DarthMask |
Hello friends, my group has been playing Pathfinder for nearly a year now and we unfortunately just had a player need to step out due to work-related difficulties. We are running the Rise of the Runelords (Anniversary Edition) adventure path and are 1 session in, so you wouldn't be missing much.
No prior experience in the Pathfinder RPG system is required (we are more than happy to help teach, but you will be expected to learn as time goes by) and, while not necessarily required, prior roleplaying experience is preferred.
The party currently consists of:
Frontliner/Tank Bloodrager
Melee DD Kineticist
Ranged DD/Support Warpriest
Buffer/Healer Cleric
Suggested roles to fill: Arcane, Debuffer, Controller, Knowledges
(Note that these are just suggestions and are not required for a successful application, but may be considered in final decision-making)
It should be noted that, if you have played Rise of the Runelords before, it may be wise to consider whether or not you want to play through the adventure again. Regardless, spoiling the story for the others or attempting to metagame will not be tolerated.
- Availability Thursday nights (7:30pm EST - 11:30pm EST) on a regular basis (life happens and missing a session here and there is fine, just not all the time).
- A (free) account on Roll20.net.
- Mic, speakers, and the ability to download/use Discord (www.discordapp.com) for voice communications. We don't play in text chat since voice allows for a lot more interaction between players.
- A short character concept. Not looking for a fully fleshed-out backstory here, just need a proof of concept...physical description, interesting points about him/her, combat capabilities, personality, etc.
- Willingness to be a team player and enjoy team dynamics and roleplaying more than "being the best".
I will be looking for applications until Wednesday evening, June 15 so there is time to finish the building of the character before the game on Thursday night. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reply here or PM me. I'll do my best to answer them as quickly as possible.