Gods Chapter 4: "Valley of the Brain Collectors", Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Pathfinder Player Companion: Ranged Tactics Toolbox, Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Pathfinder Player Companion: People of the River, Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Pathfinder Player Companion: Harrow Handbook, Paizo Inc.
Contributing author, Pathfinder Player Companion: Champions of Balance, Paizo Inc
Contributing author, Pathfinder Player Companion: Magical Marketplace, Paizo Publishing
Contributing author, It Came From the Stars, Zombie Sky Press
"Weal or Woe: Chiaroscura", Wayfinder #9
The Great City: The Sinking: Widow's Walk, 0one Games
Basic Path: Wrath of the Orc God, 0one Games
The Great City: The Sinking: The Mole, 0one Games
Contributing author, Unusual Suspects, Frog God Games
"Blood Brothers", Kobold Quarterly #22
"White Tongue, Black Heart", Kobold Quarterly #21
"Hero's Hoard: With My Spear and Magic Helmet!", Wayfinder #6
The Great City: The Sinking: Tatterdemalion, 0one Games
"Into the Dragon's Den", Kobold Quarterly #18
"Overnight Delivery: A Side Trek in Two Acts", Wayfinder #5
Black & White Adventures: The Trouble Brewing at Witchcliff [sic], 0one Games
"Funtum-Denkyem", Wayfinder #4
Contributing author, The Great City: Urban Creatures & Lairs, 0one Games
Contributing author, The Great City Player's Guide
"Ruyintan Caravanserai (or The Sand Dragon Inn)", Kobold Quarterly #10
Contributing author, PC Pearls, Goodman Games
"Knights and Pawns", Kobold Quarterly #6
W3: Flight of the Red Raven, Paizo Publishing
"Gnomes", Kobold Quarterly #4
"Kalevala Mythos", Targum Magazine #4
"Aztec Mythos”, Dragon Magazine #352, #354, #356, #358
Contributing author, Mysteries of the Occult, Etherscope, Goodman Games
Contributing author, Upload: Etherpunk, Etherscope, Goodman Games
Contributing author, The Great Metropolis, Etherscope, Goodman Games
Contributing author and additional design, Etherscope Core Rulebook, Etherscope, Goodman Games
"Imps of Ill-Humor”, Dragon Magazine #338
"Mesopotamian Mythos”, Dragon Magazine #329
"Maztica”, Dragon Magazine #315