Monster Hunter

Dave S. Wavaski's page

588 posts. Alias of Uret Jet.

Full Name

David S. Wavaski







Special Abilities

Ki pool 5, Action Points 10






English, Spanish


Hit-man, Amateur Investigator

Strength 10
Dexterity 21
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 16

About Dave S. Wavaski

Ninja 7 | 56/61 HP | 23 AC | F:+3 R:+10 W:+3(+5 vs. E/F) | Ki 3/6 AP 5/10 | None

Male Human Unchained Ninja 6
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +9
AC 23 , touch 16 , flat-footed 17 (+3 armor, +5 dex, +1 dodge, +4 Class)
hp 62/62
Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +3 (+5 against Fear/Emotion Effects)
Speed 30 ft.

Sneak attack: 4d6

+1 Mst Keen Living Steel Wakizashi
+11(+5 bab, +5 Dex, +1 magic)

+9(+5 bab, +5 Dex)
20 Blowgun Darts

Str 10, Dex 21, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14
Base Atk +4; CMB +4 ; CMD 19
Skills ({70}10 points; 8 class, 1 Racial, 1 Occult)

Non-Standard Skill Bonuses
Acrobatics: +15 (+5 Dex, +7 Rank, +3 CSB)
Bluff: +13 (+3 Cha, +7 Rank, +3 CSB) +1 When weilding Signature Weapon
Craft(Alchemy) : +11 (+6 Rank, +3 CSB, +2 Trait) +1 When using Portable Lab
Diplomacy: +7 (+3 Cha, +1 Rank, +3 CSB)
Disable Device: +15 (+5 Dex, +7 Rank, +3 CSB)
Escape Artist: +9 (+5 Dex, +1 Rank, +3 CSB)
Intimidate: +12 (+3 Cha, +6 Rank, +3 CSB) +1 When weilding Signature Weapon
Perception: +9 (-1 Wis, +7 Rank, +3 CSB)
Stealth: +15 (+5 Dex, +7 Rank, +3 CSB) +2 when not moving for a single round
SoH: +15 (+5 Dex, +7 Rank, +3 CSB)
Drive: +15 (+5 Dex +7 Rank, +3 CSB)
Knowledge(Occult): +10 (+6 Rank, +3 CSB)
Linguistics: +4 (+1 Rank, +3 CSB)

Languages English, Spanish

Racial Features + Traits:

Skilled Humans gain 1 bonus skill rank every level.

Action Points Characters have 3+level Action Points to be used per story. These can be used in the following ways: Add 1d6 to any d20 roll (to hit, initiative, saves, skills, etc). They can be used to avoid (but not heal later) 5 HP of damage. They can turn any single attack that would normally kill the character into non-lethal damage. They can heal an additional 1d8 HP of damage when using the Heal skill.

Signature Moves Social You’re known for some unique item that has become your trademark. Your starting equipment includes a single masterwork item worth less than 900 gp, and you gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Intimidate checks while wielding this item in one or both hands.

Disillusioned Combat Your childhood was ended by a great disaster or atrocity that you witnessed. To cope with the horror, you have learned to reflexively suppress all emotion. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Will saving throws against emotion and fear effects.

Loner Drawback Raised by pirates, bandits, or other troublemakers unwilling to stick out their necks for you, you are accustomed to operating on your own. The presence of allies can easily become a distraction to you, and you do your best to keep them out of your space. You take a –1 penalty to AC and on attack rolls while adjacent to allies or when taking the aid another action.

Alchemical Adept Magic You are skilled in creating alchemical items. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Craft (alchemy) checks made to craft alchemical items. Furthermore, when you fail a Craft (alchemy) check by 5 or more but don’t roll a natural 1, you don’t ruin any raw materials or have to pay that cost again.


Iron Will Benefit: +2 Will save

Quick Draw Benefit: You can draw a weapon as a free action instead of as a move action. You can draw a hidden weapon (see the Sleight of Hand skill) as a move action.

