
Darkdazzle's page

Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Perpdepog wrote:
You may also want to look at the scholarly journal item. That's what I've been using in my game that has a bookish PC in it.

HOLY SMOKES, this is perfect! Thank you!

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My players LOVE coming across books while adventuring! Cook books! History books! Books on the gods! You know, the standard cool stuff.... woot!

MY question, I've been trying to find the rule or rules in incorporating them into play with a mechanic. You know, you find a book titled "Secrets of the Farmers Delve", and the player can use it as a reference for lore checks about said location. Or something like that!

Is there a mechanic in place? I've just been giving the player a +1 item bonus if the book is relevent to the check... is this game breaking? A better way to handle this?

AS always, much appreciated and I hope this makes sense!

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Thanks all, I didn't realize that there were two tables. SO, one is for keeping party balance, the other is for brinigng in a player to make sure they are set for gear based on party level.

The magic, treasure amount is to be spread out over the groups adventuring as they level up.

Thank you, again!