Friendly Fighter

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Organized Play Member. 6 posts (9 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Liberty's Edge

Have any of you taken a look at Monte Cook's World of Darkness? The Mage system in there is actually quite amazing--I can see how it would translate into WoT channeling with a few tweaks.

DrivethruRPG Monte Cook's World of Darkness

Liberty's Edge

Kazejin wrote:
Just try not to stand out too much, because some DMs might homebrew something specifically to stick it back to you if you're too much of a nuisance. ;)

Derail Time: it's sad, but this is exactly why people STILL think it's DM vs. Players.

Liberty's Edge

* Players who @#$* around on their cell-phones during games!!!

* Players who, when handed an obvious "open the door" situation (with nothing shady in the offering) insist on spending about 10 minutes searching for traps, checking for arcane writing and generally bogging down the session over one friggin' door!!!

* Players who, when sent on a "go back to town and get some help" mission intentionally piss off the locals by doing the dumbest sh*t just for "roleplaying reasons" and, you guessed it...bogging down the session.

Those are just the main 3 that happen during almost every game.

Liberty's Edge

Well...all of my characters are assumed to be gay anyway (much like most straight players are assumed to have straight characters unless otherwise noted.)

I wouldn't play with my group if they had a problem with that.

Liberty's Edge

Kolokotroni wrote:

About always being one hit away from death, you probably were. The original saga edition rules do an atrocious job of explaining how to balance encounters and how to pace adventures. I guess they figured everything can be extremely deadly since you wont die outright unless you are out of force points. There was some errata i think about how tough the challenges should be but that took it too far the other way (too easy), so basically a dm has to learn how to balance and pace that game pretty much on their own.

The fights were "okay" but I didn't feel particularly heroic. Ah I miss the days of actually BELIEVING my character was this amazing guy capable of great things!

I haven't begun to play Pathfinder yet, but so far everything about it just screams "good ol' days" to me!

Liberty's Edge

I wouldn't say that I've 'walked out' of my last two gaming groups as much as 'just stopped playing.'

My current group of friends (who I've been playing with for about two years) are good guys and a few of them have taken a hand at DMing. The first major game was 4E and we played it for several months before I just decided that the constant combat and SLOOOOOOOOW moving story just didn't suit me.

The second game was a Star Wars Saga Edition game taking place in the Legacy Era. I just stopped going to that one because (maybe because of my focus on 4E rules) our PCs were ALWAYS just one hit away from death during almost every combat encounter. It sure didn't feel like I was a powerful Jedi (we were at levels 4-6 through that campaign). I don't know if I was spoiled or just disinterested. The campaign was okay but George Lucas really ruined my ideas about Star Wars so that could have been it.

Speaking of rules--if a rule seemed unpopular both DMs (in the above campaigns) would usually wing it for the session then we'd talk about it afterward. I really like that they listened to us about the things that we didn't like and they were continually seeking feedback.

I guess sometimes we just leave games out of lack of interest and not conflict.

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Solusek Ro




The Plane of Sun


The Burning Prince