
Darios4041's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


My players are currently at the beginning of the 3rd adventure, the assault on Blackwall Keep.
The party currently consists of:
- Sir Devenworth ('Boomph' for friends) Half-Giant Paladin 4
His god is Kelemvor and he carries a large scythe around.
- Glimdiir Shield Dwarf Druid 5
- Kiana Human female Monk 5
- Cat Moonglow female Tiefling Barbarian 4

The campaign is starting to live more and more for them as the adventure path progresses, they also like the tough fights they've had so far (really challenging --> more satisfaction)

Player characters:
Ksyron: lvl 1 Aasimar cleric of Tymora
Laucion: lvl 2 Sun Elf Wizard
Samantha: lvl 2 Human rogue

Adventure: The Whispering Cairn
Location: The Old Observatory (Filge's Hideout)

The first fight with the 3 skeltons in area resulted in a str of 6 for the wizard (who was actually good at fighting :) ) and a str of 8 for the rogue (due to the poison).
They quickly killed a the zombies in the dining hall (since they were just sitting there ) and proceded to Filge's bedroom.
The rogue decided to pick up the platinum piece on the halfling statue, which triggered the alarm (hurling said statue out of the window :) )
They then ran upstairs to the operating theatre.
Since the party won the initiative roll, the cleric quickly charged and killed the skeleton guarding Filge. The rogue and the wizard (he was out of spells) charged Filge and managed to spill some blood.
Filge quickly withdraw to the opposite corner of the room and called on his creations to help defend him.
Next round the Cleric turned the 2 troglodyte zombies (1 removed because of only having 3 players) and they fled down the stairs.
To make a long story (and fight) short, they got Filge down to 1 hp but failed to kill him, since the cleric got killed by the bugbear zombie and they just had some bad rolls.
Resulting in also my first tpk in 6 years of playing with these guys.

But although they felt bad about losing their characters, they already rolled up new ones after 30 mins.
The new party will be fun, especially since 2 players are playing 2 Half-Giant brothers (paladin and fighter) :)
I already have some ideas how they are gonna fit into the campaign so i'm looking forward to the next session.