Darth Bane 3's page

No posts. Organized Play character for mcspankie.

I plan on taking the luck variant channeling with my new PFS cleric. Do I have to have Desna as my deity or can I chose any deity that has luck as a domain.

Thanks in advance

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Per the guide to org play p. 34-35 Characters who commit potentially evil acts (casting spells with the Evil descriptor, killing or maiming someone, etc.) while following specific orders from their faction or the Pathfinder Society, do not suffer alignment infractions. These are cases where karma applies to those making the orders, not their tools. 
So can someone cast animate dead or shadow projection with out fear of an alignment change.

Thanks in advance.

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So a Cav. gives the party Outflank for an encounter. I am the only one in the party with Gang up as a feat. So I don't stand in the normal flanking position but still gain the flanking bonus because a pair of allies are flanking the bad guy. Who gets AoO on who's crits?

Thanks in advance.

If I have the gold and PP can I buy a scroll of Limit Wish.

Thanks in advance.

I have a PFS game tonight and wanted to make sure I did this right.
1 How many tricks can I teach him in one mod.
2 With a 3 INT is 6 the max on tricks not counting bonus tricks for lvl.
3 Can I take 10 on the skill check.

Thanks for the help.

Liberty's Edge

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Was this a misprint or does Corrosive Touch really have SR. I ask because this is the first Conj acid spell that I have seen with SR. It also drops a damage dice size from shocking grasp which has SR.

Can a Barbarian use spring attack while raging. I ask this because in the core rulebook on p 32 under the rage section it states that "while in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills(except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration.