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No posts. Organized Play character for TechGnosis.


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So I have a boon (Mounted Tradition) that allows me to use a special mount matching my race.

If you have the divine bond or mount class feature, instead of choosing an animal companion from the list provided in the class description, you may instead call a mount from the list below so long as you are a member of the corresponding race.

Based on that wording I am guessing animal companion (such as from a druid / hunter) does not qualify, which makes me sad because I totally had a character concept I wanted to play with as a druid.

So help me out here. Paladin, Cavalier, and Samurai. What else would qualify to use this boon?

Hi folks,
Due to a number of players at my location who have played / GMed lots, trying to schedule games everyone can enjoy has become a bit of a challenge. I was looking at Gallows of Madness, as it is listed as a module with 3 parts.
My question is, are those 3 parts short enough to fit in a typical "PFS 4 hour slot" or are going to require breaking up each part into multiple sections (causing other issues). Do to scheduling, if they fit into 3 4-hour slots, its perfect, if not I need to investigate other options.

Feedback is most welcome, particularly from anyone who has run these as PFS adventures.

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Source Advanced Class Guide pg. 150
Your link with your companion creature allows you to share your magic with it.

Prerequisites: Ability to acquire an animal companion, eidolon, familiar, or special mount.

Benefit: When you are adjacent to or sharing a square with your companion creature and that companion creature has this feat, you can cast a spell on yourself and divide the duration evenly between yourself and the companion creature. You can use this feat only on spells with a duration of at least 2 rounds. For example, you could cast bull’s strength on yourself, and instead of the spell lasting 1 minute per level on yourself, it lasts 5 rounds per level on yourself and 5 rounds per level on your companion.

Once the spell is cast, you and the companion creature can move farther apart without ending the effect.


The problem lies in the wording of the Prerequisite. It requires you to have the ability to acquire an animal companion, familiar, eidolon, or special mount. It is also a teamwork feat, which requires the person (creature) you are doing it with has it as well. Unfortunately, no companion that I know of has the ability to acquire companions of their own so they are ineligible to learn it, leaving the character with no one to share it with.
I'm sure this was written with Hunters in mind, as the animal companion doesn't need to meet the feat requirements due to Hunter Tactics, and is published in the same book as the Hunter class. But Hunter is not a requirement, and it clear opens the doors to other classes with the wording in the requirement mentioning other companions.

One of my local players texted me the this question while I happened to be at GenCon, and I happened to be sitting a few tables over from John Compton so I went over and asked him. He looked over the wording, gave me his answer, then suggested I post it to the forums so that could be officially noticed and errataed. Thus this post, hopefully this is the right place to put it.


I am guessing Unchained is not PFS Core legal, even if the Unchained class was originally a core class (Looking at you Mr. Rogue)?

I just bought Hero Lab, and am in the process of importing my PFS character when I discovered an issue. Either I have been unintentionally cheating, or I found an issue with Hero Lab.
My eidolon is a quadruped with the following evolutions
*Limbs (Legs) (2)
Claws (2)
Improved Damage - Claws

When I attempt to add the Claws evolution twice Hero Lab freaks out and tells me "You must have a pair of arms to place these claws on".
Per the APG pg60 "This evolution can only be applied to the limbs (legs) evolution once. This evolution can be selected more than once, but the eidolon must possess an equal number of the limbs evolution"

I thought I was fine, per my understanding of the rules. Two pairs of legs, two pairs of claws. Am I misunderstanding the rule or is Hero Lab just being buggy?
I've played this way for a number of levels and never had a GM bat an eye at it, one even suggested I forgo the bite entirely even though it does more damage, and pick up the feat Weapon Focus - Claw and the Rend evolution, as a way to make it more effective.