David Holden's page

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Blackdirge wrote:

Monster Type

The errors I've seen here usually crop up after the edition of a template, as many templates change the base creature’s type, and may add additional subtypes.

I just wanted to say that I love that misspelling you used. =) I really should watch out to make sure I don't apply a 2E template to a 3.5E one! ^_^

I've just started rereading (for the third time) David Brin's "Brightness Reef." After I finish its two sequels, I'm going to work on Raymond E. Feist's "Flight of the Nighthawks" and "Into a Dark Realm." I've got Neil Gaiman's "Anansi Boys" on reserve.

Doc_Outlands wrote:
(now...if I could just learn how to pronounce "otyugh," all would be great!)

It may prove more important to avoid being killed by one than to identify it correctly. ;)

I don't have "World of Warcraft," so I won't be able to participate unfortunately--but! I saw some of your comments on names, and one that I thought would be good for a Paizo-related guild is "Paizomen" (which is Greek for "We play" or "We are playing," just like Paizo is "I play"). This has the added double meaning of "Paizo-Men," which is purely coincidental. =)

Stebehil wrote:
Why they put the GH gods in the PH is not obvious to me at the moment.

That's because Greyhawk is the default campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons. Thus, any "core"/non-Forgotten Realms/non-Eberron book is presumed to already be set in Greyhawk, if any flavor exists. This is why you get more of the Greyhawk deities in "Complete Divine." I'm not certain if this applies toward their adventures, though--I don't recall if "Red Hand of Doom" has a location on Oerth, after all.

Lisa Stevens wrote:
We pronounce it to rhyme with "Pie Dough." It's a biblical-era Greek word meaning "to play."

I'm in my fourth semester of Classical Greek, and "paizo" actually means "I play" (or "I dance"). In Latin and Greek, the standard form of a verb is normally listed as the first-person singular form instead of the infinitive, as other languages such as Spanish do. Thus, "to play" is actually "paizein."

Wow, I never thought I'd be able to use this knowledge online.

Uranium Dragon wrote:
Twenty bucks (US) for each issue?

They're not issues; they're books.