
Darkdazzle's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I'm putting together a pirate compaign, but I want to stay away from any APs like "Skulls & Shackles". I just want to drop the party in a "pirate like location" and run a serious of evening one-shots for them to enjoy.

THE question! Or probably questions....

1. Has anyone out there done this before? IF so, what worked for you? What was your location? I'm not opposed to the Skulls & Shackles AP location.... is it event out for PF2? I'm kind-of new to things....

2. What's a good pirate location?

3. Any good pirate-like sourcebooks that Paizo put out?

4. Any good 3rd party sourcebooks I could find and convert?

5. Any feedback in general, is deeply appreciated.

Thanks all!

Hello and howdy!

I work crazy hours and don't always have time to fully prep for a gaming session. One of the things that Dungeons & Dragons has in abundance is a ton of source material for finding quick, drop-in encounters. City, sewers, forests, the road, etc...

I'm probably looking in the wrong place, but has anyone put out something like this for PF2? You know, I have some friends coming over, I just need a few encounters to drop in the city and I can link them together type of thing... I've seen the one shot adventures, the free rpg day adventures and I've been wading through the pathfinder society stuff... but I'm just not seeing the "here's a list of 6 random city encounters".

Any feedback, thoughts or direction, is deeply appreciated!

Thanks all!

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My players LOVE coming across books while adventuring! Cook books! History books! Books on the gods! You know, the standard cool stuff.... woot!

MY question, I've been trying to find the rule or rules in incorporating them into play with a mechanic. You know, you find a book titled "Secrets of the Farmers Delve", and the player can use it as a reference for lore checks about said location. Or something like that!

Is there a mechanic in place? I've just been giving the player a +1 item bonus if the book is relevent to the check... is this game breaking? A better way to handle this?

AS always, much appreciated and I hope this makes sense!


I hate to be that person. But, I'm gonna be that person. Still learning the system, so my apologies!

Regarding treasure and magic items! OH boy! I'm looking at the chart. That part, is all good! AND I'm sure this has been asked before, so please forgive me and no spanking.

MY question, which I'm sure I'm over complicating, do the item amounts LISTED get dispersed amoung the adventuring party, OR, does each member in the party look to have the listed amount?

For example, by the time the group hits 2nd lvl, it states:

Permament Items: 2nd-2 1st-2
Consumables: 2nd-2 1st-3

Total items for the party, OR each individual should have 2 2nd and 2 1st permanent items?

Perspiring minds want to know. Thanks all!

**I noticed it does state "PARTY TREASURE BY LEVEL", so I am assuming split amongst the group? Just want to be sure! Again, thanks!**


A few questions!

First, my apologies if this is in the wrong place. I've been clicking around trying to find the best area to post this, AND... gave up and figured I'd throw it up here for help. Thanks folks!

Super interested in starting a campaign in Absalom. Infact, I just purchased and received the Gold Edition of Absalom: City of Lost Omens from Beadle and Grimm. Ooo, it rocks! And, it was on sale. Even better.

Any how, I have the hardcover book as well, released in 2021. Well done! I also have the Agents of Edgewatch AP. COOL. Unsure if I want to run that right now, it's in my back pocket. The whole, "you can only knock people out thing", I'm not sure about that! I digress.

My questions! Finally!

1. Looking for OTHER adventures set in the city. Ack! The Beadle and Grimm set has a few, but I need more of mix! I don't mind writing my own, but I work a lot of hours so I am trying to use awesome stuff that I can find that's already written.

2. I did find the Pathfinder Scenarios set in Absolom page! I am going to dig in there! How are these? Good? Bad? Ugly? Are you looking for this as well? Here's the link my fellow GM's! https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Category:Pathfinder_Society_scenarios_set_i n_Absalom [browsing this, saw MOST of the modules are for D&D 3.5 OR the orginal Pathfinder! Oh my, help needed for sure!]

3. I know there was a free TTRPG Day adventure, kind-of a Big Trouble in Little China thing with, goblins? That could be fun... Anyone play through this? Thoughts?

4. Who runs their campaign there in Absalom? How's it going? Thoughts? Feedback? Tricks? Tips? Free horseback rides? Thanks!

That's all I got! I seriously appreciate any feedback and help!


Really, my party is just loving this whole idea. I have roleplayers, problem solvers, combat junkies and some unknowns totally fired-up! We ran the first session, and it was just roleplaying at the table to gain insight and knowledge, maybe BUILD those future relations with those NPCs and they loved it! NO combat for 4 hours. HOW crazy is that?

All right, really, my question is on hexploration. I stumbled across a rule modification that I REALLY liked (I posted a shout out), regarding putting the day into basically 4 phases. Sweet. All in.

NOW, there are some hexes in the game, that have pre-set locations, encounters. Yes? IN those hexes, would I ALSO roll for random encounters? Or, pretty much, that set piece is only thing to be found.

I'm a little confused, deeply appreciate feedback and comments. Thoughts? Tips and tricks?

Thank you!