A character who has selected this feat may throw weapons at his full normal rate of attacks (much like a character with a bow).

Alchemical items, potions, scrolls, and wands cannot be drawn quickly using this feat

Dodge: Benefit: +1 Dodge AC

Wave Strike If on your first turn of combat you draw a melee weapon to attack an opponent within your reach, you can spend a swift action to make a Bluff check to feint against that opponent.

Disorienting Maneuver If you successfully use Acrobatics to tumble through an opponent’s space, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against that opponent until the start of your next turn. If you choose to make a trip attempt against that opponent, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus on your combat maneuver check. This bonus on trip also lasts until the start of your next turn.

Class Abilities:

Finnese Training: (Wakizashi) At 1st level, a ninja gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. In addition, starting at 3rd level, she can select any one type of weapon that can be used with Weapon Finesse (such as rapiers or daggers). Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. Whenever she makes a successful melee attack with the selected weapon, she adds her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier to the damage roll. If any effect would prevent the ninja from adding her Strength modifier to the damage roll, she does not add her Dexterity modifier. The ninja can select a second weapon at 11th level and a third at 19th level.

Poison Use At 1st level, a ninja is trained in the use of poison and cannot accidentally poison herself when applying poison to a weapon.

Sneak Attack If a ninja can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage.

The ninja’s attacks deal extra damage anytime her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the ninja flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every two ninja levels thereafter. Bonus damage from sneak attacks is precision damage. Should the ninja score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this precision damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (such as a sap, unarmed strike, or whip), a ninja can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, even with the usual –4 penalty.

The ninja must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot, and must be able to reach this spot. A ninja cannot sneak attack while striking a creature that has concealment.

Ki Pool (Su) 4/4 At 2nd level, a ninja gains a pool of ki points, supernatural energy she can use to accomplish amazing feats. The number of points in the ninja’s ki pool is equal to 1/2 her ninja level + her Charisma modifier. As long as she has at least 1 point in her ki pool, she treats any Acrobatics skill check made to jump as if she had a running start. At 10th level, she also reduces the DC of Acrobatics skill checks made to jump by 1/2 (although she still cannot move farther than her speed allows).

By spending 1 point from her ki pool, a ninja can make one additional attack at her highest attack bonus, but she can do so only when making a full attack. In addition, she can spend 1 point to increase her speed by 20 feet for 1 round. Finally, a ninja can spend 1 point from her ki pool to give herself a +4 insight bonus on Stealth checks for 1 round. Each of these powers is activated as a swift action. A ninja can gain additional powers that consume points from her ki pool by selecting certain ninja tricks.

The ki pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours do not need to be consecutive. If the ninja possesses levels in another class that grants points to a ki pool, ninja levels stack with the levels of that class to determine the total number of ki points in the combined pool, but only one ability score modifier is added to the total. The choice of which score to use is made when the second class ability is gained, and once made, the choice is set. The ninja can now use ki points from this pool to power the abilities of every class she possesses that grants a ki pool.

Darkvision This trick allows the ninja to use her ki to enhance her sight, granting darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. Using this trick is a standard action that costs 1 ki point. The enhanced senses last for 1 hour.

No Trace: +2 At 3rd level, a ninja learns to cover her tracks, remain hidden, and conceal her presence. The DC to track a ninja using the Survival skill increases by +1. In addition, her training gives her a +1 insight bonus on Disguise skill checks and on opposed Stealth checks whenever she is stationary and does not take any action for at least 1 round. Every three levels thereafter, the increase to Survival DCs and the bonuses on Disguise and opposed Stealth checks increase by 1.

Dispatchment +2: At 4th level, whenever a ninja attacks an opponent that would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC or when she flanks her target, she gains a +2 bonus on her attack roll. At 9th level and every 5 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1 (to a total maximum of +5).

Uncanny Dodge: At 4th level, a ninja can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. A ninja with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to AC if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against her.

Vanishing Trick As a swift action, the ninja can disappear for 1 round per level. This ability functions as invisibility. Using this ability uses up 1 ki point.

Defensive Spin: The Ninja spins about, confounding his foe. If the attack hits, the Ninja gains a +4 dodge bonus to AC against any attacks made by the target of the style strike until the start of his next turn. This bonus does not stack with itself.

Fast Stealth: This ability allows a ninja to move at full speed using the Stealth skill without penalty.


Carrying Capacity +1 Str to calculate Carrying Capacity (Mstw Backpack)
Light 0-38 lb. Medium 39-76lb. Heavy 77-155 lb.

+1 Mstw Keen Wakizatshi 2 lbs.
Mstw Undercover Vest 20 lbs.
Mstw Theives Tools 2 lbs.
Blowgun 1 lb
Mstw Duffelbag 4 lbs.
Business Clothes 4 lbs.
Alchemics/Poisons 5 lbs.
Black Car
Portable Alchemy Lab Located in car
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 Belt slot
Earrings of Alluring Charisma +2 Headband? slot

Current Load Carried 38 lb.
Money $2,760

Alchemical Remidies:
Smelling Salts
Salt Tablets 10 Doses
Poison Ward Salve 2 Doses
Alchemical Grease 5 Doses

Red Tears 5/Doses
Type injury; Save Fortitude DC 15
Frequency 1/round for 10 rounds
Effect 1d6 points of damage. Creatures immune to bleed effects are immune to this damage
Cure 1 save
Drow Poison Dusk Eye 5/Doses
Type injury; Save Fortitude DC 13
Frequency 1/minute for 2 minutes
Initial Effect unconscious 1 minute; Secondary Effect unconscious 2d4 hours
Cure 1 save
Spidervine Poison 0/Dose
Type injury; Save Fortitude DC 15
Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds
Initial Effect paralysis; Secondary Effect 1d2 Con damage
Cure 2 consecutive saves
Bloodroot 1/Dose
Type injury; Save Fortitude DC 12
Onset 1 round; Frequency 1/round for 4 rounds
Effect 1 Con and 1 Wis and confusion 1 round
Cure 1 save
Alchemical Issolation 1/Dose
Type inhaled; Save Fortitude DC 13
Frequency 1/minute for 2 minutes
Initial Effect deafened for 10 minutes; Secondary Effect blinded for 10 minutes
Cure 1 save


Killers are often made. Where they learn the art after years of living a life outside the shadows, having finally fallen to them. But sometimes, they're born. This was the case for Dave. He'd never gotten a chance to experience life outside the shadows, his elder brother teaching him how to properly hold a blade and mask his movements from the moment be was old enough to walk.

His mother had died during his birth, and his father left via self administered bullet just a few years afterward, leaving the child in the care of his brother. Agni himself was a killer who was made, having been forced into the art in order to keep them fed and a roof over their heads.

Childhood was brief and empty for him, spent mainly by having to pack up his things when the two had to skip town once things got rough, and learning the art of death. It was a simple pattern, something he'd grown to expect. They enter a town, set up in a motel, Agni would find some marks, then they'd pack into the car and move on again. It was one of the few consistencies he's had.

Until that is, when one day his brother came back home. At the age of 15, he was forced to accept the fact that he was now alone, and that one piece of stability he had was no longer around. The training he took on had long since jaded him of emotions, no tears were shed. Only a harsh acceptance of reality.

He left that town, for the first time completely on his own, where he spent the next few years of his fully immersed in the shadows he called home.

Appearance and Personality:

Thin to a point he seems malnourished, but of the average human height. His hair is black, tied into a pony which reaches the small of his back. Black sunglasses cover his oddly colored eyes, one of the few things he's sensitive to people seeing. His clothing is typically a red dress shirt, white khakis black tie and black loafers.

A white jacket is worn over his ensemble, and also helps to cover the undercover armor worn overtop his short. The sheath of a wakizashi is hidden under his jacket as well, ready for him to draw the blade whenever needed.