David Leffew PFS's page

4 posts. Alias of gatherer818.


My previously complete PACG collection was part of the loss when my family's storage unit was cleaned out by thieves (along with about a decade of board game collecting...). I'm attempting to price what's missing for the insurance claim, but a lot of the older Adventure Card Game stuff no longer has prices listed. Is there an easy way to see the original from-Paizo price for the older stuff?

(Edit: Apparently I just checked the RotR base set and said "well no prices ask Customer Service, ignore me. Everything else has prices, and I'm dumb.)

From my reading, there might be table variation on whether you can activate it as a move or swift action during rage, but the bonuses (and the instant activation on dealing sneak attack damage) appear fully rage-compatible. Stopping to study your target doesn't seem like a mid-rage kind of thing, but studying them carefully prior to raging-out on them seems like a very Jekyll/Hyde or Banner/Hulk thing to do. As far as the instant sneak-attack activation, going "Oh I found where it hurts the worst! I'm going to hit that spot over and over again!" also seems very rage-appropriate.

Mr. Risner: While I generally disagree with you in almost every thread I bump into you in, here I have to admit feeling some serious sympathy for you. I hate overrun with an inspired passion because no one seems to be able to agree how it works. (Combine it with a poorly-written third party setting and a class that's basically ENTIRELY based around it [or not, since said setting disagrees with itself...] and it goes from a pain to an absolute nightmare.)

I realise this is some 9th-level Necromancy [Forum] here, but this question isn't definitively answered anywhere. Both alchemical silver and silversheen hint that they might not be usable on bludgeoning-only weapons, but their description could easily be taken as working best on bludgeoning weapons, getting the benefits but bypassing the penalty. I've marked the original question for consideration in the FAQ.

I've GM'ed exactly two sessions of Pathfinder Society play and already run into several things that haven't come up in years for me in my home games - but this question is the only one I haven't been able to satisfactorily answer, and since it will follow the player away from my table, I'd rather get it right.

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So, I GM'ed a Module. It allowed me to fill in Prestige for each player, but not XP (and not Prestige for myself). Some players received 2 XP, 3 PP, and 2/3rds gold (for attending one of two sessions), while the others received 3 XP, 4 PP, and full gold (for attending both sessions). My own character should have received 3 XP, 4 PP. The character tracking in "My PFS" shows me as having earned 2 PP for the session (and nothing tracks my XP, as far as I can tell). Should I just ignore it and carry on, or is something that can/should be fixed?

Also: Two of my players were replaying the module - which is fine, as it's a Tier 1-2 sanctioned module, making it replayable per the Guide to Organized Play. However, in Event Reporting, it says they don't get Prestige for the event because they've played the Module before. Is this something I should do something about?