
Dathus Tomar's page

Organized Play Member. 85 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I think it's all about the character, really. I have one in my Reign of Winter campaign that's an Orc Fighter that became "The Bear King" because he put a bear rug on himself and decreed it so. I let him live a combat he absolutely should not have because he went for bad-ass factor, and the character is actually a good source of entertainment.

If it's a newer player, though, again it can go either way. First session with him, be gentle, but a nice talk afterword is always good. "Son, I know you want to stick the fork in the electric socket, but if you keep doing that, daddy's gonna be short a child".

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I assumed the one in the middle was the Runewell, since it'd make more sense in the terms of an evil Goddess' temple, where bodies could be consecrated and baptized in the Runewell, whilst Waters of Lamashtu(if they weren't already elsewhere) could be up top to make the willing(or unwilling) subjects blessed in the deliverance of monstrous spawn.