Daodras Sulravan's page

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Damon Griffin wrote:

A Wizard starting play with 18 INT, using only CRB spells and acquiring only the spells he gets free with a new level will ultimately need five spellbooks -- and how many Wizards limit themselves to just the CRB/free spells?

18 cantrips* @ 18 pages
9 1st level @ 9 pages
4 2nd level @ 8 pages
4 3rd level @ 24 pages
4 4th level @ 32 pages
4 5th level @ 40 pages
4 6th level @ 48 pages
4 7th level @ 56 pages
4 8th level @ 64 pages
4 9th level @ 72 pages (427 pages total)

I know I am necroing SUPER hard here, but why are you doubling the amount of pages needed after spell level 3?

4x3 = 12
4x4 = 16
4x5 = 20
