Dar_'s page

3 posts. Organized Play character for Falkos.


Grand Lodge

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/headb and-of-the-wolf

A player can use this, sees someone going invisible and just run around the room until the invisible person is within 5ft? No "move action" required to determine direction.

I understand there is miss chances, but things like blindfight, seeking enchant, and other such negate that.

Grand Lodge

If a PC has scent, would it be allowed for them to just run around a room with a single move action, to determine when/where the invisible creature is next to them?

Seems against the spirit of scent, if not actual rules. With haste on, one can cover quite a lot of ground

Grand Lodge 1/5 **

Either due to the players being aware of a situation, or just using technically legal rules that are just trying to game a combat advantage from a turn based system. Can a GM not allow purely metagame actions.

Two actions I take some exception to. Readying a 5ft step to avoid an attack. Readying a total defense (this getting the benefits while still threatening and take AOOs). Both feel metagamey to me and an artifact of the turn based system. In a real time combat situation, neither would make "sense", in a world with magic that makes sense.