So, I GM'ed a Module. It allowed me to fill in Prestige for each player, but not XP (and not Prestige for myself). Some players received 2 XP, 3 PP, and 2/3rds gold (for attending one of two sessions), while the others received 3 XP, 4 PP, and full gold (for attending both sessions). My own character should have received 3 XP, 4 PP. The character tracking in "My PFS" shows me as having earned 2 PP for the session (and nothing tracks my XP, as far as I can tell). Should I just ignore it and carry on, or is something that can/should be fixed?
Also: Two of my players were replaying the module - which is fine, as it's a Tier 1-2 sanctioned module, making it replayable per the Guide to Organized Play. However, in Event Reporting, it says they don't get Prestige for the event because they've played the Module before. Is this something I should do something about?