
Darkon Slayer's page

183 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 alias.

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Epsilon wrote:
I can't believe how long this thread has gotten -_-. You people are really perverted.

and your point?

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I built a Succubus Tetori Monk because of this thread.

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mplindustries wrote:
Lord Plumrose wrote:
True Seeing effects the physical eye and what it picks up otherwise it would be describes as mind-affecting as Phantasmal Killer is.

First, there's no evidence if affects "the physical eye." Second, you're making a judgement call about the nature of the physical eye and how vision works and you can't just stop at "it's not really there so I don't see it." You have to take the argument to its conclusion, and I don't think any of us know enough about vision and the brain to really complete such a train of thought. Hence, why I think you should stop at the fact that Phantasmal Killer (which is further defined as an image) is an illusion and True Seeing sees through illusions.

You your self are making judgements that are not present in the spell TS when it comes to vision.

The game takes into account sight and hearing for a lot of abilities and
spells but you want to add mind effecting to TS, because of the description of PK.

The point you don't seem to get is that as a mind effecting spell your true seeing doesn't see it.

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your wrong, there is.

Even the wording of the spell says there is nothing to be see by a third party so no visual aspect to see.

True Seeing never implies that you see thru something that is not in the visual range.

To say otherwise is to add words to the spell.

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clff rice wrote:
Dont worry someday Palladium will buckle and Paizo (Or someone) will buy them out and make something cool but use a different system.

Palladium Books is going strong and their true fans don't change a thing.

Its about the original abstract gaming the RPG's started out with and they decided that doing a conversion for D20 was a waste of their time. I believe the D20 system is so over simplified, and that for the way TMNT and RIFTS are designed the system is perfect any other system would limit if not remove a lot of the options available.

I'm not posting this to start a flame war, and will not post anything further on this thread, but The palladium system is made for people that don't need miniatures to play their games.

Don't get me wrong I like Pathfinder I play the game and buy the books, but there is nothing in the D20 system that simulates the feel of the TMNT and other Palladium Games then the way the system was written.

Someone above said the system was archaic, I disagree. It has just as much use this day as it did the day it was first created.

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I did the points for the Fey'ri using the Advance Race Guide Playtest, and came up with some interesting results.

Fey’ri Racial Traits: Outsider (Native)
2 RP

+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Constitution
0 RP

Normal Speed: 30 feet and Fly 40 ft. (poor)
6 RP

Darkvision: Fey’ri can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
- RP

Low-light vision: Fey’ri can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and similar conditions of poor illumination.
1 RP

Elven Immunities: Fey’ri are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
2 RP

Keen Senses: Fey’ri receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
2 RP

Skilled: Fey’ri get a +2 bonus to Bluff and Stealth checks.
4 RP

Elf Blood: A fey’ri can use and create elf weapons and magic items that are specifically geared towards elves.
1 RP

Change Shape: Fey’ri can use alter self at will to assume any humanoid form and can remain in that form indefinitely.
6 RP

Demonic Abilities: Every fey’ri has four special abilities drawn from the following list:
charm person (1/day) 1RP,
clairaudience/clairvoyance (1/day) 3RP,
damage reduction 5/cold iron* 3RP,
darkness (1/day) 2RP,
detect thoughts (1/day) 2RP,
dimension door (1/day)* 4RP,
enervation (1/day)* 4RP,
fire resistance 10 2RP,
suggestion (1/day) 3RP,
+2 save vs. electricity 1RP or a
+2 save vs. poisons 1RP.
Only one ability, that has an asterisked may be chosen. All spell like abilities use the Fey’ri’s level for purposes of caster level and are Charisma based in for the purposes of DC save.
5 to 12 RP

Languages: Fey’ri start play with Abyssal, Regional dialect and Elven. Fey’ri with a high enough Intelligence score can choose any of the following bonus languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, and Sylvan.
1 RP

Total: 28 to 37 RP

I know that the Fey'ri are Wizards of the coast IP, but I just figured I try and see how many points they would cost using this.

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The main reason the Aasimar is not balanced is cause when WoTC converted it to 3.x they forgot to or intentionally left off the racial negative.

The original 2nd racial stats mod: -2 CON, +1 WIS, +1 CHR, which in 3.x conversions would equate to a -4 CON, +2 WIS, +2 CHR.

I don't have my 2nd Edition Planeswalkers Handbook with me right now, but I do remember an option, that allowed the play to trade the CHR stat increase for a STR stat increase.

While am at it the Tiefling wasn't converted correctly either, the original racial stat mod: -1 STR, +1 INT, -1 WIS, +1 CHR, which in 3.x conversion would have been -2 STR, +2 INT, -2 WIS, +2 CHR.

Most playable races originally had a net gain to Stats of +0 and they didn't differentiate based on physical and mental back then.

Since the only open content is the 3.x stuff, are friends at paizo might be sum what limited in their conversions, of course I may be entirely off based with this comment and I'm sorry.